Data analysis


Applied Data Science with Python and Jupyter. Use powerful industry-standard tools to unlock new, actionable insights from your data

Alex Galea

Getting started with data science doesn't have to be an uphill battle. Applied Data Science with Python and Jupyter is a step-by-step guide ideal for beginners who know a little Python and are looking for a quick, fast-paced introduction to these concepts. In this book, you'll learn every aspect of the standard data workflow process, including collecting, cleaning, investigating, visualizing, and modeling data. You'll start with the basics of Jupyter, which will be the backbone of the book. After familiarizing ourselves with its standard features, you'll look at an example of it in practice with our first analysis. In the next lesson, you dive right into predictive analytics, where multiple classification algorithms are implemented. Finally, the book ends by looking at data collection techniques. You'll see how web data can be acquired with scraping techniques and via APIs, and then briefly explore interactive visualizations.


Applied Data Visualization with R and ggplot2. Create useful, elaborate, and visually appealing plots

Dr. Tania Moulik

Applied Data Visualization with R and ggplot2 introduces you to the world of data visualization by taking you through the basic features of ggplot2. To start with, you’ll learn how to set up the R environment, followed by getting insights into the grammar of graphics and geometric objects before you explore the plotting techniques.You’ll discover what layers, scales, coordinates, and themes are, and study how you can use them to transform your data into aesthetical graphs. Once you’ve grasped the basics, you’ll move on to studying simple plots such as histograms and advanced plots such as superimposing and density plots. You’ll also get to grips with plotting trends, correlations, and statistical summaries.By the end of this book, you’ll have created data visualizations that will impress your clients.


Applied Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Self-Driving Cars. Build autonomous vehicles using deep neural networks and behavior-cloning techniques

Sumit Ranjan, Dr. S. Senthamilarasu

Thanks to a number of recent breakthroughs, self-driving car technology is now an emerging subject in the field of artificial intelligence and has shifted data scientists' focus to building autonomous cars that will transform the automotive industry. This book is a comprehensive guide to use deep learning and computer vision techniques to develop autonomous cars. Starting with the basics of self-driving cars (SDCs), this book will take you through the deep neural network techniques required to get up and running with building your autonomous vehicle. Once you are comfortable with the basics, you'll delve into advanced computer vision techniques and learn how to use deep learning methods to perform a variety of computer vision tasks such as finding lane lines, improving image classification, and so on. You will explore the basic structure and working of a semantic segmentation model and get to grips with detecting cars using semantic segmentation. The book also covers advanced applications such as behavior-cloning and vehicle detection using OpenCV, transfer learning, and deep learning methodologies to train SDCs to mimic human driving.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to implement a variety of neural networks to develop your own autonomous vehicle using modern Python libraries.


Applied Unsupervised Learning with R. Uncover hidden relationships and patterns with k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, and PCA

Alok Malik, Bradford Tuckfield

Starting with the basics, Applied Unsupervised Learning with R explains clustering methods, distribution analysis, data encoders, and features of R that enable you to understand your data better and get answers to your most pressing business questions. This book begins with the most important and commonly used method for unsupervised learning - clustering - and explains the three main clustering algorithms - k-means, divisive, and agglomerative. Following this, you'll study market basket analysis, kernel density estimation, principal component analysis, and anomaly detection. You'll be introduced to these methods using code written in R, with further instructions on how to work with, edit, and improve R code. To help you gain a practical understanding, the book also features useful tips on applying these methods to real business problems, including market segmentation and fraud detection. By working through interesting activities, you'll explore data encoders and latent variable models. By the end of this book, you will have a better understanding of different anomaly detection methods, such as outlier detection, Mahalanobis distances, and contextual and collective anomaly detection.


arc42 by Example. Software architecture documentation in practice

Dr. Gernot Starke, Michael Simons, Stefan Zörner, Ralf D. Müller

When developers document the architecture of their systems, they often invent their own specific ways of articulating structures, designs, concepts, and decisions. What they need is a template that enables simple and efficient software architecture documentation. arc42 by Example shows how it's done through several real-world examples.Each example in the book, whether it is a chess engine, a huge CRM system, or a cool web system, starts with a brief description of the problem domain and the quality requirements. Then, you'll discover the system context with all the external interfaces. You'll dive into an overview of the solution strategy to implement the building blocks and runtime scenarios. The later chapters also explain various cross-cutting concerns and how they affect other aspects of a program.


Artificial Intelligence for Big Data. Complete guide to automating Big Data solutions using Artificial Intelligence techniques

Anand Deshpande, Manish Kumar

In this age of big data, companies have larger amount of consumer data than ever before, far more than what the current technologies can ever hope to keep up with. However, Artificial Intelligence closes the gap by moving past human limitations in order to analyze data.With the help of Artificial Intelligence for big data, you will learn to use Machine Learning algorithms such as k-means, SVM, RBF, and regression to perform advanced data analysis. You will understand the current status of Machine and Deep Learning techniques to work on Genetic and Neuro-Fuzzy algorithms. In addition, you will explore how to develop Artificial Intelligence algorithms to learn from data, why they are necessary, and how they can help solve real-world problems.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to implement various Artificial Intelligence algorithms for your big data systems and integrate them into your product offerings such as reinforcement learning, natural language processing, image recognition, genetic algorithms, and fuzzy logic systems.


Automated Machine Learning with AutoKeras. Deep learning made accessible for everyone with just few lines of coding

Luis Sobrecueva

AutoKeras is an AutoML open-source software library that provides easy access to deep learning models. If you are looking to build deep learning model architectures and perform parameter tuning automatically using AutoKeras, then this book is for you.This book teaches you how to develop and use state-of-the-art AI algorithms in your projects. It begins with a high-level introduction to automated machine learning, explaining all the concepts required to get started with this machine learning approach. You will then learn how to use AutoKeras for image and text classification and regression. As you make progress, you'll discover how to use AutoKeras to perform sentiment analysis on documents. This book will also show you how to implement a custom model for topic classification with AutoKeras. Toward the end, you will explore advanced concepts of AutoKeras such as working with multi-modal data and multi-task, customizing the model with AutoModel, and visualizing experiment results using AutoKeras Extensions.By the end of this machine learning book, you will be able to confidently use AutoKeras to design your own custom machine learning models in your company.


Azure Data Factory Cookbook. Build ETL, Hybrid ETL, and ELT pipelines using ADF, Synapse Analytics, Fabric and Databricks - Second Edition

Dmitry Foshin, Tonya Chernyshova, Dmitry Anoshin, Xenia Ireton

This new edition of the Azure Data Factory book, fully updated to reflect ADS V2, will help you get up and running by showing you how to create and execute your first job in ADF. There are updated and new recipes throughout the book based on developments happening in Azure Synapse, Deployment with Azure DevOps, and Azure Purview. The current edition also runs you through Fabric Data Factory, Data Explorer, and some industry-grade best practices with specific chapters on each.You’ll learn how to branch and chain activities, create custom activities, and schedule pipelines, as well as discover the benefits of cloud data warehousing, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure Data Lake Gen2 Storage. With practical recipes, you’ll learn how to actively engage with analytical tools from Azure Data Services and leverage your on-premises infrastructure with cloud-native tools to get relevant business insights. You'll familiarize yourself with the common errors that you may encounter while working with ADF and find out the solutions to them. You’ll also understand error messages and resolve problems in connectors and data flows with the debugging capabilities of ADF.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use ADF with its latest advancements as the main ETL and orchestration tool for your data warehouse projects.