
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Machine Learning with R Quick Start Guide. A beginner's guide to implementing machine learning techniques from scratch using R 3.5

Iván Pastor Sanz

Machine Learning with Swift. Artificial Intelligence for iOS

Alexander Sosnovshchenko, Oleksandr Baiev

Machine Learning with TensorFlow 1.x. Second generation machine learning with Google's brainchild - TensorFlow 1.x

Saif Ahmed, Quan Hua, Shams Ul Azeem

Machine Learning with the Elastic Stack. Gain valuable insights from your data with Elastic Stack's machine learning features - Second Edition

Rich Collier, Camilla Montonen, Bahaaldine Azarmi

Magento Extensions Development. Click here to enter text

Jérémie Bouchet

Magento. Przewodnik dla programistów PHP

Allan MacGregor

Makra i VBA w tydzień. Odkryj potęgę programowania!

Mateusz Boryga

Managing Microsoft Hybrid Clouds. Benefit from hybrid cloud scenarios through this detailed guide to Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services (IaaS)

Marcel van den Berg

Managing Software Requirements the Agile Way. Bridge the gap between software requirements and executable specifications to deliver successful projects

Fred Heath

Managing Virtual Infrastructure with Veeam ONE. Discover ways to manage your virtual infrastructure with Veeam ONE in a development environment

Kevin Sapp

Mapa Agile & Scrum. Jak się odnaleźć jako Scrum Master

Mateusz Żeromski

Mapbox Cookbook. Over 35 recipes to design and implement uniquely styled maps using the Mapbox platform

Bill Kastanakis, Vasileios Kastanakis

Mapowanie historyjek użytkownika. Przepis na produkt idealny

Jeff Patton

Mapping with ArcGIS Pro. Design accurate and user-friendly maps to share the story of your data

Amy Rock, Ryan Malhoski

MariaDB High Performance. Familiarize yourself with the MariaDB system and build high-performance applications

Pierre Mavro

Master Apache JMeter - From Load Testing to DevOps. Master performance testing with JMeter

Antonio Gomes Rodrigues, Bruno Demion (Milamber), Philippe Mouawad

Master Data Science with Python. Combine Python with machine learning principles to discover hidden patterns in raw data

Rohan Chopra, Aaron England, Mohamed Noordeen Alaudeen

Mastering Akka. A hands-on guide to build application using the Akka framework

Christian Baxter

Mastering Amazon EC2. Unravel the complexities of EC2 to build robust and resilient applications

Badri Kesavan

Mastering AndEngine Game Development. Move beyond basic games and explore the limits of AndEngine

Maya Posch

Mastering Android Application Development. Learn how to do more with the Android SDK with this advanced Android Application guide which shows you how to make even better Android apps that users will love

Antonio Pachon

Mastering Android Development with Kotlin. Deep dive into the world of Android to create robust applications with Kotlin

Miloš Vasić

Mastering Android Game Development with Unity. Build high-end Android games with Unity's advanced features

Wajahat Karim, Siddharth Shekar

Mastering Android NDK. Master the skills you need to develop portable, highly-functional Android applications using NDK

Viktor Latypov, Viktor Latypov, Sergey Kosarevsky