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Sport, fitness, diety
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Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Web development
Mercury Learning and Information, D. Malhotra, N. Malhotra
This book, part of the Pocket Primer series, introduces the basic concepts of data science using Python 3 and other applications. It offers a fast-paced introduction to data analytics, statistics, data visualization, linear algebra, and regular expressions. The book features numerous code samples using Python, NumPy, R, SQL, NoSQL, and Pandas. Companion files with source code and color figures are available.Understanding data science is crucial in today's data-driven world. This book provides a comprehensive introduction, covering key areas such as Python 3, data visualization, and statistical concepts. The practical code samples and hands-on approach make it ideal for beginners and those looking to enhance their skills.The journey begins with working with data, followed by an introduction to probability, statistics, and linear algebra. It then delves into Python, NumPy, Pandas, R, regular expressions, and SQL/NoSQL, concluding with data visualization techniques. This structured approach ensures a solid foundation in data science.
Data Visualization for Business Decisions. Transforming Data into Actionable Insights
Mercury Learning and Information, Andres Fortino
This workbook is for business analysts aiming to enhance their skills in creating data visuals, presentations, and report illustrations to support business decisions. It focuses on developing visualization and analytical skills through qualitative labs. Readers will analyze and describe chart improvements instead of directly modifying them. The course covers eighteen elements across six dimensions: Story, Signs, Purpose, Perception, Method, and Charts.The journey starts with labs and a case study, introducing the analysis tool. It then delves into each dimension, guiding readers through exercises to enhance their understanding and skills. A comprehensive RAIKS survey assesses progress before and after using the text. The workbook concludes with a capstone exercise to review and analyze the final results of the two studied charts.These skills are crucial for effective data communication in business. This workbook transitions readers from basic to advanced visualization techniques, blending theoretical insights with practical skills. Companion files with videos, sample files, and slides enhance learning, making this workbook an essential resource for mastering business data visualization.
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book is designed for aspiring data scientists and those involved in data cleaning. It covers features of NumPy and Pandas, along with creating databases and tables in MySQL. It also addresses various data wrangling tasks using Python scripts and awk-based shell scripts. Companion files with code are available from the publisher.Understanding data cleaning and manipulation is vital for data scientists. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to essential tools and techniques. From Python basics to advanced data wrangling, it equips readers with the skills needed to manage and clean data effectively.The journey begins with an introduction to Python and progresses through working with data, Pandas, and SQL. It also covers Java, JSON, XML, and specific data cleaning tasks. The book culminates with detailed data wrangling techniques, ensuring readers gain practical, hands-on experience in data management.
Dealing With Data Pocket Primer. A Comprehensive Guide to Data Handling Techniques
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book introduces the basic concepts of managing data using various computer languages and applications. It is designed as a fast-paced introduction to key features of data management, including statistical concepts, data-related techniques, Pandas, RDBMS, SQL, NLP topics, Matplotlib, and data visualization. The companion files with source code and color figures enhance the learning experience.Understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone looking to manage data effectively. The book covers the fundamentals of probability and statistics, working with data using Pandas, managing databases with SQL and MySQL, and cleaning data using NLP techniques. It also delves into data visualization, providing practical insights and numerous code samples.The journey begins with an introduction to probability and statistics, moving on to working with data and Pandas. It then covers RDBMS and SQL, focusing on practical SQL and MySQL usage. The book concludes with NLP, data cleaning, and visualization techniques, equipping readers with a comprehensive understanding of data management.
Mercury Learning and Information, R. Anand
This book covers the fundamental concepts of digital signal processing (DSP), introducing discrete-time signals, the z-transform, frequency analysis, discrete and fast Fourier transforms, digital filters, FIR, and statistical DSP. With applications ranging from engineering to telecommunications and medical imaging, this text focuses on representing signals with mathematical models and processing them using discrete-time systems.Understanding DSP is crucial for professionals in various fields as it allows for effective signal representation and manipulation. The book starts with an introduction to DSP and a review of discrete-time signals and systems, followed by a detailed exploration of the z-transform and frequency analysis using DTFT. It further delves into discrete Fourier transforms, fast Fourier transform algorithms, and the implementation of discrete-time systems.The journey continues with in-depth discussions on digital filters, including the design and analysis of infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR) filters. The book also covers statistical digital signal processing, multirate DSP, and applications in speech and radar. Through a variety of exercises and a comprehensive glossary, readers will gain a solid understanding of DSP fundamentals and applications.
Mercury Learning and Information, Alexander I. Kheyfits
This book offers a comprehensive guide to discrete mathematics and its applications to cryptography. It is designed for students and professionals in fields such as discrete mathematics and finite mathematics, with all necessary prerequisites clearly explained and illustrated. The text introduces key concepts in number theory, coding theory, and information theory, which are essential for understanding cryptography.Understanding discrete mathematics is crucial for anyone working in cryptography and related fields. The book begins with a survey of elementary functions and moves on to propositional algebra, set theory, and algebraic structures like groups, rings, and fields. It covers binary relations, combinatorics, and elements of number theory, which are fundamental to cryptographic methods.Readers will explore topics such as Boolean functions, hashing functions, cryptographic maps, combinatorial circuits, and graph theory. The book also delves into advanced areas like finite automata, game theory, and Turing machines. Through numerous examples, problems, and solutions, readers will gain a solid foundation in discrete mathematics and its cryptographic applications.
Embedded Vision. Mastering Advanced Techniques for Real-Time Image Processing and Analysis
Mercury Learning and Information, S. R. Vijayalakshmi, S. Muruganand
Embedded vision integrates computer vision into machines using algorithms to interpret images or videos. This book serves as an introductory guide for designing vision-enabled embedded products, with applications in AI, machine learning, industrial, medical, automotive, and more. It covers hardware architecture, software algorithms, applications, and advancements in cameras, processors, and sensors.The course begins with an overview of embedded vision, followed by industrial and medical vision applications. It then delves into video analytics, digital image processing, and camera-image sensors. Subsequent chapters cover embedded vision processors, computer vision, and AI integration. The final chapter presents real-time vision-based examples.Understanding these concepts is vital for developing advanced vision-enabled machines. This book takes readers from the basics to advanced topics, blending theoretical knowledge with practical applications. It is an essential resource for mastering embedded vision technology across various industries.
Empirical Cloud Security. A Guide To Practical Intelligence to Evaluate Risks and Attacks
Mercury Learning and Information, Aditya K. Sood
This book, updated to include the latest research and developments in cloud security, is essential for security professionals, DevOps engineers, penetration testers, cloud security engineers, and cloud software developers. It offers practical approaches to securing cloud infrastructure and applications against threats, attacks, and data breaches. The content is refined for better accessibility and engagement, providing a comprehensive guide to cloud security.The course starts with fundamental cloud security concepts and progresses to hands-on assessment techniques based on real-world case studies. It covers cloud architecture, IAM for authentication and authorization, network security, database and storage security, cryptography controls, secure code review, and monitoring and logging. The practical strategies for assessing security and privacy are crucial for building a robust cloud infrastructure.The journey concludes with advanced topics such as privacy in the cloud, identifying security flaws and attacks, and understanding the impact of malicious code. New case studies reveal how threat actors exploit cloud environments, offering preventative measures to enhance cloud security. This structured approach ensures a thorough understanding and practical application of cloud security principles.