Автор: Andrew Bird

Andrew Bird kieruje zespołami programistów i analityków danych w Vesparum. Jest australijskim aktuariuszem.

Eлектронна книга

Django. Tworzenie nowoczesnych aplikacji internetowych w Pythonie

Ben Shaw, Saurabh Badhwar, Andrew Bird, Bharath Chandra K S, ...

Django zaskarbił sobie uznanie wielu programistów. Jest to platforma, która udostępnia wszystkie narzędzia potrzebne do tworzenia aplikacji internetowych w Pythonie. To również narzędzie pozwalające na sprawne rozpoczęcie pracy i rozwijanie solidnego i bezpiecznego kodu. Aby jednak zapewnić sobie satysfakcję, a tworzonym projektom profesjonalną jakość, trzeba przyswoić koncepcje i zasady pracy z Django. Dzięki temu praktycznemu przewodnikowi po Django zdobędziesz wiedzę i pewność siebie potrzebne do budowania rzeczywistych aplikacji w Pythonie. W przystępny sposób opisano tu podstawowe koncepcje i funkcje Django, a następnie pokazano poszczególne etapy cyklu rozwoju rzeczywistej aplikacji internetowej. Dla celów dydaktycznych ten dość złożony projekt został podzielony na zbiór mniejszych zadań, dzięki czemu Twoja nauka będzie przebiegała w sposób efektywny i przemyślany. W trakcie wykonywania ćwiczeń zdobędziesz praktyczne umiejętności, niezbędne do budowy przyjemnych w użytkowaniu aplikacji WWW. Przekonasz się, że Django pozwala na efektywne i satysfakcjonujące budowanie nawet bardzo ambitnych projektów! W książce między innymi: konfiguracja projektu Django, szablony HTML i modele danych w Django podstawowe elementy aplikacji internetowej, w tym sesje i uwierzytelnianie dodawanie interfejsów API typu REST do aplikacji Django korzystanie z zewnętrznych bibliotek Django testowanie kodu za pomocą platform testowych Django i Pythona Django ma wszystko, czego wymaga najlepszy projektant aplikacji WWW!

Eлектронна книга

The Python Workshop. Learn to code in Python and kickstart your career in software development or data science

Andrew Bird, Dr. Lau Cher Han, Mario Corchero Jiménez, Graham Lee, ...

Have you always wanted to learn Python, but never quite known how to start?More applications than we realize are being developed using Python because it is easy to learn, read, and write. You can now start learning the language quickly and effectively with the help of this interactive tutorial.The Python Workshop starts by showing you how to correctly apply Python syntax to write simple programs, and how to use appropriate Python structures to store and retrieve data. You'll see how to handle files, deal with errors, and use classes and methods to write concise, reusable, and efficient code.As you advance, you'll understand how to use the standard library, debug code to troubleshoot problems, and write unit tests to validate application behavior.You'll gain insights into using the pandas and NumPy libraries for analyzing data, and the graphical libraries of Matplotlib and Seaborn to create impactful data visualizations. By focusing on entry-level data science, you'll build your practical Python skills in a way that mirrors real-world development. Finally, you'll discover the key steps in building and using simple machine learning algorithms.By the end of this Python book, you'll have the knowledge, skills and confidence to creatively tackle your own ambitious projects with Python.

Eлектронна книга

The Python Workshop. Write Python code to solve challenging real-world problems - Second Edition

Corey Wade, Mario Corchero Jiménez, Andrew Bird, Dr. Lau Cher Han, ...

Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world. It’s ideal for beginners because it’s easy to read and write, and for developers, because it’s widely available with a strong support community, extensive documentation, and phenomenal libraries – both built-in and user-contributed.This project-based course has been designed by a team of expert authors to get you up and running with Python. You’ll work though engaging projects that’ll enable you to leverage your newfound Python skills efficiently in technical jobs, personal projects, and job interviews. The book will help you gain an edge in data science, web development, and software development, preparing you to tackle real-world challenges in Python and pursue advanced topics on your own. Throughout the chapters, each component has been explicitly designed to engage and stimulate different parts of the brain so that you can retain and apply what you learn in the practical context with maximum impact.By completing the course from start to finish, you’ll walk away feeling capable of tackling any real-world Python development problem.

Eлектронна книга

Web Development with Django. Learn to build modern web applications with a Python-based framework

Ben Shaw, Saurabh Badhwar, Andrew Bird, Bharath Chandra K S, ...

Do you want to develop reliable and secure applications which stand out from the crowd, rather than spending hours on boilerplate code? Then the Django framework is where you should begin. Often referred to as a 'batteries included' web development framework, Django comes with all the core features needed to build a standalone application.Web Development with Django takes this philosophy and equips you with the knowledge and confidence to build real-world applications using Python.Starting with the essential concepts of Django, you'll cover its major features by building a website called Bookr – a repository for book reviews. This end-to-end case study is split into a series of bitesize projects that are presented as exercises and activities, allowing you to challenge yourself in an enjoyable and attainable way.As you progress, you'll learn various practical skills, including how to serve static files to add CSS, JavaScript, and images to your application, how to implement forms to accept user input, and how to manage sessions to ensure a reliable user experience. Throughout this book, you'll cover key daily tasks that are part of the development cycle of a real-world web application.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills and confidence to creatively tackle your own ambitious projects with Django.