Techniki programowania


Mastering React Test-Driven Development. Build simple and maintainable web apps with React, Redux, and GraphQL - Second Edition

Daniel Irvine, Justin Searls

Test-driven development (TDD) is a programming workflow that helps you build your apps by specifying behavior as automated tests. The TDD workflow future-proofs apps so that they can be modified without fear of breaking existing functionality. Another benefit of TDD is that it helps software development teams communicate their intentions more clearly, by way of test specifications.This book teaches you how to apply TDD when building React apps. You’ll create a sample app using the same React libraries and tools that professional React developers use, such as Jest, React Router, Redux, Relay (GraphQL), Cucumber, and Puppeteer. The TDD workflow is supported by various testing techniques and patterns, which are useful even if you’re not following the TDD process. This book covers these techniques by walking you through the creation of a component test framework. You’ll learn automated testing theory which will help you work with any of the test libraries that are in standard usage today, such as React Testing Library. This second edition has been revised with a stronger focus on concise code examples and has been fully updated for React 18.By the end of this TDD book, you’ll be able to use React, Redux, and GraphQL to develop robust web apps.


Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming. Design, build, and simulate complex robots using the Robot Operating System

The area of robotics is gaining huge momentum among corporate people, researchers, hobbyists, and students. The major challenge in robotics is its controlling software. The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a modular software platform to develop generic robotic applications.This book discusses the advanced concepts in robotics and how to program using ROS. It starts with deep overview of the ROS framework, which will give you a clear idea of how ROS really works. During the course of the book, you will learn how to build models of complex robots, and simulate and interface the robot using the ROS MoveIt motion planning library and ROS navigation stacks. After discussing robot manipulation and navigation in robots, you will get to grips with the interfacing I/O boards, sensors, and actuators of ROS. One of the essential ingredients of robots are vision sensors, and an entire chapter is dedicated to the vision sensor, its interfacing in ROS, and its programming. You will discuss the hardware interfacing and simulation of complex robot to ROS and ROS Industrial (Package used for interfacing industrial robots).Finally, you will get to know the best practices to follow when programming using ROS.


Mastering RStudio - Develop, Communicate, and Collaborate with R. Harness the power of RStudio to create web applications, R packages, markdown reports and pretty data visualizations

Homer White, Julian Hillebrand, Maximilian H. Nierhoff

RStudio helps you to manage small to large projects by giving you a multi-functional integrated development environment, combined with the power and flexibility of the R programming language, which is becoming the bridge language of data science for developers and analyst worldwide. Mastering the use of RStudio will help you to solve real-world data problems.This book begins by guiding you through the installation of RStudio and explaining the user interface step by step. From there, the next logical step is to use this knowledge to improve your data analysis workflow. We will do this by building up our toolbox to create interactive reports and graphs or even web applications with Shiny. To collaborate with others, we will explore how to use Git and GitHub and how to build your own packages to ensure top quality results. Finally, we put it all together in an interactive dashboard written with R.


Mastering SaltStack. Use Salt to the fullest - Second Edition

Joseph Hall

SaltStack is a powerful configuration management and automation suite designed to manage servers and tens of thousands of nodes. This book showcases Salt as a very powerful automation framework. We will review the fundamental concepts to get you in the right frame of mind, and then explore Salt in much greater depth. You will explore Salt SSH as a powerful tool and take Salt Cloud to the next level. Next, you’ll master using Salt services with ease in your infrastructure. You will discover methods and strategies to scale your infrastructure properly. You will also learn how to use Salt as a powerful monitoring tool.By the end of this book, you will have learned troubleshooting tips and best practices to make the entire process of using Salt pain-free and easy.


Mastering SoapUI. Experience SOA Test and Test Automation from an expert view

Pranai Nandan, Surendra Mohan

SoapUI is an open-source cross-platform testing application that provides complete test coverage and supports all the standard protocols and technologies. This book includes real-time examples of implementing SoapUI to achieve quality and business assurance.Starting with the features and functionalities of SoapUI, the book will then focus on functional testing, load testing, and security testing of web services. Furthermore, you will learn how to automate your services and then design data-driven, keyword-driven, and hybrid-driven frameworks in SoapUI. Then the book will show you how to test UIs and services using SoapUI with the help of Selenium. You will also learn how to integrate SoapUI with Jenkins for CI and SoapUI test with QC with backward- and forward-compatibility. The final part of the book will show you how to virtualize a service response in SoapUI using Service Mocking. You will finish the journey by discovering the best practices for SoapUI test automation and preparing yourself for the online certification of SoapUI.


Mastering Sublime Text. When it comes to cross-platform text and source code editing, Sublime Text has few rivals. This book will teach you all its great features and help you develop and publish plugins. A brilliantly inclusive guide

Dan Peleg

Sublime is the leading platform for developing websites, applications, and software. Sublime Text is a sophisticated, cross-platform text and source code editor. It supports a number of different programming languages and is extremely efficient and feature rich. With Sublime Text, programmers can develop their web applications faster and with more efficiency.This book will put you at the frontier of modern software development. It will teach you how to leverage Sublime for anything from mobile games to missile protection. Above all, this book will help you harness the power of other Sublime users and always stay on top.This book will show you how to get started, from basic installation through lightning fast code navigation and up to the development of your own plugins. It takes you from the early stages of navigating through the platform and moves on by teaching you how to fully customize your platform, test, debug, and eventually create and share your own plugins to help and lead this community forward.The book will then teach you how to efficiently edit text, primarily by using the keyboard. You will learn how to interact with the Sublime Text community using the mailing lists and IRC.


Mastering Swift 3. Build incredible apps for iOS and OS X

Jon Hoffman

Swift is the definitive language of Apple development today. It’s a vital part of any iOS and OS X developer’s skillset, helping them to build the most impressive and popular apps on the App Store—the sort of apps that are essential to iPhone and iPad users every day. With version 3.0, the Swift team have added new features to improve the development experience—making it easier to get the results you want and customers expect.Inside, you’ll find the key features of Swift 3.0 and quickly learn how to use the newest updates to your development advantage. From Objective-C interoperability to ARC, to closures and concurrency, this advanced Swift guide will develop your expertise and make you more fluent in this vital programming language. We give you in-depth knowledge of some of the most sophisticated elements of Swift development including protocol extensions, error-handling, design patterns, and concurrency, and guide you on how to use and apply them in your own projects. You'll see how even the most challenging design patterns and programming techniques can be used to write cleaner code and to build more performant iOS and OS X applications. By the end of this book, you’ll have a handle on effective design patterns and techniques, which means you’ll soon be writing better iOS and OS X applications with a new level of sophistication and control.


Mastering Symfony. Orchestrate the designing, development, testing, and deployment of web applications with Symfony

Sebastien Armand, Sohail Salehi

In this book, you will learn some lesser known aspects of development with Symfony, and you will see how to use Symfony as a framework to create reliable and effective applications. You might have developed some impressive PHP libraries in other projects, but what is the point when your library is tied to one particular project? With Symfony, you can turn your code into a service and reuse it in other projects.This book starts with Symfony concepts such as bundles, routing, twig, doctrine, and more, taking you through the request/response life cycle. You will then proceed to set up development, test, and deployment environments in AWS. Then you will create reliable projects using Behat and Mink, and design business logic, cover authentication, and authorization steps in a security checking process. You will be walked through concepts such as DependencyInjection, service containers, and services, and go through steps to create customized commands for Symfony's console. Finally, the book covers performance optimization and the use of Varnish and Memcached in our project, and you are treated with the creation of database agnostic bundles and best practices.


Mastering Unreal Engine 4.X. Master the art of building AAA games with Unreal Engine

Muhammad A.Moniem

Unreal Engine 4 has garnered a lot of attention in the gaming world because of its new and improved graphics and rendering engine, the physics simulator, particle generator, and more. This book is the ideal guide to help you leverage all these features to create state-of-the-art games that capture the eye of your audience. Inside we’ll explain advanced shaders and effects techniques and how you can implement them in your games. You’ll create custom lighting effects, use the physics simulator to add that extra edge to your games, and create customized game environments that look visually stunning using the rendering technique. You’ll find out how to use the new rendering engine efficiently, add amazing post-processing effects, and use data tables to create data-driven gameplay that is engaging and exciting. By the end of this book, you will be able to create professional games with stunning graphics using Unreal Engine 4!


Mastering Xamarin.Forms. Build rich, maintainable multiplatform native mobile apps with Xamarin.Forms

Ed Snider

Discover how to extend and build upon the components of the Xamarin.Forms toolkit to develop an effective, robust mobile app architecture. Starting with an app built with the basics of the Xamarin.Forms toolkit, we’ll go step by step through several advanced topics to create a solution architecture rich with the benefits of good design patterns and best practices.We’ll start by introducing a core separation between the app’s user interface and the app’s business logic by applying the MVVM pattern and data binding. Discover how to extend and build upon the components of the Xamarin.Forms toolkit to develop an effective, robust mobile app architecture. Starting with an app built with the basics of the Xamarin.Forms toolkit, we’ll go step by step through several advanced topics to create a solution architecture rich with the benefits of good design patterns and best practices.We’ll start by introducing a core separation between the app’s user interface and the app’s business logic by applying the MVVM pattern and data binding. Then we will focus on building out a layer of plugin-like services that handle platform-specific utilities such as navigation, geo-location, and the camera, as well as how to use these services with inversion of control and dependency injection. Next we’ll connect the app to a live web-based API and set up offline synchronization. Then, we’ll dive into testing the app—both the app logic through unit tests and the user interface using Xamarin’s UITest framework. Finally, we’ll integrate Xamarin Insights for monitoring usage and bugs to gain a proactive edge on app quality.


Mastering Yii. Click here to enter text

Charles R. Portwood ll

The successor of Yii Framework 1.1, Yii 2 is a complete rewrite of Yii Framework, one of the most popular PHP 5 frameworks around for making modern web applications. The update embraces the best practices and protocols established with newer versions of PHP, while still maintaining the simple, fast, and extendable behavior found in its predecessor.This book has been written to enhance your skills and knowledge with Yii Framework 2. Starting with configuration and how to initialize new projects, you’ll learn how to configure, manage, and use every aspect of Yii2 from Gii, DAO, Query Builder, Active Record, and migrations, to asset manager. You'll also discover how to automatically test your code using codeception.With this book by your side, you’ll have all the skills you need to quickly create rich modern web and console applications with Yii 2.


Maya Programming with Python Cookbook. Master complex workflows and conquer the world with Python and Maya

Adrian Herbez

Maya is a 3D graphics and animation software, used to develop interactive 3D applications and games with stupendous visual effects. The Maya Programming with Python Cookbook is all about creating fast, powerful automation systems with minimum coding using Maya Python. With the help of insightful and essential recipes, this book will help you improve your modelling skills. Expand your development options and overcome scripting problems encountered whilst developing code in Maya. Right from the beginning, get solutions to complex development concerns faced when implementing as parts of build.


MEAN Blueprints. Unlock the power of the MEAN stack by creating attractive and real-world projects

Robert Onodi

The MEAN stack is a combination of the most popular web development frameworks available—MongoDB, Angular, Express, and Node.js used together to offer a powerful and comprehensive full stack web development solution. It is the modern day web dev alternative to the old LAMP stack. It works by allowing AngularJS to handle the front end, and selecting Mongo, Express, and Node to handle the back-end development, which makes increasing sense to forward-thinking web developers. The MEAN stack is great if you want to prototype complex web applications.This book will enable you to build a better foundation for your AngularJS apps. Each chapter covers a complete, single, advanced end-to-end project. You’ll learn how to build complex real-life applications with the MEAN stack and few more advanced projects. You will become familiar with WebSockets and build real-time web applications, as well as create auto-destructing entities. Later, we will combine server-side rendering techniques with a single page application approach. You’ll build a fun project and see how to work with monetary data in Mongo. You will also find out how to a build real-time e-commerce application.By the end of this book, you will be a lot more confident in developing real-time, complex web applications using the MEAN stack.


MEAN Web Development. Develop your MEAN application efficiently using a combination of MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node - Second Edition

Amos Q. Haviv

The MEAN stack is a collection of the most popular modern tools for web development that helps you build fast, robust, and maintainable web applications.Starting with the MEAN core frameworks, this pragmatic guide will explain the key concepts of each framework, how to set them up properly, and how to use popular modules to connect it all together. By following the real-world examples shown in this tutorial, you will scaffold your MEAN application architecture, add an authentication layer, and develop an MVC structure to support your project development. You will learn the best practices of maintaining clear and simple code and will see how to avoid common pitfalls. Finally, you will walk through the different tools and frameworks that will help expedite your daily development cycles.Watch how your application development grows by learning from the only guide that is solely orientated towards building a full, end-to-end, real-time application using the MEAN stack!


Metaprogramming in C#. Automate your .NET development and simplify overcomplicated code

Einar Ingebrigtsen

Metaprogramming is an advanced technique that helps developers to automate repetitive tasks, generate scalable code, and enhance productivity in software development. Metaprogramming in C# is a comprehensive guide that will help you reap the full potential of metaprogramming in .NET runtime.You’ll start by learning about the .NET runtime environment and how you can use it to become a more productive developer. You'll learn how to infer types using reflection, use attributes, and create dynamic proxies. You’ll also explore the use of expressions to create and execute code and how to take advantage of Dynamic Language Runtime.But that's not all! You’ll also learn to go beyond inheritance and use method signature conventions to create easily maintainable code. Finally, you’ll dive into the world of compiler magic with Roslyn, where you'll discover how to use Roslyn to generate code, perform static code analysis, and write your own compiler extensions.By the end of this book, you’ll have a deep understanding of metaprogramming concepts and how to apply them to your C# code. You’ll be able to think about types, use attributes and expressions to generate code, and apply crosscutting concerns to improve code quality.


Meteor: Full-Stack Web Application Development. Rapidly build web apps with Meteor

Fabian Vogelsteller, Isaac Strack, Marcelo Reyna

Meteor is best JavaScript development platform and is packed with collections of libraries and packages bound together in a tidy way to take care of everything from development to production, making your web development easier.This course follows a learning path divided into three modules. Each module is a mini course in its own right, taking your knowledge to a new level as you progress. The first module takes you from the installation of Meteor to building a fully working web blog (including back end) to create and edit posts. Your path will begin with the basic concepts and folder structure of a Meteor project, learning how Meteor templates work to test packages, and seeing the application itself. The second module is a cookbook that starts with simple recipes designed for quick reference, and culminating advanced recipes that walk you through building and deploying a complete application. The cookbook covers all the major areas of Meteor development, including lesser-known and undocumented features too. With all the important concepts covered in the previous modules, the third module will get you equipped with simple solutions to boost your development skills. You’ll learn about mapping of real-world data and optimizing it, how to optimize and secure web applications and how to deploy and maintain it without breaking its features. Throughout the module, you will put your skills into practice and build an online shop from scratch.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:• Building Single-page Web Apps with Meteor, Fabian Vogelsteller• Meteor Cookbook, Isaac Strack• Meteor Design Patterns, Marcelo Reyna


Micro:bit. Nauka programowania i elektroniki dla małych oraz dużych

Witold Krieser

Zabawę w programowanie czas zacząć! Pod intrygująco brzmiącą nazwą micro:bit kryje się niewielkich rozmiarów płytka będąca mikrokontrolerem ― czy inaczej: mikrokomputerem. Sercem wielu urządzeń, takich jak różne roboty i inteligentne modele samochodów. Micro:bit stanowi punkt wyjścia dla ich konstrukcji i jest urządzeniem niezwykle często pojawiającym się przy okazji rozmaitych projektów związanych z nauką programowania ― korzystają z niego nauczyciele i uczniowie na całym świecie. Mikrokontroler micro:bit pozwala im się sprawnie uczyć i rozwiązywać pojawiające się przy okazji realizacji zadań problemy poprzez zabawę. Bo programowania, podobnie jak każdej innej dziedziny wiedzy, najlepiej uczyć się przez sprawiające radość praktykowanie. Ta książka stanowi swojego rodzaju instrukcję obsługi płytki micro:bit. Zawiera aż sześćdziesiąt gotowych projektów, z których mniej więcej jedna trzecia dotyczy samego mikrokontrolera, pozostałe zaś wymagają zastosowania modułu rozszerzeń i (lub) dodatkowych akcesoriów. Podręcznik proponuje projekty i gotowe programy korzystające z bloczków, a także z bardziej zaawansowanych języków programowania, jakimi są JavaScript i Python. Przekonaj się, że zabawa z micro:bitem jest przyjemna, stosunkowo prosta i równocześnie inspirująca ― z tym mikrokontrolerem wykonasz zarówno prosty włącznik światła, użytecznego robota, samosterujący samochód, jak i bardziej zaawansowane rozwiązania dla tzw. inteligentnego domu.


Microservices Design Patterns in .NET. Making sense of microservices design and architecture using .NET Core

Are you a developer who needs to fully understand the different patterns and benefits that they bring to designing microservices? If yes, then this book is for you. Microservices Design Patterns in .NET will help you appreciate the various microservice design concerns and strategies that can be used to navigate them.Making a microservice-based app is no easy feat and there are many concerns that need to be addressed. As you progress through the chapters of this guide, you’ll dive headfirst into the problems that come packed with this architectural approach, and then explore the design patterns that address these problems. You’ll also learn how to be deliberate and intentional in your architectural design to overcome major considerations in building microservices.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to apply critical thinking and clean coding principles when creating a microservices application using .NET Core.


Microservices with Go. Building scalable and reliable microservices with Go

This book covers the key benefits and common issues of microservices, helping you understand the problems microservice architecture helps to solve, the issues it usually introduces, and the ways to tackle them.You’ll start by learning about the importance of using the right principles and standards in order to achieve the key benefits of microservice architecture. The following chapters will explain why the Go programming language is one of the most popular languages for microservice development and lay down the foundations for the next chapters of the book. You’ll explore the foundational aspects of Go microservice development including service scaffolding, service discovery, data serialization, synchronous and asynchronous communication, deployment, and testing. After covering the development aspects, you’ll progress to maintenance and reliability topics. The last part focuses on more advanced topics of Go microservice development including system reliability, observability, maintainability, and scalability. In this part, you’ll dive into the best practices and examples which illustrate how to apply the key ideas to existing applications, using the services scaffolded in the previous part as examples.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained hands-on experience with everything you need to develop scalable, reliable and performant microservices using Go.


Microservices with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Cloud. Build resilient and scalable microservices using Spring Cloud, Istio, and Kubernetes - Third Edition

Magnus Larsson

Looking to build and deploy microservices but not sure where to start? Check out Microservices with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Cloud, Third Edition.With a practical approach, you'll begin with simple microservices and progress to complex distributed applications. Learn essential functionality and deploy microservices using Kubernetes and Istio.This book covers Java 17, Spring Boot 3, and Spring Cloud 2022. Java EE packages are replaced with the latest Jakarta EE packages. Code examples are updated and deprecated APIs have been replaced, providing the most up to date information. Gain knowledge of Spring's AOT module, observability, distributed tracing, and Helm 3 for Kubernetes packaging.Start with Docker Compose to run microservices with databases and messaging services. Progress to deploying microservices on Kubernetes with Istio. Explore persistence, resilience, reactive microservices, and API documentation with OpenAPI. Learn service discovery with Netflix Eureka, edge servers with Spring Cloud Gateway, and monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, and the EFK stack.By the end, you'll build scalable microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Reporting. Everything you need to know to work with reports in Dynamics CRM 2011

Damian Hernan Sinay

All of the data entered into a CRM means nothing if it is unable to report the important information to our managers and executives in such a way that they can easily and quickly get the results they need. A better reporting system would enable them to make the necessary improvements to the processes that any business needs in a dynamic business world.For users and developers wishing to take advantage of using the report capabilities of Dynamics CRM, this is the book for you.Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Reporting is a practical and excellent reference guide that provides you with a number of different options you can use to create and empower the Reporting capabilities of Dynamics CRM. This will give you a good grounding in using the reports in your Dynamics CRM 2011 implementations.This book looks at all the different options we can use to create reports in Dynamics CRM 2011, starting with SQL Reporting Services and custom reports, created in either CRM Report Wizard, SQL Report Builder, or Visual Studio. It will also show other options we can use such as dashboards, charts, and different ways to optimize and automate reports.We will also learn how to build our own reports either using the different wizards for basic reports or using Visual Studio for more complex reports. We will explore the options mobile CRM users have who want to run and see reports on these mobile devices.


Microsoft Dynamics NAV 7 Programming Cookbook. Learn to customize, integrate and administer NAV 7 using practical, hands-on recipes - Second Edition

Matthew Traxinger, Rakesh Raul, Rakesh Raul

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 7 is a business management solution that helps simplify and streamline highly specialized business processes. Learning NAV programing in NAV 7 gives you the full inside view of an ERP system.Microsoft Dynamics NAV 7 Programming Cookbook covers topics that span a wide range of areas such as integrating the NAV system with other software applications including Microsoft Office, and creating reports to present information from multiple areas of the system,. We will not only learn the essentials of NAV programming, you will also be exposed to the technologies that surround NAV including.NET programming, SQL Server and NAV system administration.Microsoft Dynamics NAV 7 Programming Cookbook is written in a direct, to-the-point style to help you get what you need and continue working in NAV. The first half of the cookbook will help programmers using NAV for the first time, by walking them through the building blocks of writing code and creating objects such as tables, pages, and reports.The second half focuses on using the technologies surrounding NAV to build better solutions. You will learn how to write .NET code that works with the NAV system and how to integrate the system with other software applications such as Microsoft Office or even custom programs.You will learn everything you need to know for developing all types of NAV CSIDE objects, as well as how to integrate and maintain a NAV system.


Microsoft XNA 4.0 Game Development Cookbook. This book goes further than the basic manuals to help you exploit Microsoft XNA to create fantastic virtual worlds and effects in your 2D or 3D games. Includes 35 essential recipes for game developers

Luke Drumm

Microsoft XNA attempts to free game developers from writing repetitive boilerplate code, allowing them to focus on producing enjoyable gameplay rather than tedious and complicated setup. The Framework has reduced the once steep learning curve for game development, transforming it into something more attainable, and this cookbook will help you to take full advantage of XNA to bring reality into your virtual worlds.Microsoft XNA 4.0 Game Development Cookbook is the perfect resource for propelling your game development capabilities from the simple 2D demo towards engaging and exciting, professional looking games. With a diverse selection of game-related topics covered, discover how to create rich 2D and 3D worlds filled with interesting characters, detailed scenery and dynamic special effects applicable to PC, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone 7 game play.There is no shortage of introductory texts available for XNA, a number of which are fantastic for getting started with simple 2D games, but Microsoft XNA 4.0 Game Development Cookbookù will help you take the steps to start producing games that have deeper gameplay, compelling graphics and that little bit of extra polish! The book's recipes will get you up and going quickly with the next level of game features such as 3D graphics, AI, and network play.With this practical cookbook to hand, even the more experienced developer will be better equipped to achieve high level tasks with XNA in a quick and efficient manner.