E-book details

CUPS Administrative Guide. A practical tutorial to installing, managing, and securing this powerful printing system

CUPS Administrative Guide. A practical tutorial to installing, managing, and securing this powerful printing system

Ankur Shah

  • CUPS Administrative Guide
    • Table of Contents
    • CUPS Administrative Guide
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • Acknowledgement
    • About the Reviewer
    • Preface
      • What This Book Covers
      • What You Need for This Book
      • Conventions
      • Reader Feedback
      • Customer Support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Introduction
      • Overview of the CUPS Features
      • History of Printing in UNIX
      • Printing with Personal Computers
      • Evolution of CUPS as a Printing System
        • Architecture of CUPS
        • Network Printing
      • CUPS Features
        • Support for Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
        • Compatibility with Other Print Systems
        • Support for Web Interface
        • Modular Architecture
        • Support of Postscript Printer Description Drivers (PPDs) in CUPS
      • Summary
    • 2. Building and Installing CUPS
      • Downloading Source Code
        • Compiling CUPS
      • Installing the Software
      • Installing a Binary Distribution
          • Building RPMs
          • Creating Binary Distribution with EPM
        • Installing a Portable Distribution
        • Installing an RPM Distribution
        • Installing CUPS from a Debian Distribution
        • Subversion Access
          • Compiling from Subversion
        • Running the Software
      • Installing CUPS Using the Package Manager on Linux
      • Testing CUPS
      • Summary
    • 3. Printer Management
      • Printer Drivers
        • PostScript Printer Description (PPD) Drivers
        • Non-PostScript Printers
        • Ghostscript Built-In
          • Filter
          • CUPS Raster
          • Ink Jet Server (IJS) Plug-in
          • Uniprint
          • CUPS DDK
          • Foomatic-RIP
        • Installing PPD
      • Managing Printer through the Command Line
        • Basic Command for Adding the Printer
        • Managing Printers from the Command-Line
        • Deleting Printers
        • Setting the Default Printer
        • Starting and Stopping Printers
        • Accepting and Rejecting Print Jobs
        • Checking Printer Status
        • Setting Quotas on a Printer
        • Restricting User Access to a Printer
        • Printing Banner Pages
        • Some More Printer and CUPS-Specific Commands
      • Managing Print Jobs through Command Line
        • Submitting Files for Printing
          • Checking the Status of Print Jobs
        • Choosing a Printer
        • Setting Printer Options
        • Printing the Output of a Program
        • Printing Multiple Copies
        • Checking the Printer Status
        • Canceling a Print Job
        • Moving a Print Job
      • Managing Printers using the CUPS Web Interface
        • Administration
        • Adding a New Printer
        • Managing Jobs
        • Find New Printers
              • Documentation
      • Summary
    • 4. Managing Multiple Printers at a Time
      • Configuring Printer Classes
        • Features and Advantages
        • Implicit Class
      • Managing Printer Classes Through Command-Line
          • Adding a Printer to a Class
          • Removing a Printer from a Class
          • Removing a Class
      • Managing Printer Classes Through CUPS Web Interface
        • Adding a New Printer Class
          • Stop Class
          • Reject Jobs
          • Unpublished Printer
          • Cancel All Jobs
          • Delete Class
          • Modifying a Class
          • Setting up Printer Options for Class
          • Printing a Test Page for a Printer Class
          • Setting a Printer Class as Default
          • Set Allowed Users
          • Nested Printer Classes
      • Summary
    • 5. CUPS Server Management
      • System Requirement
      • Configuration Files
      • Classes Directives
        • Accepting
        • Printer
        • Class
        • DefaultClass
        • AllowUser
        • DenyUser
        • Info
        • Location
        • JobSheets
        • KLimit
        • PageLimit
        • QuotaPeriod
        • State
        • StateMessage
      • Client Directives
        • ServerName
        • Encryption
      • Server Directives
        • Editing the cupsd.conf File Via the Web Interface
      • Important Directives of cupsd.conf
        • Server Identity
          • ServerAdmin
          • ServerName
        • Server Options
          • LogLevel
        • Network Options
          • Listen
          • Port
        • Browsing Options
          • Browsing
          • BrowseOrder
          • BrowseAllow
          • BrowseDeny
          • BrowseProtocols
          • BrowseAddress
          • BrowseShortNames
        • Security Options
          • SystemGroup
          • AuthType
          • Location
        • ImplicitClasses
        • ImplicitAnyClasses
      • Printer Directives
        • Accepting
        • Printer
        • DefaultPrinter
        • AllowUser
        • DenyUser
        • DeviceURI
        • Info
        • Location
        • JobSheets
        • KLimit
        • PageLimit
        • QuotaPeriod
        • State
        • StateMessage
      • Concept of Operation Policies
      • Summary
    • 6. Client Setup
      • Setting up a CUPS Client
        • Print Queues
          • Manual Configuration of Print Queues
          • Automatic Configuration of Print Queues
            • BrowseTimeout
            • BrowseInterval
            • BrowsePoll
            • BrowseAddress
          • CUPS Servers Communication with Clients
            • Single Print Server Configuration
            • Multiple Print Servers Across Different Subnets
          • Load Balancing and Failsafe Operation
          • UNIX/Linux Client
                • Adding a Printer
        • LPD Clients
          • xinetd
          • inetd
        • Windows Clients
          • Printing with Samba
        • Printing with Other Systems
          • Printing with LPD Servers (lpd)
          • Printing with Mac OS X 10.2 or later
          • Printing with Windows Servers (smb)
          • LPD
          • Samba
            • Configuring Printer using the Command Line Interface (lpadmin)
            • Configuring Printer using the Web-Based Interface
      • Summary
    • 7. Quota Management
      • Setting up Quota in CUPS
        • job-k-limit
        • job-page-limit
        • job-quota-period
        • User Restrictions
        • Error Messages
      • Correct and Incorrect Accounting
      • Overview of the page_log file
      • Flaws of the CUPS Quota system
      • Other Accounting Tools
        • PyKota
          • Features of PyKota:
          • Checking Prerequisites and Downloading Application
          • Installation
      • Summary
    • 8. Monitoring CUPS
      • Using the lpstat Command
      • Overview of the access_log File
      • Overview of the error_log File
        • How SNMP Helps Search for Network Printers
      • Overview of snmp.conf
        • Address
        • Community
        • DebugLevel
        • DeviceURI
        • HostNameLookups
        • MaxRunTime
      • How SNMP Behaves in the CUPS Web Interface
        • Overview of Basic Debugging in CUPS-SNMP
      • Overview of mailto.conf
            • The Cc Directive
            • The From Directive
            • The Sendmail Directive
            • The SMTPServer Directive
            • The Subject Directive
      • Monitoring SNMP Printers
        • Downloading and Installing Cacti
          • Features of Cacti
        • Configuring an SNMP Printer with Cacti
      • Summary
    • 9. File Typing and Filtering
      • ArchitectureCUPS Filtering System
      • An Overview of the mime.types file
      • An Overview of the mime.convs file
      • Adding Filetypes and Filters
      • Overview of Filter in CUPS
        • An Overview of pre-filters
        • An Overview of the pstops Filter
        • An Overview of the pstoraster Filter
        • An Overview of the imagetoraster Filter
        • An Overview of the imagetops Filter
        • Rasterto and other Printer-Specific Filters
        • Foomatic and cupsomatic Filters
        • Additional Filter Functionality
          • Raw Printing
          • Application/octet-stream Printing
          • PostScript Printer Descriptions (PPDs) for non-PostScript Printers
          • Cupsomatic/foomatic-rip versus Native CUPS Printing
          • Examples for Filtering Chains
            • Example1
          • Printing with Interface Scripts
          • An Overview of the CUPS Printing Process
          • Writing your own Filter or Printer Driver
      • Summary
    • 10. Security
      • Encryption Support in CUPS
        • Configuring SSL during CUPS Installation
        • Encryption Support
          • SSLListen
          • SSLPort
          • Encryption
      • Access Control
        • Address-Based Access Control
      • Authentication Support
        • Authentication using Password
          • Basic Authentication
          • Digest Authentication
        • Authentication using Certificates
          • System and Group Authentication
            • SystemGroup
        • Kerberos Authentication
          • Configuring Kerberos on the System
          • Configuring CUPS to use Kerberos Authentication
        • Protection from Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
            • MaxClients
            • MaxClientsPerHost
            • LimitRequestBody
          • CUPS Release Notes
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Title: CUPS Administrative Guide. A practical tutorial to installing, managing, and securing this powerful printing system
  • Author: Ankur Shah
  • Original title: CUPS Administrative Guide. A practical tutorial to installing, managing, and securing this powerful printing system
  • ISBN: 9781847192592, 9781847192592
  • Date of issue: 2008-09-30
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3cah
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing