
Our online library contains some publications, thanks to which programming will have no secrets from you. The books included here will introduce you to such languages as HTML, JavaScript, Python and CSS. Due to them, you will also learn how to create effective algorithms, design mobile applications or take care of the correct information architecture on websites.

C++17 STL. Receptury

Jacek Galowicz

C++20 Biblioteka techniczna. Problemy i rozwiązania

J. Burton Browning, Bruce Sutherland

C++20. Laboratorium

Dawid Farbaniec

C++20 STL Cookbook. Leverage the latest features of the STL to solve real-world problems

Bill Weinman

CakePHP 1.3. Programowanie aplikacji. Receptury

Mariano Iglesias

Canvas Cookbook. Click here to enter text

Bhushan Purushottam Joshi, Eric Rowell

Causal Inference in R. Decipher complex relationships with advanced R techniques for data-driven decision-making

Subhajit Das

CentOS 6 Linux Server Cookbook. An all-in-one guide to installing, configuring, and running a Centos 6 server. Ideal for newbies and old-hands alike, this practical tutorial ensures you get the best from this popular, enterprise-class free server solution

Jonathan Hobson