
Nasza biblioteka online zawiera szereg publikacji, dzięki którym programowanie nie będzie mieć przed Tobą żadnych tajemnic. Zawarte tu książki przybliżą Ci takie języki jak HTML, JavaScript, Python czy CSS. Dowiesz się dzięki nim także tego, jak tworzyć efektywne algorytmy, projektować aplikacje mobilne, czy dbać o poprawną architekturę informacji w serwisach internetowych.

Master Data Science with Python. Combine Python with machine learning principles to discover hidden patterns in raw data

Rohan Chopra, Aaron England, Mohamed Noordeen Alaudeen

Mastering Akka. A hands-on guide to build application using the Akka framework

Christian Baxter

Mastering Amazon EC2. Unravel the complexities of EC2 to build robust and resilient applications

Badri Kesavan

Mastering AndEngine Game Development. Move beyond basic games and explore the limits of AndEngine

Maya Posch

Mastering Android Application Development. Learn how to do more with the Android SDK with this advanced Android Application guide which shows you how to make even better Android apps that users will love

Antonio Pachon

Mastering Android Development with Kotlin. Deep dive into the world of Android to create robust applications with Kotlin

Miloš Vasić

Mastering Android Game Development with Unity. Build high-end Android games with Unity's advanced features

Wajahat Karim, Siddharth Shekar

Mastering Android NDK. Master the skills you need to develop portable, highly-functional Android applications using NDK

Viktor Latypov, Viktor Latypov, Sergey Kosarevsky

Mastering Android Studio 3. Build Dynamic and Robust Android applications

Kyle Mew

Mastering Android Wear Application Development. Master the Android Wear SDK and APIs to build cutting edge wearable apps

Simone Casagranda, Siddique Hameed, Javeed Chida

Mastering Ansible. Automate configuration management and overcome deployment challenges with Ansible - Fourth Edition

James Freeman, Jesse Keating

Mastering Ansible. Effectively automate configuration management and deployment challenges with Ansible 2.7 - Third Edition

James Freeman, Jesse Keating

Mastering Ansible. Master the ins and outs of advanced operations with Ansible - Second Edition

Jesse Keating

Mastering Apache Camel. An advanced guide to Enterprise Integration using Apache Camel

Bilgin Ismet Ibryam, Jean Baptiste Onofre, Jean-Baptiste Onofré

Mastering Apache Cassandra. Build, manage, and configure high-performing, reliable NoSQL database for your application with Cassandra

Nishant Neeraj, Nishant Neeraj

Mastering Apache Spark 2.x. Advanced techniques in complex Big Data processing, streaming analytics and machine learning - Second Edition

Romeo Kienzler

Mastering ArcGIS Enterprise Administration. Install, configure, and manage ArcGIS Enterprise to publish, optimize, and secure GIS services

Chad Cooper

Mastering Arduino. A project-based approach to electronics, circuits, and programming

Jon Hoffman

Mastering ASP.NET Web API. Build powerful HTTP services and make the most of the ASP.NET Core Web API platform

Malendra Hurbuns, Mithun Pattankar

Mastering Assembly Programming. From instruction set to kernel module with Intel processor

Alexey Lyashko

Mastering AWS CloudFormation. Build resilient and production-ready infrastructure in Amazon Web Services with CloudFormation - Second Edition

Karen Tovmasyan

Mastering AWS CloudFormation. Plan, develop, and deploy your cloud infrastructure effectively using AWS CloudFormation

Karen Tovmasyan

Mastering AWS Lambda. Learn how to build and deploy serverless applications

Yohan Wadia, Udita Gupta

Mastering AWS Security. Create and maintain a secure cloud ecosystem

Albert Anthony