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Pandas Basics. Mastering Data Analysis with Pandas
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book is essential for aspiring data scientists and anyone needing to perform data cleaning using Pandas and NumPy. It offers numerous code samples and comprehensive coverage of NumPy and Pandas features, including writing regular expressions. Chapter 3 introduces fundamental statistical concepts, while Chapter 7 delves into data visualization using Matplotlib and Seaborn. Companion files with code are available for download from the publisher.Starting with an introduction to Python, the course progresses through working with data, and then moves into Pandas, covering its functionalities in three detailed chapters. The statistical concepts provided are crucial for analyzing data effectively, while the visualization techniques enhance the ability to present data insights clearly.By the end of this course, users will have a solid foundation in data manipulation and cleaning, statistical analysis, and data visualization, enabling them to tackle real-world data science tasks confidently and efficiently.
Mercury Learning and Information, Vickie Ellen Wolper
Updated for Photoshop CC 2021, this edition offers hands-on learning with a building block teaching style. Suitable for all skill levels, it teaches photo restoration and tonal correction. Learn to repair damage, improve discolored photos, colorize black and white images, digitize large photos, and adjust content for perfect shots. Tips, notes, figures, and projects help you master restorations and enhancements.The course starts with preparing an image for Photoshop and an introduction to the software. It covers selection, layers, transformations, painting, printing, and repairing photo flaws. Advanced topics include correcting lighting, enhancing photos, and mastering trade secrets. Final chapters address special challenges and applying skills to complex projects.These skills are vital for high-quality photo restorations. This book transitions readers from basic to advanced Photoshop techniques, blending theory with practice. Companion files with photos, projects, figures, and videos enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering photo restoration.
Mercury Learning and Information, William McAllister, S. Jane Fritz
This Java-based book is designed for beginning programmers, using game programming as a central tool to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. The new edition updates GUI interface chapters from Swing to FX-based programs. The game programming integration does not compromise the traditional programming material, allowing instructors unfamiliar with game programming to leverage its pedagogical benefits. The book assumes no prior programming experience.Starting with an introduction, the course progresses through variables, input/output, calculations, methods, classes, objects, boolean expressions, and decision-making. It then covers loops, arrays, advanced object-oriented concepts, inheritance, recursion, and exceptions. The latter part focuses on graphical user interfaces, generics, the API collection framework, multithreading, and concurrency.By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of Java programming, enhanced by practical game programming applications. This approach not only makes learning more engaging but also provides a solid foundation for more advanced Java programming concepts.
Programming Fundamentals Using MATLAB. Master the Basics and Beyond of MATLAB Programming
Mercury Learning and Information, Michael Weeks
This book introduces MATLAB syntax and environment, ideal for beginners with no programming background. The first four chapters cover basic programming concepts, computing terminology, MATLAB syntax, control structures, operators, arrays, and matrices. Next, the book explores grouping data, working with files, creating images, building graphical user interfaces, experimenting with sound, and debugging. The final chapters present case studies on using MATLAB with tools like Arduino, Linux, Git, and Mex, essential for basic programming knowledge.Understanding MATLAB is crucial for data analysis and technical computing. This book transitions readers from basics to advanced topics, blending theoretical knowledge with practical applications. Companion files with code and four-color figures enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering MATLAB.
Prompt Engineering Using ChatGPT. Crafting Effective Interactions and Building GPT Apps
Mercury Learning and Information, Mehrzad Tabatabaian
This book is designed for mastering prompt engineering in artificial intelligence, focusing on ChatGPT, GPT-4, and GPT plug-ins. It explores fundamental principles, practical techniques, and real-world applications. Readers will learn the role of prompts in AI interactions, the anatomy of well-constructed prompts, and various prompt styles. The book also covers setting constraints to guide AI responses and ensure ethical interactions, making it ideal for both beginners and advanced users.The journey begins with the foundations of prompts and crafting contextual prompts. It progresses to asking specific questions, providing constraints, and creating diverse content prompts. Advanced chapters cover debugging, iterating prompts, and using GPT-4 with plug-ins. The book concludes with real-world applications, future trends, and ethical considerations, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of prompt engineering.Understanding these concepts is crucial for effective AI interactions. This book transitions readers from basic to advanced prompt engineering, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. It is an essential resource for mastering prompt engineering and building innovative GPT applications.
Python 3 and Data Analytics Pocket Primer. A Quick Guide to NumPy, Pandas, and Data Visualization
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book, part of the best-selling Pocket Primer series, introduces readers to the fundamental concepts of data analytics using Python 3. The course begins with a concise introduction to Python, covering essential programming constructs and data manipulation techniques. This foundation sets the stage for deeper dives into data analytics, emphasizing the importance of data cleaning, a critical step in any data analysis process.Following the Python basics, the course explores powerful libraries such as NumPy and Pandas for efficient data handling and manipulation. It then delves into statistical concepts, providing the necessary background for understanding data distributions and analytical methods. The course culminates in data visualization techniques using Matplotlib and Seaborn, demonstrating how to effectively communicate insights through graphical representations.Throughout the course, numerous code samples and practical examples are provided, reinforcing learning and offering hands-on experience. Companion files with source code and figures are available online, supporting the learning journey. This comprehensive guide equips both beginners and seasoned professionals with the skills needed to excel in data analytics.
Python 3 and Data Visualization. Mastering Graphics and Data Manipulation with Python
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
Python 3 and Data Visualization provides an in-depth exploration of Python 3 programming and data visualization techniques. The course begins with an introduction to Python, covering essential topics from basic data types and loops to advanced constructs such as dictionaries and matrices. This foundation prepares readers for the next section, which focuses on NumPy and its powerful array operations, seamlessly leading into data visualization using prominent libraries like Matplotlib.Chapter 6 delves into Seaborn's rich visualization tools, providing insights into datasets like Iris and Titanic. The appendix covers additional visualization tools and techniques, including SVG graphics and D3 for dynamic visualizations. The companion files include numerous Python code samples and figures, enhancing the learning experience.From foundational Python concepts to advanced data visualization techniques, this course serves as a comprehensive resource for both beginners and seasoned professionals, equipping them with the necessary skills to effectively visualize data.
Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato
This book bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in Python programming, machine learning, and using ChatGPT-4 in data science. It starts with an introduction to Pandas for data manipulation and analysis. The book then explores various machine learning classifiers, from kNN to SVMs. Later chapters cover GPT-4's capabilities, enhancing linear regression analysis, and using ChatGPT in data visualization, including AI apps, GANs, and DALL-E.The journey begins with mastering Pandas and machine learning fundamentals. It progresses to applying GPT-4 in linear regression and machine learning classifiers. The final chapters focus on using ChatGPT for data visualization, making complex results accessible and understandable.Understanding these concepts is crucial for modern data scientists. This book transitions readers from basic Python programming to advanced applications of ChatGPT-4 in data science. Companion files with source code, datasets, and figures enhance learning, making this an essential resource for mastering Python, machine learning, and AI-driven data visualization.