Machine learning

Machine Learning Algorithms. Popular algorithms for data science and machine learning - Second Edition

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

Machine Learning at Scale with H2O. A practical guide to building and deploying machine learning models on enterprise systems

Gregory Keys, David Whiting

Machine Learning Automation with TPOT. Build, validate, and deploy fully automated machine learning models with Python

Dario Radečić

Machine Learning Engineering with Python. Manage the lifecycle of machine learning models using MLOps with practical examples - Second Edition

Andrew P. McMahon, Adi Polak

Machine Learning Engineering with MLflow. Manage the end-to-end machine learning life cycle with MLflow

Natu Lauchande

Machine Learning Engineering with Python. Manage the production life cycle of machine learning models using MLOps with practical examples

Andrew McMahon

Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading. Predictive models to extract signals from market and alternative data for systematic trading strategies with Python - Second Edition

Stefan Jansen

Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Cookbook. Over 80 recipes on how to implement machine learning algorithms for building security systems using Python

Emmanuel Tsukerman