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Web development
Game Testing. Mastering the Art of Quality Assurance in Game Development
Mercury Learning and Information, Robert Denton Bryant
This updated fourth edition is your comprehensive guide to video game testing. Whether you're a student aspiring to join the industry or a professional honing your skills, this book covers essential aspects of game testing. It explains how testers fit into development and provides practical knowledge of tools, roles, responsibilities, and metrics for game quality.The book guides you through test design and QA methods using real game scenarios and interviews with veteran developers. You'll learn the basics of game testing, writing bug reports, and defect tracking. The chapters cover exploratory testing, gameplay testing, combinatorial testing, and regression testing.Each chapter includes questions and exercises, suitable for classroom or personal study. Companion files with templates and tutorials for creating combinatorial tables and test flow diagrams are included, forming the basis of a robust QA plan. This edition equips you with the skills to succeed in game testing and contribute effectively to any development team.
Google Gemini for Python. Coding with Bard: Mastering Python with Google's AI Tools
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book bridges Python 3 programming and Generative AI, equipping readers with the skills to navigate both domains confidently. It starts with Python basics, covering data types, number formatting, text manipulation, loops, functions, data structures, NumPy, Pandas, conditional logic, and reserved words. You'll also learn about handling user input, managing exceptions, and working with command-line arguments.The journey continues into Generative AI, distinguishing it from Conversational AI. It introduces popular platforms and models, including Bard (now called Gemini) and its competitors, providing insights into their capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, and applications. The final chapters show how to generate various Python 3 code samples using Gemini.Understanding these concepts is crucial for modern programming and AI applications. This book transitions readers from basic Python programming to advanced AI techniques, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Companion files with source code and figures enhance the learning experience, making this an essential resource for mastering Python 3 and Generative AI.
Industrial Automation and Robotics. A Comprehensive Guide to Automated Systems and Robotics
Mercury Learning and Information, Jean Riescher Westcott, A.K. Gupta, S.K. Arora
This course offers an introduction to automation and robotics for industrial applications. It begins with essential concepts of hydraulics and pneumatics, explaining their roles in industrial automation. Next, it delves into circuits and their applications in hydraulic, pneumatic, and fluidic design. The latter part focuses on electric and electronic controls, ending with robotics, robotic programming, and their industrial applications. Understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone looking to work in automation, as they provide the foundation for designing and maintaining automated systems. The course covers everything from basic laws and principles to advanced topics like the use of UAVs and AI in industrial automation.Throughout the course, you'll explore real-world applications and see how these principles are applied in industry. This structured approach ensures you gain a comprehensive understanding, from fundamental concepts to advanced automation and robotics techniques, preparing you for a career in this dynamic field.
Java for Developers Pocket Primer. A Concise Guide to Mastering Java Programming
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
As part of the best-selling Pocket Primer series, this book offers a thorough introduction to Java development for beginners. It provides a fast-paced overview of core Java concepts and APIs, using Java 8 code samples. Companion files with source code are included.The journey begins with an introduction to Java, covering Boolean logic, Unicode, and user input. It progresses through methods, constructors, loops, arrays, and recursion. The course then delves into object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and data structures. Advanced topics include streams, file handling, and integrating Java with SQL. The book also lists new features from Java 9 to Java 13.Understanding these concepts is crucial for developing efficient Java applications. This book transitions readers from basic to advanced Java programming, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Companion files enhance the learning experience, making this book an essential resource for mastering Java development.
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book provides a comprehensive overview of large language models (LLMs) and generative AI, covering foundational principles, advanced concepts, and practical applications. It begins with an introduction to the generative AI landscape, examining key features, popular techniques, and its influence on industries like art, business, and technology. The book also explores prominent models like ChatGPT and GPT-4, detailing their architectures, capabilities, and applications in text generation, code assistance, and conversational AI.Additionally, the book traces the evolution of LLMs, particularly focusing on the BERT family and its wide-ranging applications in natural language processing, translation, and multilingual tasks. Readers will also gain expertise in prompt engineering, learning practical tips and examples to interact more effectively with LLMs.In later chapters, the book tackles advanced topics such as fine-tuning LLMs, working with SVG, and concepts like few-shot learning and reinforcement learning. It concludes with discussions on ethical issues, biases in generative AI, and emerging trends like AI’s integration with IoT, quantum computing, and neuromorphic computing. This guide equips professionals and enthusiasts with a thorough understanding of generative AI's present and future.
Linear Algebra. Learn the Foundations and Applications of Vector Spaces
Mercury Learning and Information, L. Shen, Haohao Wang, J. Wojdylo
This book introduces the fundamental concepts of linear algebra and applies the theorems in computation-oriented applications. It is suitable for a one-semester course and combines definitions and proofs with a focus on computational applications. Examples illustrate the use of software packages such as Mathematica, Maple, and Sage.The journey begins with vector spaces and progresses through linear transformations and operators. It then covers orthogonal bases and matrix decomposition. The material includes a brief introduction to aspects of abstract algebra related to linear algebra, such as groups, rings, modules, fields, and polynomials over fields.Understanding these concepts is crucial for solving complex problems in various fields. This book transitions readers from basic definitions to advanced computational applications, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. It is an essential resource for mastering linear algebra and its applications.
Make Amazing Games. Game Design and Development Using Fusion 2.5: From Basics to Advanced
Mercury Learning and Information, Jason Darby
This course is designed for aspiring game developers with no prior experience or programming knowledge. It provides a step-by-step guide through the game creation process using drag-and-drop game creation software available on Steam. The course begins with basic game design concepts and an introduction to the Fusion software, progressing through various stages of game development.Understanding game development is essential for those who want to turn their creative ideas into playable games. This course covers the creation of four fully playable games: a platform game, a bat-and-ball game, a mouse-clicker game, and a side-scrolling shoot-'em-up game. By completing these projects, users will gain practical experience and confidence in their game development skills.The journey continues with advanced features such as porting games to the web, debugging, and publishing. The companion files include game demos, graphic libraries, and source code, providing all the resources needed to successfully create and distribute your games. This comprehensive guide ensures that by the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills to create and publish your own games.
Market Research and Analysis. Mastering Market Research: Advanced Methods, Design, and Data Analysis
Mercury Learning and Information, Marcus Goncalves
This book offers an in-depth exploration of market research and analysis, guiding readers through the entire process from defining research objectives to communicating results. Begin by understanding the purpose and ethics of market research, laying a strong groundwork for your studies. Progress to defining precise research objectives and exploring secondary research methods to gather existing information.Next, engage with primary research methods, focusing on both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Learn how to develop and distribute surveys, choose the right sampling techniques, and utilize tools for data mining and web scraping. Gain insights into focus groups and observation studies, understanding how these qualitative methods can provide depth to your research.Finally, master the art of data analysis and result communication. Explore descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and inferential statistics to make sense of your data. Learn to effectively present your findings to stakeholders, ensuring your research translates into actionable insights. By the end of the course, you will be well-equipped to conduct thorough market research and communicate your results effectively.