Analiza danych


Badanie danych. Raport z pierwszej linii działań

Rachel Schutt, Cathy O'Neil

Unikalne wprowadzenie do nauki o danych! W dzisiejszych czasach najcenniejszym dobrem jest informacja. Ogromne ilości danych są przechowywane w przepastnych bazach danych, a kluczem do sukcesu jest ich umiejętna analiza i wyciąganie wniosków. To dynamicznie rozwijająca się dziedzina wiedzy, w której do tej pory brakowało solidnych podręczników, pozwalających na dogłębne poznanie tego obszaru. Na szczęście to się zmieniło! To unikalna książka, w której badacze z największych firm branży IT dzielą się skutecznymi technikami analizy danych. Z kolejnych rozdziałów dowiesz się, czym jest nauka o danych, model danych oraz test A/B. Ponadto zdobędziesz wiedzę na temat wnioskowania statystycznego, algorytmów, języka R oraz wizualizacji danych. Sięgnij po tę książkę, jeżeli chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak wykrywać oszustwa, korzystać z MapReduce oraz badać przyczynowość. To obowiązkowa pozycja na półce czytelników zainteresowanych badaniem danych. Wśród tematów poruszonych w książce odnajdziesz: Wnioskowanie statystyczne, eksploracyjną analizę danych i proces (metodologię) nauki o danych Algorytmy Filtry spamu, naiwny algorytm Bayesa i wstępną obróbkę danych Regresję logistyczną Modelowanie finansowe Mechanizmy rekomendacji i przyczynowość Wizualizowanie danych Sieci społecznościowe i dziennikarstwo danych Inżynierię danych, systemy MapReduce, Pregel i Hadoop Wyciągnij wartościowe wnioski z posiadanych informacji!


Bayesian Analysis with Python. Click here to enter text

Osvaldo Martin

The purpose of this book is to teach the main concepts of Bayesian data analysis. We will learn how to effectively use PyMC3, a Python library for probabilistic programming, to perform Bayesian parameter estimation, to check models and validate them. This book begins presenting the key concepts of the Bayesian framework and the main advantages of this approach from a practical point of view. Moving on, we will explore the power and flexibility of generalized linear models and how to adapt them to a wide array of problems, including regression and classification. We will also look into mixture models and clustering data, and we will finish with advanced topics like non-parametrics models and Gaussian processes. With the help of Python and PyMC3 you will learn to implement, check and expand Bayesian models to solve data analysis problems.


Bayesian Analysis with Python. Introduction to statistical modeling and probabilistic programming using PyMC3 and ArviZ - Second Edition

Osvaldo Martin

The second edition of Bayesian Analysis with Python is an introduction to the main concepts of applied Bayesian inference and its practical implementation in Python using PyMC3, a state-of-the-art probabilistic programming library, and ArviZ, a new library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models.The main concepts of Bayesian statistics are covered using a practical and computational approach. Synthetic and real data sets are used to introduce several types of models, such as generalized linear models for regression and classification, mixture models, hierarchical models, and Gaussian processes, among others. By the end of the book, you will have a working knowledge of probabilistic modeling and you will be able to design and implement Bayesian models for your own data science problems. After reading the book you will be better prepared to delve into more advanced material or specialized statistical modeling if you need to.


Become a Python Data Analyst. Perform exploratory data analysis and gain insight into scientific computing using Python

Alvaro Fuentes

Python is one of the most common and popular languages preferred by leading data analysts and statisticians for working with massive datasets and complex data visualizations.Become a Python Data Analyst introduces Python’s most essential tools and libraries necessary to work with the data analysis process, right from preparing data to performing simple statistical analyses and creating meaningful data visualizations.In this book, we will cover Python libraries such as NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, SciPy, and scikit-learn, and apply them in practical data analysis and statistics examples. As you make your way through the chapters, you will learn to efficiently use the Jupyter Notebook to operate and manipulate data using NumPy and the pandas library. In the concluding chapters, you will gain experience in building simple predictive models and carrying out statistical computation and analysis using rich Python tools and proven data analysis techniques.By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience performing data analysis with Python.


Beginning Data Science with Python and Jupyter. Use powerful industry-standard tools within Jupyter and the Python ecosystem to unlock new, actionable insights from your data

Alex Galea

Get to grips with the skills you need for entry-level data science in this hands-on Python and Jupyter course. You'll learn about some of the most commonly used libraries that are part of the Anaconda distribution, and then explore machine learning models with real datasets to give you the skills and exposure you need for the real world. We'll finish up by showing you how easy it can be to scrape and gather your own data from the open web, so that you can apply your new skills in an actionable context.


Big Data Analytics with Hadoop 3. Build highly effective analytics solutions to gain valuable insight into your big data

Sridhar Alla

Apache Hadoop is the most popular platform for big data processing, and can be combined with a host of other big data tools to build powerful analytics solutions. Big Data Analytics with Hadoop 3 shows you how to do just that, by providing insights into the software as well as its benefits with the help of practical examples.Once you have taken a tour of Hadoop 3’s latest features, you will get an overview of HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN, and how they enable faster, more efficient big data processing. You will then move on to learning how to integrate Hadoop with the open source tools, such as Python and R, to analyze and visualize data and perform statistical computing on big data. As you get acquainted with all this, you will explore how to use Hadoop 3 with Apache Spark and Apache Flink for real-time data analytics and stream processing. In addition to this, you will understand how to use Hadoop to build analytics solutions on the cloud and an end-to-end pipeline to perform big data analysis using practical use cases.By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with the analytical capabilities of the Hadoop ecosystem. You will be able to build powerful solutions to perform big data analytics and get insight effortlessly.


Big Data Analytics with Java. Data analysis, visualization & machine learning techniques


This book covers case studies such as sentiment analysis on a tweet dataset, recommendations on a movielens dataset, customer segmentation on an ecommerce dataset, and graph analysis on actual flights dataset.This book is an end-to-end guide to implement analytics on big data withJava. Java is the de facto language for major big data environments, including Hadoop. This book will teach you how to perform analytics on big data with production-friendly Java. This book basically divided into twosections. The first part is an introduction that will help the readers get acquainted with big data environments, whereas the second part will contain a hardcore discussion on all the concepts in analyticson big data. It will take you from data analysis and data visualization to the core concepts and advantages of machine learning, real-life usage of regression and classification using Naïve Bayes, a deep discussion on the concepts of clustering,and a review of simple neural networkson big data using deepLearning4j or plain Java Spark code. This book is a must-have book for Java developers who want to start learning big data analytics and want to use it in the real world.


Big Data Analytics with R. Leverage R Programming to uncover hidden patterns in your Big Data

Simon Walkowiak

Big Data analytics is the process of examining large and complex data sets that often exceed the computational capabilities. R is a leading programming language of data science, consisting of powerful functions to tackle all problems related to Big Data processing.The book will begin with a brief introduction to the Big Data world and its current industry standards. With introduction to the R language and presenting its development, structure, applications in real world, and its shortcomings. Book will progress towards revision of major R functions for data management and transformations. Readers will be introduce to Cloud based Big Data solutions (e.g. Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon RDS, Microsoft Azure and its HDInsight clusters) and also provide guidance on R connectivity with relational and non-relational databases such as MongoDB and HBase etc. It will further expand to include Big Data tools such as Apache Hadoop ecosystem, HDFS and MapReduce frameworks. Also other R compatible tools such as Apache Spark, its machine learning library Spark MLlib, as well as H2O.