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Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book teaches Python 3 programming and data visualization, exploring cutting-edge techniques with ChatGPT/GPT-4 for generating compelling visuals. It starts with Python essentials, covering basic data types, loops, functions, and advanced constructs like dictionaries and matrices. The journey progresses to NumPy's array operations and data visualization using libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn. The book also covers tools like SVG graphics and D3 for dynamic visualizations.The course begins with foundational Python concepts, moves into NumPy and data visualization with Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn. Advanced chapters explore ChatGPT and GPT-4, demonstrating their use in creating data visualizations from datasets like the Titanic. Each chapter builds on the previous one, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of Python and visualization techniques.These concepts are crucial for Python practitioners, data scientists, and anyone in data analytics. This book transitions readers from basic Python programming to advanced data visualization, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Companion files with code, datasets, and figures enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering Python and data visualization.
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book teaches Python 3 programming and data visualization, exploring cutting-edge techniques with ChatGPT/GPT-4 for generating compelling visuals. It starts with Python essentials, covering basic data types, loops, functions, and advanced constructs like dictionaries and matrices. The journey progresses to NumPy's array operations and data visualization using libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn. The book also covers tools like SVG graphics and D3 for dynamic visualizations.The course begins with foundational Python concepts, moves into NumPy and data visualization with Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn. Advanced chapters explore ChatGPT and GPT-4, demonstrating their use in creating data visualizations from datasets like the Titanic. Each chapter builds on the previous one, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of Python and visualization techniques.These concepts are crucial for Python practitioners, data scientists, and anyone in data analytics. This book transitions readers from basic Python programming to advanced data visualization, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Companion files with code, datasets, and figures enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering Python and data visualization.
Python 3 for Machine Learning. Harness the Power of Python for Advanced Machine Learning Projects
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book introduces basic Python 3 programming concepts related to machine learning. The first four chapters provide a fast-paced introduction to Python 3, NumPy, and Pandas. The fifth chapter covers fundamental machine learning concepts. The sixth chapter dives into machine learning classifiers, such as logistic regression, k-NN, decision trees, random forests, and SVMs. The final chapter includes material on natural language processing (NLP) and reinforcement learning (RL). Keras-based code samples supplement the theoretical discussion.The course begins with Python basics, including conditional logic, loops, functions, and collections. It then explores data manipulation with NumPy and Pandas. The journey continues with an introduction to machine learning, focusing on essential concepts and classifiers. Advanced topics like NLP and RL are covered, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of machine learning.These concepts are crucial for developing machine learning applications. This book transitions readers from basic Python programming to advanced machine learning techniques, blending theory with practical skills. Appendices for regular expressions, Keras, and TensorFlow 2, along with companion files, enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering Python and machine learning.
Python 3 Using ChatGPT / GPT-4. Harnessing AI for Efficient Python Programming
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book is for people who want to learn Python 3 and how to use ChatGPT with Python. It starts with an introduction to Python programming, covering data types, number formatting, Unicode handling, and text manipulation. The book then covers loops, conditional logic, reserved words, user input, exception management, and command-line arguments.The journey continues into Generative AI, discussing its distinction from Conversational AI. Popular platforms like ChatGPT and GPT-4 are explored, along with their strengths, weaknesses, and potential applications. The book shows how to generate Python 3 code samples via ChatGPT using the “Code Interpreter” plugin.Understanding these concepts is crucial for navigating Python and AI. This book transitions readers from basic Python programming to advanced AI applications, blending theory with practical skills. Companion files with code samples and figures enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering Python and ChatGPT.
Python. An Introduction to Python Programming
Mercury Learning and Information, James R. Parker
This book introduces programming concepts using Python 3, designed for beginners and hobbyists with no prior programming experience. It covers loops, strings, functions, files, graphics, multimedia, algorithms, classes, and more. Many examples are based on video game development, making learning engaging and practical. The book uses a just-in-time presentation style, providing material when it's needed, and includes companion files with source code, exercises, projects, and figures.The course starts with an overview of modern computers and basic programming concepts. It progresses through topics like repetition, sequences, functions, file input/output, classes, graphics, data manipulation, and multimedia. The latter chapters focus on basic algorithms, programming for the sciences, writing good programs, parsing, and communicating using graphics and Pygame.By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of programming fundamentals, enhanced by practical applications in video game development. This approach not only makes learning enjoyable but also equips students with the skills needed for further studies in computer science and programming.
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This Pocket Primer book introduces the fundamentals of data structures using Python. It provides a comprehensive yet fast-paced introduction to core Python concepts and data structures, emphasizing their importance in managing large datasets and implementing search and sort algorithms effectively. The course starts with a basic introduction to Python, setting a solid foundation for more complex topics.The journey continues with an exploration of recursion and combinatorics, followed by detailed discussions on strings, arrays, and various search and sort algorithms. Further, the book delves into linked lists, queues, and stacks, illustrating their practical applications with numerous code samples. This structured approach ensures that learners can progressively build their knowledge and skills in data structures, reinforced by hands-on coding examples.With companion files available for download, the book provides additional resources for practice and deeper understanding. This comprehensive guide is ideal for both beginners and those looking to strengthen their grasp of data structures in Python, equipping them with essential tools for managing and manipulating large datasets.
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book is designed for developers with little to no experience in Python or Pandas, providing a fast-paced introduction to Python programming and practical solutions to various tasks. The journey begins with a quick tour of basic Python 3, followed by a deep dive into loops and conditional logic. The text covers data structures extensively, and includes tasks involving strings and arrays.As the reader progresses, object-oriented programming concepts are introduced with illustrative code samples, along with an exploration of recursion and fundamental topics in combinatorics. An appendix provides an introduction to Pandas, equipping readers with essential tools for data manipulation and analysis.This book offers a comprehensive yet concise learning path, reinforced by numerous code samples and companion files available for download. It is an invaluable resource for beginners seeking to master Python and Pandas, providing a solid foundation for further exploration in programming and data science.
Python for TensorFlow Pocket Primer. A Quick Guide to Python Libraries for TensorFlow Developers
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
As part of the best-selling *Pocket Primer* series, this book prepares programmers for machine learning and deep learning with TensorFlow. It begins with a quick introduction to Python, followed by chapters on NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn. The final chapters provide TensorFlow 1.x code samples, including detailed examples for TensorFlow Dataset, crucial for TensorFlow 2.The journey starts with Python basics and progresses through essential data manipulation and visualization libraries. You'll explore machine learning fundamentals with scikit-learn before diving into TensorFlow, learning to construct data pipelines with TensorFlow Dataset APIs like map(), filter(), and batch().Understanding these concepts is vital for modern AI applications. This book transitions readers from basic programming to advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques, blending theory with practical skills. Companion files with source code enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering Python, machine learning, and TensorFlow.