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Jurysprudencja 11. Mind the Gaps. Economical Aspects in the Legal Thinking

Jurysprudencja 11. Mind the Gaps. Economical Aspects in the Legal Thinking

Tomasz Bekrycht, Sergiy Glibko, Bartosz Wojciechowski


Celem serii wydawniczej "Jurysprudencja" jest publikowanie monografii z zakresu teorii i filozofii prawa, a także dyscyplin prawniczych podejmujących problematykę teoretyczno- i filozoficzno-prawną w ramach własnych badań przedmiotowych. Inicjatywa powołania tego rodzaju serii wydawniczej spotkała się z dużym zainteresowaniem wszystkich ośrodków naukowych zajmujących się wskazaną problematyką, a także znanych naukowców z ośrodków zagranicznych.

Redaktorzy serii
Marek Zirk-Sadowski, Tomasz Bekrycht

We are presenting to Readers the work which is a result of co-operation between Polish and Ukrainian specialists in jurisprudence. The texts which are presented in this monography are an example of pursuing a postulate of external and internal integration of jurisprudence. In our opinion, the theses presented in it have a chance of becoming an important voice in discussions on various forms of law violation and use of loopholes in law (law avoidance, abuse of law, tax avoidance etc.). Undoubtedly, the theses also constitute an interesting view from the perspective of an analysis of the legal transformation process in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (especially Poland and Ukraine).

Notes on Contributors 7

Introduction 11


Yuliya Atamanova, Victoriya Maloivan, The Ukrainian Technological Parks: from Establishment till Nowadays 15

Sergiy Glibko, Legal Regulation of Scientific Park Activity as a National Innovation System Subject 33

Patryk Kowalski, Innovation Centres in Poland: Legal and Economic Aspects 53

Bilousov, Innovations and Economic Security of Ukraine (Experience of the Theory and Practice of Legal Securement) 65


Roman Wiatrowski, Bartosz Wojciechowski, The Concept of the Abuse of Law in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union as an Example of the Flexibility of Tax Law 89

Ziemowit Kukulski, Polish Tax Treaty Policy and Practice – Recent Trends and Developments – Selected Issues 107

Krzysztof Winiarski, Methods to Prevent Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance in the Polish Tax System with Respect to Incomes Taxes 123


Kateryna Yefremova, Boosting Digitising Industry in the EU and Ukraine 141

Yevgen Novikov, Sergiy Glibko, Legal Relations between Participants in a Technology Transfer Network 151

Alla Strizhkova, Kateryna Yefremova, Regulation of Development of the Grid-Technologies and Derived Innovative Technologies: the EU experience for Ukraine 167

Nataliya Vnukova, Vitalii Urkevych, Economic and Legal Issues of Establishing and Functioning of Agro-logistics Clusters in the Sphere of Agricultural Retail 179


Tomasz Bekrycht, The Position of the Transcendental Philosophy in the Legal Thinking 199

Tomasz Grzybowski, Effectiveness of Interpretation in the Context of Polish Theories of Legal Interpretation 209

Radosław Olszewski, Key Procedural Principles of Polish Criminal Proceedings 223

Anna Lisowska, Significance of Personality Disorder With Respect to Sanity 235

  • Titel: Jurysprudencja 11. Mind the Gaps. Economical Aspects in the Legal Thinking
  • Autor: Tomasz Bekrycht, Sergiy Glibko, Bartosz Wojciechowski
  • ISBN: 978-83-8142-067-9, 9788381420679
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2018-06-15
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_0w7b
  • Verleger: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego