Методи програмування

Julia Cookbook. Click here to enter text

Jalem Raj Rohit

Julia High Performance. Design and develop high performing programs with Julia

Avik Sengupta

Julia: High Performance Programming. Build powerful and fast systems with Julia

Ivo Balbaert, M E Sherrington, Avik Sengupta

Kod doskonały. Jak tworzyć oprogramowanie pozbawione błędów. Wydanie II

Steve McConnell

Koncepcja Domain-Driven Design. Dostosowywanie architektury aplikacji do strategii biznesowej

Vlad Khononov

Laravel 5.x Cookbook. Click here to enter text

Terry Matula, Alfred Nutile

Leap Motion Development Essentials. Leverage the power of Leap Motion to develop and deploy a fully interactive application

Mischa Spiegelmock