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Data Science
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Web development
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book, part of the best-selling Pocket Primer series, offers a comprehensive introduction to essential Python tools for data scientists. It begins with an overview of Python basics, followed by in-depth coverage of NumPy and Pandas, focusing on their features and applications. The text also addresses the critical tasks of writing regular expressions and performing data cleaning.Further sections delve into data visualization techniques and the use of Sklearn and SciPy, providing practical knowledge and skills for handling complex data analysis tasks. This structured approach ensures that readers gain a complete understanding of the tools and techniques necessary for effective data science.Designed to be accessible yet thorough, this book includes numerous code samples to reinforce learning. Companion files with source code are available for download, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to master Python for data science and enhance their data analysis capabilities.
SQL Pocket Primer. A Comprehensive Guide to SQL and MySQL for Data Professionals
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
As part of the best-selling Pocket Primer series, this book is designed for data scientists and machine learning engineers seeking to deepen their SQL knowledge using MySQL as the primary RDBMS. It features Python-based code samples for accessing data from MySQL tables in Pandas data frames and Java-based samples for data access in MySQL, along with handling XML and JSON documents.The book also introduces NoSQL, with an overview of MongoDB, and SQLite, an open-source RDBMS for mobile devices. The final section covers diverse topics like normalization, schemas, database optimization, and performance. This comprehensive approach ensures a well-rounded understanding of SQL and related technologies, enhancing data manipulation and database management skills.Numerous code samples and listings throughout the book support the various topics covered. Companion files with source code and figures are available from the publisher, making this an essential resource for advancing your SQL proficiency and database management expertise.
Surviving A Cyberattack. A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Security for Families and Businesses
Mercury Learning and Information, Todd G. Shipley, Art Bowker
This essential guide empowers individuals, families, and small business owners to secure their digital environments. Beginning with the basics of cybersecurity, it explores practical strategies for protecting social media, safeguarding family members, and securing online transactions. Readers will learn actionable techniques to defend against cyber threats and protect digital assets.With dedicated chapters on small business security, responding to cyberattacks, and navigating future digital trends, this book delivers practical, step-by-step advice. It ensures readers are equipped to tackle the challenges of modern digital security with confidence and clarity.By the end, readers will gain the skills to identify threats, respond effectively, and build a safer digital presence for themselves and their loved ones. This guide is perfect for anyone seeking to enhance their online security, regardless of prior experience.
Tech Trends of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Navigating the Future of Technology in Business
Mercury Learning and Information, D. Pyo, J. Hwang, Y. Yoon
The term 4th Industrial Revolution is often mentioned in the media, but public understanding of its technologies lags behind their rapid development. This book bridges the gap, explaining essential technologies like IoT, blockchain, AI, cloud computing, and big data. It aims to enhance comprehension by minimizing technical content.The book introduces key technologies and their applications, emphasizing their importance in contemporary business models. Readers will find accessible descriptions and practical examples to aid understanding. Covering topics and trends vital for modern business, this book ensures readers grasp the technological landscape shaping the future.Throughout the book, you'll explore how these technologies are revolutionizing industries and their integration into business strategies. This journey provides a comprehensive understanding of the 4th Industrial Revolution, equipping readers with the knowledge needed to navigate and leverage these advancements effectively.
Mercury Learning and Information, Mehrzad Tabatabaian
This book is a comprehensive guide to tensor analysis for engineers and applied scientists, focusing on practical problem-solving in Euclidean space. It covers Cartesian coordinate systems and curvilinear coordinates like cylindrical and spherical, with examples and calculations. Expanded content includes rigid body rotation, Cartesian tensors, Euler angles, and quaternion methods.The course begins with coordinate systems, moving through curvilinear systems, basis vectors, and scale factors. It covers contravariant and physical components, tensor transformations, and mixed and metric tensors. Advanced topics include gradient operators, derivative forms, Cartesian tensor transformations, and coordinate-independent equations. The book features relations for selected coordinate systems, rigid body rotation methods, and numerous worked-out examples and exercises.Mastering tensor analysis is crucial for complex engineering and science problems. This book transitions from basic concepts to advanced applications, blending theory with practical examples. Clear explanations, figures, and exercises enhance learning, making this an essential resource for tensor analysis in Euclidean space.
TensorFlow 2 Pocket Primer. A Quick Reference Guide for TensorFlow 2 Developers
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
As part of the best-selling *Pocket Primer* series, this book introduces beginners to basic machine learning algorithms using TensorFlow 2. It provides a fast-paced introduction to TensorFlow, covering core features and machine learning basics with Python code samples. An appendix includes Keras-based code samples and explores MLPs, CNNs, RNNs, and LSTMs. The chapters illustrate how to solve various tasks, encouraging further reading to deepen your knowledge.The journey begins with an introduction to TensorFlow 2, followed by essential APIs and datasets. You'll explore linear regression and classifiers, learning to apply TensorFlow to practical problems. The comprehensive appendix covers advanced topics like NLPs and deep learning architectures, enhancing your understanding of machine learning.Understanding these concepts is crucial for modern AI applications. This book transitions readers from basic TensorFlow use to advanced machine learning techniques, blending theory with practical examples. Companion files with source code and figures enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering TensorFlow and machine learning.
Mercury Learning and Information, Andres Fortino
This book leverages advanced techniques and tools in data science to extend data analysis from numeric and categorical data to textual data. Designed for business analysts, it uses a case study approach to teach skills in extracting insights from text data, supporting business decision-making. Exercises primarily use Excel and R, covering techniques from basic text analytics to sophisticated methods like topic extraction and text similarity scoring.The course begins with framing analytical questions and exploring analytical tool sets. It progresses through preparing data files, performing word frequency and keyword analysis, and conducting sentiment analysis. Advanced topics include visualizing text data, coding, named entity recognition, and topic recognition in documents. The book also covers text similarity scoring and the analysis of large datasets by sampling.Throughout this journey, readers will apply the CRISP-DM data mining standard, using companion files with numerous datasets for practical exercises. By the end, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of text analytics, enabling them to derive meaningful insights from textual data to inform business strategies.
Mercury Learning and Information, Mark Lamplugh
This book offers a comprehensive guide to integrating AI into modern marketing strategies, transforming how businesses engage with audiences. It begins with an overview of AI’s role in marketing, its evolution, and its benefits in driving innovation. Early chapters cover foundational topics like AI, machine learning, and data preparation for effective AI implementation.The book then explores practical applications, such as analyzing customer behavior for personalized experiences and using AI-powered chatbots for improved customer service. You’ll learn to apply image and video recognition for visual marketing and leverage AI for social media strategies that boost engagement. The book also covers predictive analytics, AI-driven email marketing, and techniques to optimize SEO and content marketing.Further chapters focus on automating marketing processes and using AI to support sales enablement with actionable insights. The final chapter discusses ethical considerations and the future of AI in marketing, emphasizing the balance between automation and human creativity. This book equips marketing professionals and business leaders with the tools to harness AI’s potential for impactful marketing strategies.