Biznes i ekonomia
- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-biznes
- Ekonomia
- Finanse
- Giełda i inwestycje
- Kompetencje osobiste
- Komputer w biurze
- Komunikacja i negocjacje
- Mała firma
- Marketing
- Motywacja
- Multimedialne szkolenia
- Nieruchomości
- Perswazja i NLP
- Podatki
- Polityka społeczna
- Poradniki
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- Przywództwo
- Public Relation
- Raporty, analizy
- Sekret
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- Sprzedaż
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- Zarządzanie projektami
- Zasoby ludzkie (HR)
Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
- Architektura i wnętrza
- Biznes i Ekonomia
- Dom i ogród
- E-Biznes
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- Finanse
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- Podróże
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- Rolnictwo
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- Transport i Spedycja
- Zdrowie i uroda
- Aplikacje biurowe
- Bazy danych
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- Digital Lifestyle
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- Fotografia cyfrowa
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- Gry
- Hacking
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- IT w ekonomii
- Pakiety naukowe
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- Podstawy komputera
- Programowanie
- Programowanie mobilne
- Serwery internetowe
- Sieci komputerowe
- Start-up
- Systemy operacyjne
- Sztuczna inteligencja
- Technologia dla dzieci
- Webmasterstwo
Języki obce
Kultura i sztuka
Lektury szkolne
- Antologie
- Ballada
- Biografie i autobiografie
- Dla dorosłych
- Dramat
- Dzienniki, pamiętniki, listy
- Epos, epopeja
- Esej
- Fantastyka i science-fiction
- Felietony
- Fikcja
- Humor, satyra
- Inne
- Klasyczna
- Kryminał
- Literatura faktu
- Literatura piękna
- Mity i legendy
- Nobliści
- Nowele
- Obyczajowa
- Okultyzm i magia
- Opowiadania
- Pamiętniki
- Podróże
- Poemat
- Poezja
- Polityka
- Popularnonaukowa
- Powieść
- Powieść historyczna
- Proza
- Przygodowa
- Publicystyka
- Reportaż
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensacja
- Thriller, Horror
- Wywiady i wspomnienia
Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Podręczniki szkolne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
- Archeologia
- Bibliotekoznawstwo
- Filmoznawstwo
- Filologia
- Filologia polska
- Filozofia
- Finanse i bankowość
- Geografia
- Gospodarka
- Handel. Gospodarka światowa
- Historia i archeologia
- Historia sztuki i architektury
- Kulturoznawstwo
- Lingwistyka
- Literaturoznawstwo
- Logistyka
- Matematyka
- Medycyna
- Nauki humanistyczne
- Pedagogika
- Pomoce naukowe
- Popularnonaukowa
- Pozostałe
- Psychologia
- Socjologia
- Teatrologia
- Teologia
- Teorie i nauki ekonomiczne
- Transport i spedycja
- Wychowanie fizyczne
- Zarządzanie i marketing
Poradniki do gier
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
- Historia
- Kodeks drogowy. Prawo jazdy
- Nauki prawne
- Ochrona zdrowia
- Ogólne, kompendium wiedzy
- Podręczniki akademickie
- Pozostałe
- Prawo budowlane i lokalowe
- Prawo cywilne
- Prawo finansowe
- Prawo gospodarcze
- Prawo gospodarcze i handlowe
- Prawo karne
- Prawo karne. Przestępstwa karne. Kryminologia
- Prawo międzynarodowe
- Prawo międzynarodowe i zagraniczne
- Prawo ochrony zdrowia
- Prawo oświatowe
- Prawo podatkowe
- Prawo pracy i ubezpieczeń społecznych
- Prawo publiczne, konstytucyjne i administracyjne
- Prawo rodzinne i opiekuńcze
- Prawo rolne
- Prawo socjalne, prawo pracy
- Prawo Unii Europejskiej
- Przemysł
- Rolne i ochrona środowiska
- Słowniki i encyklopedie
- Zamówienia publiczne
- Zarządzanie
Przewodniki i podróże
- Afryka
- Albumy
- Ameryka Południowa
- Ameryka Środkowa i Północna
- Australia, Nowa Zelandia, Oceania
- Austria
- Azja
- Bałkany
- Bliski Wschód
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- Islandia
- Litwa
- Łotwa
- Mapy, Plany miast, Atlasy
- Miniprzewodniki
- Niemcy
- Norwegia
- Podróże aktywne
- Polska
- Portugalia
- Pozostałe
- Przewodniki po hotelach i restauracjach
- Rosja
- Rumunia
- Słowacja
- Słowenia
- Szwajcaria
- Szwecja
- Świat
- Turcja
- Ukraina
- Węgry
- Wielka Brytania
- Włochy
- Filozofie życiowe
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Biznes i ekonomia
- Bitcoin
- Bizneswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-biznes
- Ekonomia
- Finanse
- Giełda i inwestycje
- Kompetencje osobiste
- Komunikacja i negocjacje
- Mała firma
- Marketing
- Motywacja
- Nieruchomości
- Perswazja i NLP
- Podatki
- Poradniki
- Prezentacje
- Przywództwo
- Public Relation
- Sekret
- Social Media
- Sprzedaż
- Start-up
- Twoja kariera
- Zarządzanie
- Zarządzanie projektami
- Zasoby ludzkie (HR)
Dla dzieci
Dla młodzieży
Encyklopedie, słowniki
Języki obce
Kultura i sztuka
Lektury szkolne
- Antologie
- Ballada
- Biografie i autobiografie
- Dla dorosłych
- Dramat
- Dzienniki, pamiętniki, listy
- Epos, epopeja
- Esej
- Fantastyka i science-fiction
- Felietony
- Fikcja
- Humor, satyra
- Inne
- Klasyczna
- Kryminał
- Literatura faktu
- Literatura piękna
- Mity i legendy
- Nobliści
- Nowele
- Obyczajowa
- Okultyzm i magia
- Opowiadania
- Pamiętniki
- Podróże
- Poezja
- Polityka
- Popularnonaukowa
- Powieść
- Powieść historyczna
- Proza
- Przygodowa
- Publicystyka
- Reportaż
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensacja
- Thriller, Horror
- Wywiady i wspomnienia
Nauki przyrodnicze
Nauki społeczne
Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
Poradniki zawodowe i specjalistyczne
Przewodniki i podróże
- Filozofie życiowe
- Komunikacja międzyludzka
- Mindfulness
- Ogólne
- Perswazja i NLP
- Psychologia akademicka
- Psychologia duszy i umysłu
- Psychologia pracy
- Relacje i związki
- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
- Rozwiązywanie problemów
- Rozwój intelektualny
- Sekret
- Seksualność
- Uwodzenie
- Wygląd i wizerunek
- Życiowe filozofie
Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
- Ebooki
- Webmasterstwo
- Moodle
- Mastering Adobe Captivate 7. Bring a new level of interactivity and sophistication to your e-learning content with the user-friendly features of Adobe Captivate. This practical tutorial will teach you everything from automatic recording to advanced tips and tricks
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Mastering Adobe Captivate 7. Bring a new level of interactivity and sophistication to your e-learning content with the user-friendly features of Adobe Captivate. This practical tutorial will teach you everything from automatic recording to advanced tips and tricks
- Mastering Adobe Captivate 7
- Table of Contents
- Mastering Adobe Captivate 7
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Author
- Acknowledgments
- About the Reviewers
- www.PacktPub.com
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Getting Started with Captivate
- Obtaining Captivate
- A glance at the Captivate production process
- Step zero the preproduction phase
- Step one capturing the slides
- Step two the editing phase
- Step three the publishing phase
- Touring the Captivate interface
- The first look at the Captivate interface
- Working with panels
- Adding and removing panels
- Moving panels around
- Creating a custom workspace
- Renaming and deleting custom workspaces
- Exploring the sample applications
- Experiencing the Encoder demonstration
- Experiencing the Encoder simulation
- Experiencing the Driving In Belgium sample application
- Experiencing the Encoder Video Demo
- Discussing the sample apps scenario
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Pooja Jaisingh
- Bio
- Contact details
- 2. Capturing the Slides
- Choosing the right resolution for the project
- What exactly is the problem?
- Resizing the project after the initial shooting
- Downsizing the application during shooting
- Using the panning feature of Captivate
- Using the Scalable HTML Content feature
- Conclusion
- Shooting your first movie
- Preparing the application to shoot
- Rehearsing the scenario
- Resetting the application
- Shooting the movie
- Enabling access to assistive devices (Mac users only)
- Preparing Captivate to shoot the movie
- And Action!
- Previewing the rushes
- The inner working of the Captivate capture engine
- The Full Motion Recording mode
- Controlling Captivate during the shooting session
- Exploring the preferences
- The automatic recording modes
- Exploring the recording settings
- The Video Demo preferences
- Shooting the other versions of the project
- Previewing the second rushes
- Shooting with System Audio
- The Video Demo recording mode
- Automatic and manual panning
- Rescaling a project
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Anita Horsley
- Contact details
- Choosing the right resolution for the project
- 3. Working with Standard Objects
- Preparing your work
- Working with the Properties panel
- Exploring the objects of Captivate
- The Text Caption object
- Modifying the content of a Text Caption
- Creating new Text Captions
- Extra credit adding Text Captions
- Formatting a Text Caption
- Resizing and moving Text Captions
- Changing the Callout and the Caption type
- Formatting characters and paragraphs
- Working with Text Effects
- The Highlight Box object
- Working with the mouse
- Understanding the mouse movements
- Formatting the Mouse object
- Editing a full motion recording
- Working with images
- Inserting a slide from another project
- Inserting an image into a slide
- Using the image editing tools
- Inserting a picture slide
- Extra credit working with Characters
- Working with Smart Shapes
- Formatting a Smart Shape
- Using Smart Guides
- Grouping objects
- Adding text inside Smart Shapes
- Formatting a Smart Shape
- Working with Text Animations
- Duplicating slides
- Converting a Typing object into a Text Animation
- Extra credit creating the introductory and ending slides of another project
- Inserting external animations in the project
- Inserting a Video file
- The Equation Editor
- The Text Caption object
- Using the Align toolbar
- Selecting multiple objects
- Extra credit aligning and distributing the remaining objects
- Working with the Timeline panel
- Using the Timeline panel to select objects
- Hiding and locking objects with Timeline
- Using Timeline to change the stacking order of the objects
- Using Timeline to set the timing of the objects
- Extra credit adjusting the timing of the other slides
- Adding effects to objects
- Combining effects
- Extra credit adding effects to images
- Finishing touches
- Combining effects
- Working with the Library panel
- Reusing Library items
- Importing objects from another Library
- Deleting unused assets from the Library panel
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Lieve Weymeis
- Contact details
- 4. Working with Styles, Master Slides, Themes, and Templates
- Working with Styles
- Managing Styles with the Properties panel
- Resetting a style
- Creating new styles
- Applying styles
- Modifying a style
- Applying styles automatically
- Extra credit 1 applying Styles automatically
- Extra credit 2 creating Styles for another type of object
- Working with the Object Style manager
- Exporting a style
- Importing a style
- Creating a style in the Object Style Manager
- Extra credit exporting and importing styles
- Managing Styles with the Properties panel
- Working with the Themes
- The elements of a Theme
- The Master Slides
- Creating slides based on Master Slides
- Inserting a blank slide in a themed project
- Changing the Master Slide of an existing slide
- The Styles
- The Master Slides
- The elements of a Theme
- Creating a Theme
- Customizing the Master Slides of the Theme
- Customizing the Main Master Slide
- Adding a Master Slide to the Theme
- Adding Placeholders to the Master Slides
- Applying the Master Slides to the slides of the project
- Modifying a Master Slide
- Adding Styles to the Theme
- Styling the titles
- Working with the Swatches panel
- Importing custom Swatches to the Swatches panel
- Styling the Smart Shapes using the Swatches panel
- Saving the Styles in the Theme
- Customizing the Master Slides of the Theme
- Working with Templates
- Creating a Template
- Adding Placeholder Slides
- Adding the last slides
- Saving the Template
- Creating a new Captivate project from a Template
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Jim Leichliter
- Contact details
- Working with Styles
- 5. Adding Interactivity to the Project
- Preparing your work
- Working with Buttons
- Formatting Buttons
- Using Smart Shapes as Buttons
- Branching with Buttons
- Discovering Rollover objects
- Working with Rollover Captions
- Working with Rollover Smart Shapes
- Working with Rollover Images
- Working with Rollover Slidelets
- Inserting and formatting a Rollover Slidelet
- Inserting objects in a Rollover Slidelet
- Working with Rollover Captions
- Creating a simulation
- Hiding the Mouse object
- Using Find and Replace
- Working with Click Boxes
- Extra Credit adding the remaining Click Boxes
- Working with Text Entry Boxes
- Finishing touches
- Working with the Drag and Drop Interaction
- Using the Drag and Drop Interaction wizard
- Using the Drag and Drop panel
- Using the Drag and Drop Interaction for branching and navigation
- Objects and Animations in Video Demo projects
- Interactivity in Video Demo projects
- Standard objects in Video Demo projects
- Animations in Video Demo projects
- Using Pan and Zoom
- Adding Transitions in Video Demos
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Rod Ward
- Tristan Ward
- Contact details
- 6. Working with Audio
- Preparing your work
- Adding audio to objects
- Extra credit adding sound effects to objects
- Adding background music to the entire project
- Adding audio to slides
- Recording narration with Captivate
- Setting up the sound system
- Recording the narration
- Importing an external sound clip
- Using the library to import the remaining audio files
- Editing a sound clip in Captivate
- Extra credit synchronizing the audio clips
- Recording narration with Captivate
- Using Text-to-Speech to generate narration
- Installing the Captivate speech agents
- Working with the Slide Notes panel
- Converting text to speech
- Using the Speech Management window
- Using the Advanced Audio Management window
- Adding Closed Captions to the slides
- Viewing Closed Captions
- Closed Captioning a video file
- Extra credit adding Closed Captions
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Allen Partridge
- Contact details
- 7. Working with Quizzes
- Preparing your work
- Introducing the quiz
- Creating Question Slides
- Inserting the first Question Slide
- Using the Multiple Choice question
- Understanding the basic question properties
- Working with Partial Scoring
- Branching with Question Slides
- Finalizing the Question Slide
- Importing Question Slides from a GIFT file
- Working with the Matching question
- Working with the Short Answer question
- Working with the True/False question
- Adding the remaining Question Slides
- Working with the Fill-In-The-Blank question
- Working with the Hotspot question
- Working with the Sequence question
- Creating surveys with Likert questions
- Previewing the quiz
- Creating a Pretest
- The Quiz Preferences
- Setting the passing score of a quiz
- Working with Question Pools
- Creating a Question Pool
- Inserting questions in a Question Pool
- Inserting random Question Slides into the main project
- Styling the elements of the Question Slides
- Styling the quiz buttons
- Extra credit styling the elements of the Question Slides
- Reporting scores to an LMS
- Understanding SCORM, AICC, and Tin Can
- Enabling reporting in Captivate
- Reporting options at the interaction level
- Extra credit assigning Interaction IDs to quiz questions
- Reporting the random Question Slides
- Using a Drag and Drop interaction as a Question Slide
- Using the other scorable object
- Setting up project-level reporting options
- Reporting options at the interaction level
- Creating a SCORM manifest file
- Using Acrobat.com as an alternate reporting method
- Configuring the Captivate project for Acrobat.com reporting
- Uploading files to Acrobat.com
- Taking the Quiz
- Using the Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Kevin Siegel
- Contact details
- 8. Finishing Touches and Publishing
- Preparing your work
- Finishing touches
- Checking spelling
- Exploring the Start and End preferences
- Discussing the project metadata and accessibility
- Exploring other project preferences
- Exporting project preferences
- Working with the Skin Editor panel
- Customizing the Playback Controls bar
- Working with Borders
- Adding a Table of Contents
- Applying the same Skin to other projects
- Publishing a Captivate project
- Publishing a Video Demo project
- Publishing to Flash
- Using the Scalable HTML content option
- Publishing to HTML5
- Using the HTML5 Tracker panel
- Publishing the project in HTML5
- Publishing an eLearning-enabled project
- Working with the MultiSco packager
- Creating a SCORM package from the Video Demo project
- Creating a single course package from multiple SCOs
- Working with the MultiSco packager
- Publishing to PDF
- Publishing as a standalone application
- Publishing as a .mp4 video file
- Publishing to YouTube
- Publishing to Microsoft Word
- Extra credit publishing to Word
- Other publishing options
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Joe Ganci
- Contact details
- 9. Using Captivate 7 with Other Applications
- Preparing your work
- Integrating Captivate with PowerPoint
- Converting an existing presentation to Captivate
- Viewing the presentation in PowerPoint
- Creating a Captivate project from a PowerPoint presentation
- Round Tripping between Captivate and PowerPoint
- Updating a linked PowerPoint presentation
- Inserting a PowerPoint slide in a Captivate project
- Converting an existing presentation to Captivate
- Localizing a Captivate project using Microsoft Word
- Exporting the project to XML
- Importing a Photoshop file into Captivate
- Round Tripping between Captivate and Photoshop
- Exporting to Flash Professional
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Richard Jenkins
- Contact details
- 10. Reviewing a Captivate Project
- Preparing your work
- The review process at a glance
- Distributing the project
- Commenting a Captivate project
- Installing the Adobe Captivate Reviewer application
- Using the Captivate Reviewer to create new comments
- Exporting comments
- Collecting and addressing comments
- Addressing comments in Captivate
- Using Acrobat.com in the review process
- Ending a review
- Summary
- Meet the community
- Michael Lund
- Contact details
- 11. Variables, Advanced Actions, and Widgets
- Preparing your work
- Working with Variables
- System and user-defined Variables
- Exploring System Variables
- Generating text dynamically
- Extra credit generating a Quiz Results slide for the Pretest
- Using user-defined Variables
- Creating a User Variable
- Capturing values with Text Entry Boxes
- Using user-defined variables to dynamically generate text
- System and user-defined Variables
- Working with Advanced Actions
- Using Standard Action
- Automatically turning on Closed Captions with Advanced Actions
- Extra credit turning Closed Captions off
- Using Conditional Actions
- Creating the necessary variables
- Assigning a score to each possible answer
- Giving names to objects
- Conditionally showing and hiding objects
- Using a Conditional Action to implement branching with the Pretest
- Discussing Shared Actions
- Using Standard Action
- Understanding and using Widgets
- Locating Widgets
- Understanding the three types of Widgets
- Using Static Widgets
- Finding Widgets
- Adobe Captivate Exchange
- Blogs and websites
- Working with Smart Learning interactions
- Working with the Accordion interaction
- Working with the YouTube Interaction
- Working with the Web Object interaction
- Extra credit working with the Award of Excellence interaction
- Summary
- Meet the Community
- Josh Cavalier
- Contact details
- Index
- Tytuł: Mastering Adobe Captivate 7. Bring a new level of interactivity and sophistication to your e-learning content with the user-friendly features of Adobe Captivate. This practical tutorial will teach you everything from automatic recording to advanced tips and tricks
- Autor: Damien Bruyndonckx
- Tytuł oryginału: Mastering Adobe Captivate 7. Bring a new level of interactivity and sophistication to your e-learning content with the user-friendly features of Adobe Captivate. This practical tutorial will teach you everything from automatic recording to advanced tips and tricks.
- ISBN: 9781783559893, 9781783559893
- Data wydania: 2014-02-21
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3atc
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing