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Biznes i ekonomia
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Web development
Mercury Learning and Information, C. P. Kothandaraman
This course serves as a comprehensive reference guide for engineers, mathematicians, scientists, and industry professionals, covering essential mathematical formulas and key scientific data. It is divided into two parts: mathematical formulas including algebra, trigonometry, analytic geometry, differential and integral calculus, and vectors; and scientific data covering units, properties of gases, elements, acoustics, materials, thermodynamics, radioactivity, and more.Understanding these concepts is crucial for professionals, providing a solid foundation for their work. The course explains technical terms, theorems, and applicable laws in detail, ensuring clarity and practical understanding. Each chapter provides valuable insights and data fundamental for scientific and engineering applications.Starting with algebra and geometry, the course advances through calculus and vectors, then explores scientific data in various fields. By the end, users will have a thorough reference of critical formulas and data, making it indispensable for students and professionals. This structured approach ensures learners gain both theoretical knowledge and practical applications essential for their careers.
Mercury Learning and Information, Paul Turner, Justine Wood
This book is designed for students, faculty, and professionals, describing the role of mathematics in economics and business. Starting with the basics of numbers and advancing into complex topics like hyperreal numbers and set theory, the book builds a strong foundation of mathematical concepts. Python code is used throughout to illustrate problems numerically, making the material accessible and practical.Readers will learn about linear simultaneous equations for market equilibrium analysis and the mechanics of matrices for solving larger systems. The book covers calculus, with applications in economics, including profit maximization and factor optimization, and introduces infinitesimal methods. Chapters on differential and difference equations reveal their importance in analyzing dynamic systems, all illuminated through practical examples and images from economics and business.The course begins with fundamental mathematical concepts, advancing to complex applications in economics and business. By integrating computational understanding with Python code, the book ensures learners can tackle real-world problems. This structured approach provides the tools needed for economic analysis and business decision-making, making it an invaluable resource for anyone in these fields.
Mathematics for Business. Explore Essential Mathematical Concepts and Techniques for Decision Making
Mercury Learning and Information, Gary Bronson, Richard Bronson, Maureen Kieff
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of quantitative methods essential for economic forecasting, resource allocation, portfolio analysis, inventory management, data-mining, and addressing social and climate challenges. Starting with foundational topics like finite mathematics and the mathematics of finance, it progresses to differential calculus, optimization, and curve fitting. These concepts are vital for solving contemporary business problems.Learners will explore algebra, finite math, finance mathematics, calculus, optimization techniques, and curve fitting, applying these methods to realistic business scenarios. Topics include cash flow, amortization, interest, loans, annuities, revenue/cost models, break-even analysis, inventory control, and econometrics. Each section includes extensive examples and exercises, reinforced by key terms and concepts, making the material accessible and practical.The course begins with basic mathematical concepts and advances through increasingly complex topics. By the end, learners will have the tools to tackle various business problems using quantitative methods, making this course invaluable for anyone in the business field. This structured approach ensures both theoretical knowledge and practical application, preparing learners for real-world challenges.
Mercury Learning and Information, D. P. Kothari, G. Awari, D. Shrimankar, ...
This book explains the mathematical concepts in computer graphics, ideal for courses in graphics, engineering, game development, and industry professionals. It starts with how images are generated on screens and covers algorithms for creating simple geometry. The book progresses through two-dimensional and three-dimensional transformations, parametric representation of planar and space curves like cubic splines and Bezier curves. It also includes programming in C, OpenGL, and methods for generating 3D models.The course begins with an introduction to computer graphics and vector representation of geometric entities. It then covers 2D and 3D transformations, parametric representation of curves and surfaces, windowing and clipping, and generating 3D models. The final chapters focus on projections and programming graphics using C and OpenGL.Understanding these concepts is crucial for mastering computer graphics. This book transitions readers from basic concepts to advanced techniques, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. It is an essential resource for mastering the mathematical foundations and programming techniques in computer graphics.
Microsoft Access 2021 Programming Pocket Primer. A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Access VBA
Mercury Learning and Information, Julitta Korol
This book, part of the successful Pocket Primer series, is designed for those who need to master Access programming fundamentals quickly. You only need this concise guide to get started and feel comfortable with VBA. The concepts learned here also apply to Excel programming. The book is divided into nine chapters, each progressively introducing you to programming in Microsoft Access 2021.Beginning with an introduction to Access VBA, the book covers the Visual Basic Editor, fundamental VBA programming concepts, and how to create both built-in and custom functions. You will learn to add decision-making capabilities and repeating actions to your programs, manage multiple values using arrays and collections, and utilize built-in tools for testing and debugging your code.This structured approach ensures that by the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in Access programming. The companion files provide all the hands-on resources needed to complete chapter projects, making this an essential resource for mastering Access VBA efficiently and effectively.
Microsoft Excel 2021 Programming Pocket Primer. A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Excel VBA
Mercury Learning and Information, Julitta Korol
This book, part of the successful Pocket Primer series, is designed for those who need to quickly master Excel programming fundamentals. It offers a concise, efficient introduction to VBA, ensuring you only learn what you need to feel comfortable with Excel VBA. The concepts learned in this book also apply to Access programming. The nine chapters progressively introduce you to programming in Microsoft Excel 2021.Starting with a quick guide to Excel macros and the VBA programming environment, the book moves on to fundamental concepts and writing function procedures. You will learn to add decision-making capabilities and looping statements to your programs, store and manage multiple values using arrays and collections, and utilize built-in tools for testing and debugging your code.By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in Excel VBA, enabling you to automate tasks and enhance your productivity. This structured approach makes the book an essential resource for mastering Excel VBA efficiently and effectively.
Mercury Learning and Information, Brian Moriarty, Bernd Held, Theodor Richardson
In this updated edition for Excel 2021, Microsoft 365, and previous versions, this book reveals the secrets of Excel through practical examples in a quick reference format. It includes new chapters on data analytics and shortcut keys, making it an essential resource for both beginners and experienced users. The book is designed to help you understand, create, and apply formulas efficiently.The journey begins with an introduction to formulas, followed by chapters on logical, text, date, and time functions. You will explore statistical, mathematical, and financial functions, along with database, lookup, and reference functions. The book also delves into conditional formatting, dynamic array formulas, special solutions, and user-defined functions, providing step-by-step instructions and ready-to-use Excel screenshots.By the end of the course, you will have mastered Excel's advanced formulas and functions, enabling you to perform complex data analysis and enhance your productivity. Companion files include video tutorials, over 250 worksheet examples, and all figures from the text, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
Mercury Learning and Information, Jeroen Mulder
This is a comprehensive resource designed for IT professionals and cloud architects navigating the complexities of multi-cloud environments. As organizations increasingly adopt multi-cloud strategies, this guide provides essential frameworks and practical insights into managing and optimizing cloud resources across major platforms, including AWS, Azure, GCP, and Alibaba Cloud.The book begins with an exploration of Cloud Adoption Frameworks (CAFs), offering a structured approach to cloud adoption that emphasizes governance, security, and operational excellence. Subsequent chapters delve into key aspects of cloud administration, such as virtualizing and managing connectivity, storage, and compute resources. The guide also addresses advanced topics like creating interoperability between clouds, managing data governance, and ensuring data security across multiple cloud platforms.In addition to technical insights, the guide covers critical areas like access management, cloud security, and compliance automation, equipping readers with the knowledge to secure and streamline multi-cloud operations. By offering best practices, real-world examples, and in-depth analyses, this book empowers professionals to efficiently manage multi-cloud environments and leverage the full potential of cloud technologies.