Analiza danych

Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn. Apply effective learning algorithms to real-world problems using scikit-learn - Second Edition

Gavin Hackeling

Mastering Machine Learning with Spark 2.x. Harness the potential of machine learning, through spark

Michal Malohlava, Alex Tellez, Max Pumperla

Mastering Matplotlib 2.x. Effective Data Visualization techniques with Python

Benjamin Walter Keller

Mastering matplotlib. A practical guide that takes you beyond the basics of matplotlib and gives solutions to plot complex data

Duncan M. McGreggor, Duncan M McGreggor

Mastering Microsoft Power BI. Expert techniques for effective data analytics and business intelligence

Brett Powell

Mastering MongoDB 3.x. An expert's guide to building fault-tolerant MongoDB applications

Alex Giamas

Mastering .NET Machine Learning. Use machine learning in your .NET applications

Jamie Dixon

Mastering NLP from Foundations to LLMs. Apply advanced rule-based techniques to LLMs and solve real-world business problems using Python

Lior Gazit, Meysam Ghaffari, Asha Saxena