Autor: James Freeman

Ansible 2 w praktyce. Automatyzacja infrastruktury, zarządzanie konfiguracją i wdrażanie aplikacji

Daniel Oh, James Freeman, Fabio Alessandro Locati

Framework Ansible jest potężnym narzędziem służącym do automatyzacji wdrożeń oprogramowania i zarządzania jego konfiguracjami. Oferuje proste i bardzo przydatne funkcje przeznaczone do automatyzacji wielowarstwowych środowisk za pomocą komunikacji niewymagającej agenta. Przydaje się także do obsługi ciągłej integracji i wdrażania oprogramowania (CI/CD) bez żadnego przestoju. Może służyć do różnych celów: przygotowania infrastruktury jako kodu, wdrożeń aplikacji czy automatyzacji codziennych, czasochłonnych zadań. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla osób zajmujących się automatyzacją - od żmudnych codziennych zadań po złożone wdrożenia infrastruktury jako kodu. Ten praktyczny przewodnik pozwoli na sprawne rozpoczęcie korzystania z frameworka Ansible 2.9. Na początku pokazano, jak go zainstalować i skonfigurować, później zaprezentowano proste, jednowierszowe polecenia automatyzacji, aby stopniowo wprowadzać czytelników do tworzenia własnego kodu rozszerzającego możliwości Ansible, a nawet automatyzującego infrastrukturę chmury i kontenerów. Znalazło się tu mnóstwo praktycznych przykładów kodu, a zdobyte umiejętności pozwolą na korzystanie z Ansible w sposób skalowalny, powtarzalny i niezawodny. W książce: podstawy pracy z frameworkiem Ansible konfiguracja zależności i zmiennych bazujących na rolach unikanie najczęściej popełnianych błędów podczas tworzenia kodu w Ansible tworzenie modułów i wtyczek dla Ansible rozwiązywanie problemów podczas wykonywania scenariuszy Ansible Żmudne i nudne? Ansible wykona to za Ciebie!


Hands-On Enterprise Automation on Linux. Efficiently perform large-scale Linux infrastructure automation with Ansible

James Freeman

Automation is paramount if you want to run Linux in your enterprise effectively. It helps you minimize costs by reducing manual operations, ensuring compliance across data centers, and accelerating deployments for your cloud infrastructures.Complete with detailed explanations, practical examples, and self-assessment questions, this book will teach you how to manage your Linux estate and leverage Ansible to achieve effective levels of automation. You'll learn important concepts on standard operating environments that lend themselves to automation, and then build on this knowledge by applying Ansible to achieve standardization throughout your Linux environments.By the end of this Linux automation book, you'll be able to build, deploy, and manage an entire estate of Linux servers with higher reliability and lower overheads than ever before.


Mastering Ansible. Automate configuration management and overcome deployment challenges with Ansible - Fourth Edition

James Freeman, Jesse Keating

Ansible is a modern, YAML-based automation tool (built on top of Python, one of the world’s most popular programming languages) with a massive and ever-growing user base. Its popularity and Python underpinnings make it essential learning for all in the DevOps space.This fourth edition of Mastering Ansible provides complete coverage of Ansible automation, from the design and architecture of the tool and basic automation with playbooks to writing and debugging your own Python-based extensions.You'll learn how to build automation workflows with Ansible’s extensive built-in library of collections, modules, and plugins. You'll then look at extending the modules and plugins with Python-based code and even build your own collections — ultimately learning how to give back to the Ansible community.By the end of this Ansible book, you'll be confident in all aspects of Ansible automation, from the fundamentals of playbook design to getting under the hood and extending and adapting Ansible to solve new automation challenges.


Mastering Ansible. Effectively automate configuration management and deployment challenges with Ansible 2.7 - Third Edition

James Freeman, Jesse Keating

Automation is essential for success in the modern world of DevOps. Ansible provides a simple, yet powerful, automation engine for tackling complex automation challenges.This book will take you on a journey that will help you exploit the latest version's advanced features to help you increase efficiency and accomplish complex orchestrations. This book will help you understand how Ansible 2.7 works at a fundamental level and will also teach you to leverage its advanced capabilities. Throughout this book, you will learn how to encrypt Ansible content at rest and decrypt data at runtime. Next, this book will act as an ideal resource to help you master the advanced features and capabilities required to tackle complex automation challenges. Later, it will walk you through workflows, use cases, orchestrations, troubleshooting, and Ansible extensions. Lastly, you will examine and debug Ansible operations, helping you to understand and resolve issues.By the end of the book, you will be able to unlock the true power of the Ansible automation engine and tackle complex, real- world actions with ease.


Practical Ansible 2. Automate infrastructure, manage configuration, and deploy applications with Ansible 2.9

Daniel Oh, James Freeman, Fabio Alessandro Locati

Ansible enables you to automate software provisioning, configuration management, and application roll-outs, and can be used as a deployment and orchestration tool. While Ansible provides simple yet powerful features to automate multi-layer environments using agentless communication, it can also solve other critical IT challenges, such as ensuring continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) with zero downtime.In this book, you'll work with Ansible 2.9 and learn to solve complex issues quickly with the help of task-oriented scenarios. You'll start by installing and configuring Ansible on Linux and macOS to automate monotonous and repetitive IT tasks and get to grips with concepts such as playbooks, inventories, and network modules. As you progress, you'll gain insight into the YAML syntax and learn how to port between Ansible versions. In addition to this, you'll also understand how Ansible enables you to orchestrate multi-layer environments such as networks, containers, and the cloud.By the end of this Ansible book, you'll be well - versed in writing playbooks and other related Ansible code to overcome just about all of your IT challenges, from infrastructure-as-code provisioning to application deployments, and even handling the mundane day-to-day maintenance tasks that take up so much valuable time.


Practical Ansible. Learn how to automate infrastructure, manage configuration, and deploy applications - Second Edition

James Freeman, Fabio Alessandro Locati, Daniel Oh

Ansible empowers you to automate a myriad of tasks, including software provisioning, configuration management, infrastructure deployment, and application rollouts. It can be used as a deployment tool as well as an orchestration tool. While Ansible provides simple yet powerful features to automate multi-layer environments using agentless communication, it can also solve other critical IT challenges, such as ensuring continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) with zero downtime.In this book, you'll work with the latest release of Ansible and learn how to solve complex issues quickly with the help of task-oriented scenarios. You'll start by installing and configuring Ansible on Linux and macOS to automate monotonous and repetitive IT tasks and learn concepts such as playbooks, inventories, and roles. As you progress, you'll gain insight into the YAML syntax and learn how to port between Ansible versions. Additionally, you'll understand how Ansible enables you to orchestrate multi-layer environments such as networks, containers, and the cloud.By the end of this Ansible book, you'll be well versed in writing playbooks and other related Ansible code to overcome all your IT challenges, from infrastructure-as-a-code provisioning to application deployments and handling mundane day-to-day maintenance tasks.