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Hands-On Design Patterns with C++. Solve common C++ problems with modern design patterns and build robust applications - Second Edition

Hands-On Design Patterns with C++. Solve common C++ problems with modern design patterns and build robust applications - Second Edition

Fedor G. Pikus

C++ is a general-purpose programming language designed for efficiency, performance, and flexibility. Design patterns are commonly accepted solutions to well-recognized design problems. In essence, they are a library of reusable components, only for software architecture, and not for a concrete implementation.
This book helps you focus on the design patterns that naturally adapt to your needs, and on the patterns that uniquely benefit from the features of C++. Armed with the knowledge of these patterns, you’ll spend less time searching for solutions to common problems and tackle challenges with the solutions developed from experience. You’ll also explore that design patterns are a concise and efficient way to communicate, as patterns are a familiar and recognizable solution to a specific problem and can convey a considerable amount of information with a single line of code.
By the end of this book, you’ll have a deep understanding of how to use design patterns to write maintainable, robust, and reusable software.
  • 1. An Introduction to Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • 2. Class and Function Templates
  • 3. Memory and Ownership
  • 4. Swap
  • 5. A Comprehensive Look at RAII
  • 6. Understanding Type Erasure
  • 7. SFINAE, Concepts, and Overload Resolution Management
  • 8. The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern
  • 9. Named Arguments, Method Chaining, and Builder Pattern
  • 10. Local Buffer Optimization
  • 11. ScopeGuard
  • 12. Friend Factory
  • 13. Virtual Constructors and Factories
  • 14. Template pattern and NonVirtual idiom
  • 15. Singleton - A Classic OOP Pattern
  • 16. Policy-Based Design
  • 17. The Visitor Pattern and Multiple Dispatch
  • 18. Adapters and Decorators
  • Tytuł: Hands-On Design Patterns with C++. Solve common C++ problems with modern design patterns and build robust applications - Second Edition
  • Autor: Fedor G. Pikus
  • Tytuł oryginału: Hands-On Design Patterns with C++. Solve common C++ problems with modern design patterns and build robust applications - Second Edition
  • ISBN: 9781804617274, 9781804617274
  • Data wydania: 2023-07-21
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3mrd
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing