
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Liferay 6.x Portal Enterprise Intranets Cookbook. Over 60 hands-on recipes to help you efficiently create complex and highly personalized enterprise intranet solutions with Liferay Portal 6.x CE

Piotr Filipowicz, Katarzyna B Ziolkowska, Katarzyna Zió?Çkowska, Poitr Filipowicz

Limitless Analytics with Azure Synapse. An end-to-end analytics service for data processing, management, and ingestion for BI and ML

Prashant Kumar Mishra, Mukesh Kumar

Linear Algebra. Learn the Foundations and Applications of Vector Spaces

Mercury Learning and Information, L. Shen, Haohao Wang, J. Wojdylo

Linear Regression With Python. A Tutorial Introduction to the Mathematics of Regression Analysis

James V Stone

Linux dla każdego Technika IT

Kamil Błasiak, Marek Czerwik

Linux Magazine (czerwiec 2022)

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Linux Magazine (grudzień 2022)

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Linux Magazine (kwiecień 2022)

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Linux Magazine (lipiec 2022)

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Linux Magazine (maj 2022)

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Linux Magazine Poleca - Python cz.1

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Linux Magazine Poleca - Python cz.2

Praca zbiorowa

Linux. Programowanie systemowe

Robert Love

Linux. Programowanie systemowe. Wydanie II

Robert Love

LiveCode Mobile Development Cookbook. 90 practical recipes for creating cross-platform mobile applications with the power of LiveCode

Dr. Edward Lavieri

LLM Engineer's Handbook. Master the art of engineering large language models from concept to production

Paul Iusztin, Maxime Labonne, Julien Chaumond, Hamza Tahir, ...

LLM Prompt Engineering for Developers. The Art and Science of Unlocking LLMs' True Potential

Aymen El Amri

LLVM Cookbook. Over 80 engaging recipes that will help you build a compiler frontend, optimizer, and code generator using LLVM

Mayur Pandey, Suyog Sarda

LLVM Essentials. Become familiar with the LLVM infrastructure and start using LLVM libraries to design a compiler

Mayur Pandey, Suyog Sarda, David Farago

LLVM Techniques, Tips, and Best Practices Clang and Middle-End Libraries. Design powerful and reliable compilers using the latest libraries and tools from LLVM

Min-Yih Hsu

Low-Code Application Development with Appian. The practitioner's guide to high-speed business automation at enterprise scale using Appian

Stefan Helzle

Lua Quick Start Guide. The easiest way to learn Lua programming

Gabor Szauer

L÷VE for Lua Game Programming. If you want to create 2D games for Windows, Linux, and OS X, this guide to the L?ñVE framework is a must. Written for hobbyists and professionals, it will help you leverage Lua for fast and easy game development

Darmie Akinlaja, Damilare Akinlaja