Szczegóły ebooka

Plone 3.3 Site Administration. Manage your site like a Plone professional

Plone 3.3 Site Administration. Manage your site like a Plone professional

Alex Clark, Enfold Systems LLC

In the past few years, we have seen some dramatic changes in the way Plone sites are being developed, deployed, and maintained. As a result, developing and deploying sites, changing their default settings, and performing day to day maintenance tasks can be a challenge.

This book covers site administration tasks, from setting up a development instance, to optimizing a deployed production site, and more. It demonstrates how-to perform these tasks in a comprehensive way, and walks the user through the necessary steps to achieve results.We have divided the subject of Plone site administration into three categories: development, deployment, and maintenance. We begin by explaining how a Plone site is built, and how to start using it through the web. Next, we add features by installing add-on products, focusing on themes, blogging, and other common enhancements. After the basics of developing and deploying a Plone site are covered, the book covers the basics of maintaining it.Further, throughout the book we preview some new technologies related to Plone site administration, available now as add-ons to the current Plone release. Finally, we will cover a variety of techniques to help you optimize your site's performance.
  • Plone 3.3 Site Administration
    • Table of Contents
    • Plone 3.3 Site Administration
    • Credits
    • Foreword
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewer
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Background
      • Site administration essentials
        • Development
        • Deployment
        • Maintenance
      • What you need to get started
        • Modern computer
        • Supported operating system
        • Internet connection
        • Terminal window
        • Text editor
      • About Plone installers
      • About Python software distributions
        • Using Python on Mac OS X
          • Verify that Python works
        • Installing Python on Windows
          • Download the Python installer
          • Run the Python installer
          • Configure the Environment VariablePath
          • Verify that Python works
          • Install PyWin
        • Using Python on Ubuntu Linux
          • Verify that Python works
      • How to install Distributea framework for managing Python packages
        • Installing Distribute on Mac OS X
          • Download
          • Execute
          • Verify that Distribute works
        • Installing Distribute on Windows 7
          • Download
          • Execute
          • Verify that Distribute works
        • Installing Distribute on Ubuntu Linux
          • Download
          • Execute
          • Verify that Distribute works
      • How to install PIP: a more user friendly Python package installer
        • Installing PIP on Mac OS X
        • Installing PIP on Windows 7
        • Installing PIP on Ubuntu Linux
      • How to install Buildouta tool for building software
        • Installing Buildout on Mac OS X
        • Installing Buildout on Windows 7
        • Installing Buildout on Ubuntu Linux
      • More about Python software distributions
      • How to install a C compiler
        • Installing a C compiler on Mac OS X
          • Installing XCode
          • Verify that GCC works
        • Installing a C compiler on Windows
          • Downloading MinGW
          • Installing MinGW
          • Adding MinGW to the Environment VariablePath
          • Verify that GCC works
          • Configuring Distutils
        • Installing a C compiler on Ubuntu Linux
          • Verify that GCC works
          • Installing additional development libraries
      • How to install Subversiona version control system
        • Using Subversion on Mac OS X
          • Verify that Subversion works
        • Installing Subversion on Windows
          • Downloading Subversion
          • Installing Subversion
          • Verify that Subversion works
        • Installing Subversion on Ubuntu Linux
          • Verify that Subversion works
      • How to install Python with Buildout
        • Running the first buildout
        • Running the second buildout
        • Verify that Python works
      • Summary
    • 2. Site Basics
      • More about Buildout
        • Configuration file format
        • About the Python buildout
          • The buildout section
          • Adding parts
        • Global versus local Buildout command
        • Introducing the Plone buildout
          • Using the extends parameter to specify versions
          • Using plone.recipe.zope2install to install Zope 2
          • Using plone.recipe.zope2instance to create a Zope 2 instance
          • The PIL problem
            • Using the Python buildout
            • Using PIP
            • Adding PIL to your buildout
          • Bootstrapping and running the buildout
        • Adding a Plone site
          • Starting Plone and adding a Plone site manually
          • Changing the top-level Zope users password
          • Adding a Plone site with Buildout
      • Customizing site navigation
        • Plone 3 navigation portlet extended
        • Installing collective.portlet.explore
        • Installing webcouturier.dropdownmenu
      • Adding new content types
        • Adding a blog entry type
          • Configure the blog_view
          • Configure the RSS feed
      • Summary
    • 3. Appearance
      • Installing themes with Buildout
        • Searching for themes on
        • Adding themes with Buildout
        • Installing themes in Plone
      • Examining themes with Omelette and Python
        • Installing and using Omelette
        • Exploring modules with zopepy
      • Overview of theme package files
      • Creating a theme package with ZopeSkel
        • Adding ZopeSkel to a buildout
        • Running ZopeSkel
        • Running Paster
      • Examining themes in the Zope Management Interface
      • Making changes through the Web
        • portal_skins
        • portal_view_customizations
      • Summary
    • 4. Administration
      • Configuring mail settings in a development environment
        • Setting up the mail host
        • Avoiding the mail host
        • Faking the mail host
      • User and group management: Out of the box
        • The Zope 2 administrator account
        • The Plone administrator account
        • Resetting the password
      • Users and groups management with LDAP
        • Adding to the Buildout
        • Adding to Plone
        • Configuring
          • LDAP Terminology
            • DN
            • DC, UID, OU
            • RDN
            • Bind DN and password
            • Attributes and object classes
          • Entering the form data
            • LDAP server type
            • RDN attribute
            • User id attribute
            • Login name attribute
            • LDAP object classes
            • Bind DN and password
            • Base DN and search scope for users and groups
          • Restarting Plone
        • Using LDAP in Plone
          • Creating and using LDAP groups
            • Restarting Plone
            • Adding users to MyGroup
      • Summary
    • 5. Deployment and Maintenance
      • Creating a production buildout
      • Backing up your database
        • The repozo utility
        • Making repozo easier with collective.recipe.backup
        • A simple backup strategy
      • Automating database backups
        • Using z3c.recipe.usercrontab on Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux
        • Using Task Scheduler on Windows
      • Restoring your database from a backup
      • Packing your database
      • Automate database packing
      • Rotating logs
        • Using iw.rotatezlogs on Mac OS X, Ubuntu Linux, and Windows
      • Summary
    • 6. Optimization
      • Caching background in the context of Plone
      • Installing CacheFua caching add-on for Plone
      • Installing Varnisha caching agent
      • Installing Squida caching agent
      • Creating multiple instances with Buildout macros
      • Load balancing in the context of Plone
        • Installing HAProxya load balancer
          • The HAProxy binary
          • The HAProxy configuration file
        • Installing Pounda load balancer
          • The Pound binary
          • The Pound configuration file
      • Installing Supervisora process manager
      • Understanding the software stack
        • Frontend Apache configuration
        • Frontend Nginx configuration
      • Installing Munin plugins to analyze performance
        • Installing the munin.zope package
        • Testing the munin.zope plugins through the Web
        • Installing the munin.zope plugins on the command line
        • Testing the munin.zope plugins on the command line
        • Munin graphs
          • ZODB activity
          • Zope cache parameters
          • Zope memory usage
          • Zope 2 server threads
      • Summary
    • 7. Security
      • Restricting TCP/IP access to localhost or LAN host
      • Managing IP addresses and ports effectively
      • Configuring the Zope 2 effective user dynamically
      • Installing Cassandra to audit through the web (TTW) security
        • Permissions and roles in the ZMI
        • Roles and groups
        • Cassandra
      • Applying security and bug fixes to Plone
        • Using a newer Zope 2 with an older release of Plone
          • Hold on to your buildouts
          • A "modern" Plone 2.1 buildout
      • Summary
    • 8. The Future
      • Specifying package versions
      • Executing Buildout in offline mode
      • Analyzing the contents of our buildout
      • Staying calm when trouble arises
      • Upgrading to Plone 4
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Tytuł: Plone 3.3 Site Administration. Manage your site like a Plone professional
  • Autor: Alex Clark, Enfold Systems LLC
  • Tytuł oryginału: Plone 3.3 Site Administration. Manage your site like a Plone professional
  • ISBN: 9781847197054, 9781847197054
  • Data wydania: 2010-07-26
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3ayx
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing