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Biznes i ekonomia
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
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Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
Mercury Learning and Information, Roger W. Pryor
This updated edition of the book explores COMSOL 5 and MATLAB, essential modeling tools for engineers and scientists. It includes five new models and covers systems from 0D to 3D, introducing numerical analysis techniques in COMSOL 5.6 and MATLAB. Using examples from electromagnetic, electronic, optical, thermal physics, and biomedical models, the book provides fundamental concepts and step-by-step instructions for building each model. Companion files include all models and related animations.The course starts with modeling methodology and material properties, progressing through 0D electrical circuit interface, 1D, 2D, 2D axisymmetric, 2D simple and complex mixed mode, and 3D modeling. Advanced topics like Perfectly Matched Layer models and Bioheat models are also covered. Each chapter builds on the previous one, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of modeling techniques.Understanding these concepts is crucial for developing and analyzing engineering, science, and biomedical systems. This book transitions readers from basic to advanced modeling, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Companion files enhance the learning experience, making this an essential resource for mastering COMSOL 5 and MATLAB.
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book introduces developers to basic concepts in NLP and machine learning, providing numerous code samples to support the topics covered. The journey begins with introductory material on NumPy and Pandas, essential for data manipulation. Following this, chapters delve into NLP concepts, algorithms, and toolkits, providing a solid foundation in natural language processing.As you progress, the book covers machine learning fundamentals and classifiers, demonstrating how these techniques are applied in NLP. Practical examples using TF2 and Keras illustrate how to implement various NLP tasks. Advanced topics include the Transformer architecture, BERT-based models, and the GPT family of models, showcasing the latest advancements in the field.The final chapters and appendices offer a comprehensive overview of related topics, including data and statistics, Python3, regular expressions, and data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn. Companion files with source code and figures ensure a hands-on learning experience. This book equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in NLP and machine learning.
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book is for developers seeking an overview of basic concepts in Natural Language Processing (NLP). It caters to those with varied technical backgrounds, offering numerous code samples and listings to illustrate the wide range of topics covered. The journey begins with managing data relevant to NLP, followed by two chapters on fundamental NLP concepts. This foundation is reinforced with Python code samples that bring these concepts to life.The book then delves into practical NLP applications, such as sentiment analysis, recommender systems, COVID-19 analysis, spam detection, and chatbots. These examples provide real-world context and demonstrate how NLP techniques can be applied to solve common problems. The final chapter introduces advanced topics, including the Transformer architecture, BERT-based models, and the GPT family, highlighting the latest state-of-the-art developments in the field.Appendices offer additional resources, including Python code samples on regular expressions and probability/statistical concepts, ensuring a well-rounded understanding. Companion files with source code and figures enhance the learning experience, making this book a comprehensive guide for mastering NLP techniques and applications.
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book is for developers seeking an overview of basic concepts in Natural Language Processing (NLP). It caters to a technical audience, offering numerous code samples and listings to illustrate the wide range of topics covered. The journey begins with managing data relevant to NLP, followed by two chapters on fundamental NLP concepts. This foundation is reinforced with Python code samples that bring these concepts to life.The book then delves into practical NLP applications, such as sentiment analysis, recommender systems, COVID-19 analysis, spam detection, and chatbots. These examples provide real-world context and demonstrate how NLP techniques can be applied to solve common problems. The final chapter introduces advanced topics, including the Transformer architecture, BERT-based models, and the GPT family, highlighting the latest state-of-the-art developments in the field.Appendices offer additional resources, including Python code samples on regular expressions and probability/statistical concepts, ensuring a well-rounded understanding. Companion files with source code and figures enhance the learning experience, making this book a comprehensive guide for mastering NLP techniques and applications.
Navigating the Stock Market. A Practical Guide for Buying, Selling, and AI Risk Management
Mercury Learning and Information, Arshad Khan
This book is perfect for investors, financial analysts, and portfolio managers. It simplifies stock market investing, offering strategies and practical advice for all levels. Key topics include research, buying and selling strategies, and using AI for risk management. The book equips you with essential knowledge and tools for successful stock investing.The course begins with planning, research, and screening, then moves to buying strategies and identifying winning characteristics. It covers company and sector analysis, selling techniques, stock prices, valuation, profitability, market behavior, and technical analysis. Advanced topics include monitoring the economy, market indicators, and avoiding investment mistakes.Understanding these concepts is crucial for informed investment decisions. The final chapters focus on risk management and leveraging AI in stock investing, addressing AI risks and mitigation strategies. This book guides readers from basic to advanced stock market concepts, blending theory with practical skills, making it essential for mastering stock investing.
Mercury Learning and Information, Sarhan M. Musa
This new edition introduces fundamental concepts in computer networks, blockchain, cryptography, and network security. It covers classical cipher schemes, public key cryptography, authentication schemes, and Internet security, featuring new material on IoT, cloud computing, SCADA, blockchain, smart grid, big data analytics, and AI security.Starting with computer network basics and mathematical foundations, it then explores classical and modern cipher schemes, public-key cryptography, and authentication methods. Later chapters address Internet and system security, and emerging technologies.Intended as a textbook for computer science and electronics courses, it also serves as a comprehensive reference for professionals. Its structured approach ensures a thorough understanding of both foundational and advanced topics, making it essential for mastering cryptography and network security.
Mercury Learning and Information, Derek Raine
Newtonian mechanics is fundamental in physics education due to its intellectual significance, diverse applications, and its role in teaching modeling and problem-solving. This text covers both introductory and advanced topics, making it suitable for extended study. Emphasizing problem-solving, it guides readers through the process of constructing models and finding solutions, thus enhancing their analytical skills.Starting with mechanical models and forces, the course progresses through kinematics, energy, and motion, providing a solid foundation. Further chapters delve into momentum, orbital motion, and oscillations, offering insights into dynamic systems. Advanced topics like rigid bodies, stability of motion, and Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics ensure a comprehensive understanding.The journey through this course equips learners with the skills to approach complex problems, construct effective models, and develop robust solutions, making it invaluable for students aiming to excel in physics and related fields.
Optimization Using Linear Programming. A Practical Guide to Mastering Linear Programming Techniques
Mercury Learning and Information, A. J. Metei, Veena Jain
This book is designed for engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, financial analysts, and anyone interested in using numerical linear algebra, matrix theory, and game theory to solve applied problems efficiently. It emphasizes solving linear programming problems with software like MS-Excel, Mathematica, MATLAB, WinQSB, and LINDO, while providing the necessary definitions and theorems for mastering theoretical aspects.The journey begins with basics of linear algebra using MS-Excel, followed by an introduction to linear programming problems and the graphical method. It then delves into the simplex method, duality, and sensitivity analysis. The course covers transportation, transshipment, assignment problems, and concludes with game theory. Each chapter builds on the previous one, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topics.Understanding these concepts is crucial for solving complex applied problems. This book transitions readers from basic to advanced techniques in numerical linear algebra and linear programming, combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications. It is an essential resource for mastering these topics and maximizing efficiency in problem-solving.