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Mark Hodnett, Joshua F. Wiley, Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Pablo Maldonado
Deep learning has a range of practical applications in several domains, while R is the preferred language for designing and deploying deep learning models.This Learning Path introduces you to the basics of deep learning and even teaches you to build a neural network model from scratch. As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll explore deep learning libraries and understand how to create deep learning models for a variety of challenges, right from anomaly detection to recommendation systems. The Learning Path will then help you cover advanced topics, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), transfer learning, and large-scale deep learning in the cloud, in addition to model optimization, overfitting, and data augmentation. Through real-world projects, you’ll also get up to speed with training convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) in R.By the end of this Learning Path, you’ll be well-versed with deep learning and have the skills you need to implement a number of deep learning concepts in your research work or projects.
Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Saransh Mehta
Deep learning architectures are composed of multilevel nonlinear operations that represent high-level abstractions; this allows you to learn useful feature representations from the data. This book will help you learn and implement deep learning architectures to resolve various deep learning research problems.Hands-On Deep Learning Architectures with Python explains the essential learning algorithms used for deep and shallow architectures. Packed with practical implementations and ideas to help you build efficient artificial intelligence systems (AI), this book will help you learn how neural networks play a major role in building deep architectures. You will understand various deep learning architectures (such as AlexNet, VGG Net, GoogleNet) with easy-to-follow code and diagrams. In addition to this, the book will also guide you in building and training various deep architectures such as the Boltzmann mechanism, autoencoders, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), natural language processing (NLP), GAN, and more—all with practical implementations.By the end of this book, you will be able to construct deep models using popular frameworks and datasets with the required design patterns for each architecture. You will be ready to explore the potential of deep architectures in today's world.
Sebastian Raschka, Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Vahid Mirjalili, Dmytro Dzhulgakov
Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn is a comprehensive guide to machine learning and deep learning with PyTorch. It acts as both a step-by-step tutorial and a reference you'll keep coming back to as you build your machine learning systems.Packed with clear explanations, visualizations, and examples, the book covers all the essential machine learning techniques in depth. While some books teach you only to follow instructions, with this machine learning book, we teach the principles allowing you to build models and applications for yourself.Why PyTorch?PyTorch is the Pythonic way to learn machine learning, making it easier to learn and simpler to code with. This book explains the essential parts of PyTorch and how to create models using popular libraries, such as PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch Geometric.You will also learn about generative adversarial networks (GANs) for generating new data and training intelligent agents with reinforcement learning. Finally, this new edition is expanded to cover the latest trends in deep learning, including graph neural networks and large-scale transformers used for natural language processing (NLP).This PyTorch book is your companion to machine learning with Python, whether you're a Python developer new to machine learning or want to deepen your knowledge of the latest developments.
Python Machine Learning By Example, Third Edition serves as a comprehensive gateway into the world of machine learning (ML).With six new chapters, on topics including movie recommendation engine development with Naïve Bayes, recognizing faces with support vector machine, predicting stock prices with artificial neural networks, categorizing images of clothing with convolutional neural networks, predicting with sequences using recurring neural networks, and leveraging reinforcement learning for making decisions, the book has been considerably updated for the latest enterprise requirements.At the same time, this book provides actionable insights on the key fundamentals of ML with Python programming. Hayden applies his expertise to demonstrate implementations of algorithms in Python, both from scratch and with libraries.Each chapter walks through an industry-adopted application. With the help of realistic examples, you will gain an understanding of the mechanics of ML techniques in areas such as exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, classification, regression, clustering, and NLP.By the end of this ML Python book, you will have gained a broad picture of the ML ecosystem and will be well-versed in the best practices of applying ML techniques to solve problems.
The surge in interest in machine learning (ML) is due to the fact that it revolutionizes automation by learning patterns in data and using them to make predictions and decisions. If you’re interested in ML, this book will serve as your entry point to ML.Python Machine Learning By Example begins with an introduction to important ML concepts and implementations using Python libraries. Each chapter of the book walks you through an industry adopted application. You’ll implement ML techniques in areas such as exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, and natural language processing (NLP) in a clear and easy-to-follow way.With the help of this extended and updated edition, you’ll understand how to tackle data-driven problems and implement your solutions with the powerful yet simple Python language and popular Python packages and tools such as TensorFlow, scikit-learn, gensim, and Keras. To aid your understanding of popular ML algorithms, the book covers interesting and easy-to-follow examples such as news topic modeling and classification, spam email detection, stock price forecasting, and more.By the end of the book, you’ll have put together a broad picture of the ML ecosystem and will be well-versed with the best practices of applying ML techniques to make the most out of new opportunities.
Python Machine Learning By Example. The easiest way to get into machine learning
Data science and machine learning are some of the top buzzwords in the technical world today. A resurging interest in machine learning is due to the same factors that have made data mining and Bayesian analysis more popular than ever. This book is your entry point to machine learning. This book starts with an introduction to machine learning and the Python language and shows you how to complete the setup. Moving ahead, you will learn all the important concepts such as, exploratory data analysis, data preprocessing, feature extraction, data visualization and clustering, classification, regression and model performance evaluation. With the help of various projects included, you will find it intriguing to acquire the mechanics of several important machine learning algorithms – they are no more obscure as they thought. Also, you will be guided step by step to build your own models from scratch. Toward the end, you will gather a broad picture of the machine learning ecosystem and best practices of applying machine learning techniques. Through this book, you will learn to tackle data-driven problems and implement your solutions with the powerful yet simple language, Python. Interesting and easy-to-follow examples, to name some, news topic classification, spam email detection, online ad click-through prediction, stock prices forecast, will keep you glued till you reach your goal.
The fourth edition of Python Machine Learning By Example is a comprehensive guide for beginners and experienced machine learning practitioners who want to learn more advanced techniques, such as multimodal modeling. Written by experienced machine learning author and ex-Google machine learning engineer Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, this edition emphasizes best practices, providing invaluable insights for machine learning engineers, data scientists, and analysts.Explore advanced techniques, including two new chapters on natural language processing transformers with BERT and GPT, and multimodal computer vision models with PyTorch and Hugging Face. You’ll learn key modeling techniques using practical examples, such as predicting stock prices and creating an image search engine.This hands-on machine learning book navigates through complex challenges, bridging the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application. Elevate your machine learning and deep learning expertise, tackle intricate problems, and unlock the potential of advanced techniques in machine learning with this authoritative guide.
Python. Uczenie maszynowe w przykładach. TensorFlow 2, PyTorch i scikit-learn. Wydanie III
Systemy oparte na uczeniu maszynowym są coraz bardziej wyrafinowane. Spośród wielu narzędzi służących do implementacji algorytmów uczenia maszynowego najpopularniejszy okazał się Python wraz z jego bibliotekami. Znajomość tych narzędzi umożliwia sprawne tworzenie systemów uczących się, jednak uzyskanie spektakularnych wyników wymaga doświadczenia i wprawy. Konieczne są więc ćwiczenia i praktyka w samodzielnym rozwiązywaniu problemów. To trzecie wydanie popularnego podręcznika, który ułatwi Ci zdobycie praktycznej wiedzy o uczeniu maszynowym w Pythonie. Zapoznasz się z różnymi technikami implementacji algorytmów uczenia maszynowego. Przeanalizujesz rzeczywiste przykłady techniki eksploracyjnej analizy danych, inżynierii cech, klasyfikacji danych, regresji, klastrowania i przetwarzania języka naturalnego. To wydanie uzupełniono o najnowsze zagadnienia ważne dla biznesu, takie jak tworzenie systemu rekomendacji, rozpoznawanie twarzy, prognozowanie cen akcji, klasyfikowanie zdjęć, prognozowanie sekwencji danych i zastosowanie uczenia przez wzmacnianie w podejmowaniu decyzji. Dzięki książce poznasz omawiane zagadnienia od strony praktycznej i zdobędziesz wiedzę potrzebną do skutecznego rozwiązywania problemów z systemami uczącymi się. W książce między innymi: gruntowne podstawy uczenia maszynowego i nauki o danych techniki eksploracji i analizy danych za pomocą kodu Pythona trenowanie modeli za pomocą Apache Spark przetwarzanie języka naturalnego przy użyciu bibliotek Pythona praktyczne wdrażanie modeli i algorytmów uczenia maszynowego korzystanie z bibliotek Pythona: TensorFlow 2, PyTorch i scikit-learn Wypróbuj najlepsze praktyki uczenia maszynowego z Pythonem!
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a branch of machine learning that has gained popularity in recent times. It allows you to train AI models that learn from their own actions and optimize their behavior. PyTorch has also emerged as the preferred tool for training RL models because of its efficiency and ease of use.With this book, you'll explore the important RL concepts and the implementation of algorithms in PyTorch 1.x. The recipes in the book, along with real-world examples, will help you master various RL techniques, such as dynamic programming, Monte Carlo simulations, temporal difference, and Q-learning. You'll also gain insights into industry-specific applications of these techniques. Later chapters will guide you through solving problems such as the multi-armed bandit problem and the cartpole problem using the multi-armed bandit algorithm and function approximation. You'll also learn how to use Deep Q-Networks to complete Atari games, along with how to effectively implement policy gradients. Finally, you'll discover how RL techniques are applied to Blackjack, Gridworld environments, internet advertising, and the Flappy Bird game.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills you need to implement popular RL algorithms and use RL techniques to solve real-world problems.
R Deep Learning Projects. Master the techniques to design and develop neural network models in R
Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Pablo Maldonado
R is a popular programming language used by statisticians and mathematicians for statistical analysis, and is popularly used for deep learning. Deep Learning, as we all know, is one of the trending topics today, and is finding practical applications in a lot of domains.This book demonstrates end-to-end implementations of five real-world projects on popular topics in deep learning such as handwritten digit recognition, traffic light detection, fraud detection, text generation, and sentiment analysis. You'll learn how to train effective neural networks in R—including convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and LSTMs—and apply them in practical scenarios. The book also highlights how neural networks can be trained using GPU capabilities. You will use popular R libraries and packages—such as MXNetR, H2O, deepnet, and more—to implement the projects. By the end of this book, you will have a better understanding of deep learning concepts and techniques and how to use them in a practical setting.