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Windows Phone 7.5 Application Development with F#. Develop amazing applications for Windows Phone using F#

Lohith G N

WordPress Multisite Administration. A concise guide to set up, manage, and customize your blog network using WordPress multisite

Tyler Longren

WORKING WITH grep, sed, AND awk Pocket Primer. A Quick Guide to Mastering Powerful Command Line Tools

Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato

Wprowadzenie do mikrokontrolerów AVR. Od elektroniki do programowania

Filip Sala, Marzena Sala-Tefelska

Writing API Tests with Karate. Enhance your API testing for improved security and performance

Benjamin Bischoff, Peter Thomas

wxPython Application Development Cookbook. Over 80 step-by-step recipes to get you up to speed with building your own wxPython applications

Cody Precord

Wydajne systemy komputerowe. Przewodnik dla administratorów systemów lokalnych i w chmurze

Brendan Gregg

Wyrażenia regularne. Leksykon kieszonkowy. Wydanie II

Tony Stubblebine

Wyrażenia regularne od podstaw

Ben Forta

Wyrażenia regularne. Receptury

Steven Levithan, Jan Goyvaerts

Wyrażenia regularne. Wprowadzenie

Michael Fitzgerald

Wzorce projektowe. Rusz głową!

Eric Freeman, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra, Elisabeth Robson

Xamarin 4.x Cross-Platform Application Development. Click here to enter text. - Third Edition

Jonathan Peppers

Xamarin Blueprints. Click here to enter text

Michael Williams

Xamarin: Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development. Master the skills required to develop cross-platform applications from drawing board to app store(s) using Xamarin

George Taskos, Jonathan Peppers, Can Bilgin

Xamarin Mobile Development for Android Cookbook. Over 80 hands-on recipes to unleash full potential for Xamarin in development and monetization of feature-packed, real-world Android apps

Matthew Leibowitz

Xamarin. Tworzenie interfejsów użytkownika

Steven F. Daniel

Yii2 Application Development Cookbook. Click here to enter text. - Third Edition

Sergey Ivanov, Andrew Bogdanov, Dmitry Eliseev

Yii2 By Example. Develop complete web applications from scratch through practical examples and tips for beginners and more advanced users

Fabrizio Caldarelli

Zaawansowane zarządzanie pamięcią w .NET: Lepszy kod, wydajność i skalowalność

Konrad Kokosa

Zabawa w programowanie. Język C dla nastolatków

Michał Wiszniewski