Budowa sieci


Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for advanced users

Jerzy Kluczewski

The book: “COMPUTER NETWORKS IN PACKET TRACER FOR ADVANCED USERS” is a collection of scenarios and network simulations for users who already have at least basic knowledge of computer networks and experience in the work associated with the administration of basic devices, as well as management of network architecture. The simulations were prepared in such a way as to develop the knowledge already presented in the previous books of Our Publishing House by Jerzy Kluczewski. The second goal, is to popularize the world-famous Packet Tracer program. This book is an excellent resource for students, undergraduates, and participants and graduates of CISCO CCNA networking courses. The themes of the book are very extensive and varied. Multiuser mode visualization, Bluetooth connections, cellular networks, WLAN controllers, industrial routers, IPV6 protocol, are just a few selected issues for which the author has prepared scenarios and ready-made simulation files that can be downloaded from the publisher's website. We encourage you to open the book and browse the table of contents for a broad overview of this book. The author of the publication is Jerzy Kluczewski, a long-time CISCO CCNA Academy instructor. He already has an extensive body of work in the form of published books on information technology. He gained his experience working in industry, and is currently a lecturer at the Gdansk School of Banking. Translation: Agata Skutela an experienced English teacher in Complex of Technical and General Schools in Tarnowskie Góry. Apart from English language she has also been teaching technical English. She is really into teaching and eager to expand her knowledge and workshop to be able to teach the best as she can.  


Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for beginners

Damian Strojek, Robert Wszelaki, Marek Smyczek, Jerzy KLuczewski

The book: “COMPUTER NETWORKS IN PACKET TRACER FOR BEGINNERS" provides advice for people who want to learn about the operation of networks and the hardware that makes up today's network architecture. Beginners will learn how to download the simulator software and how to start working with it. The reader will find here the basics of configuring network devices. He will learn network services such as: TELNET, SSH, FTP, EMAIL, DHCP, DNS and routing protocols RIP, EIGRP, OSPF. Learn how to design and deploy virtual VLAN networks. The authors, describing the issues of administering computer networks, use many examples and exercises. The book is an updated compilation of our Packet Tracer publications for CISCO courses, has a described, changed interface of the currently latest Packet Tracer software and contains a set of new examples and exercises. The authors of this book are an intergenerational and interdisciplinary team. A talented student of the School of Communication in Gdańsk, Damian Strojek. His passion is computer networks, he has a set of CCNA R&S certificates and is in the middle of the CCNA Security educational path. Jerzy Kluczewski, long-time instructor of the CISCO CCNA Academy. His authorial achievements already include several books on the Packet Tracer simulator. He gained his experience while working in industry, currently he is a lecturer at the WSB University in Gdańsk. Robert Wszelaki is passionate about networking and programming. He completed a full CISCO CCNA course. He is a graduate of ZS1 in Piekary Śląskie, currently studying computer science at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science of the Silesian University of Technology. Marek Smyczek is an experienced teacher of IT and electrical subjects, and at the same time an instructor of the CISCO CCNA program. He is the author and editor of several dozen publications in the fields of electronics and computer science. Translations: Joanna Margowniczy English teacher at Primary School No. 13 in Jaworzno and ZDZ in Sosnowiec, international IT ESSENTIALS instructor, OKE examiner.


Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for intermediate users

Damian Strojek, Jerzy Kluczewski

The book: “COMPUTER NETWORKS IN PACKET TRACER FOR INTERMEDIATE USERS” is designed for people who want to expand their skills and knowledge in the field of managing LAN and WAN networks. The reader finds here descriptions and practical exercises on configuring CISCO devices. It is a continuation of the first book with the same title. The authors have adopted the principle: minimum of theory, maximum of practical examples which will enable the reader to learn how to administer ICT networks in many complex device configurations without the need to purchase expensive CISCO equipment. The content of the book covers the basics of configuring protocols, services and network techniques such as: dynamic routing RIP, EGIRP, OSPF, eBGP, static routing, access control lists VoIP, STP, RS,VTP, FRAME RELAY, PPP, PAP and CHAP authentication RADIUS, NETFLOW, NAT, L2NAT, VPN tuneling. This part also includes configuring multilayer switches 3560-24PS and 3650-24PS. The authors of this book are an intergenerational and interdisciplinary team. Talented student of the Communications School Complex in Gdansk Damian Strojek. His passion is computer networks, and he holds certifications CCNA R&S and CCNA Security. Jerzy Kluczewski, a long-time CISCO CCNA Academy instructor. He already has several book publications to his credit about the Packet Tracer simulator. He gained his experience while working in industry and is currently a lecturer at the Gdansk School of Banking. Translation: a very talented student of applied linguistics at Silesian University in Katowice – Julia Skutela. She has been studying English and Russian to become a professional translator. Eager to expand her knowledge and building a workshop of the translator she has decided to raise up to the challenge of translating the following book into English.


Data Center Virtualization Certification: VCP6.5-DCV Exam Guide. Everything you need to achieve 2V0-622 certification – with exam tips and exercises

Andrea Mauro, Paolo Valsecchi

This exam guide enables you to install, configure, and manage the vSphere 6.5 infrastructure in all its components: vCenter Server, ESXi hosts, and virtual machines, while helping you to prepare for the industry standard certification.This data center book will assist you in automating administration tasks and enhancing your environment’s capabilities. You will begin with an introduction to all aspects related to security, networking, and storage in vSphere 6.5. Next, you will learn about resource management and understand how to back up and restore the vSphere 6.5 infrastructure. As you advance, you will also cover troubleshooting, deployment, availability, and virtual machine management. This is followed by two mock tests that will test your knowledge and challenge your understanding of all the topics included in the exam.By the end of this book, you will not only have learned about virtualization and its techniques, but you’ll also be prepared to pass the VCP6.5-DCV (2V0-622) exam.


Demystifying Ansible Automation Platform. A definitive way to manage Ansible Automation Platform and Ansible Tower

Sean Sullivan

While you can use any automation software to simplify task automation, scaling automation to suit your growing business needs becomes difficult using only a command-line tool. Ansible Automation Platform standardizes how automation is deployed, initiated, delegated, and audited, and this comprehensive guide shows you how you can simplify and scale its management.The book starts by taking you through the ways to get Ansible Automation Platform installed, their pros and cons, and the initial configuration. You’ll learn about each object in the platform, how it interacts with other objects, as well as best practices for defining and managing objects to save time. You’ll see how to maintain the created pieces with infrastructure as code. As you advance, you’ll monitor workflows with CI/CD playbooks and understand how Ansible Automation Platform integrates with many other services such as GitLab and GitHub.By the end of this book, you’ll have worked through real-world examples to make the most of the platform while learning how to manipulate, manage, and deploy any playbook to Ansible Automation Platform.


DevOps for Databases. A practical guide to applying DevOps best practices to data-persistent technologies

David Jambor

In today's rapidly evolving world of DevOps, traditional silos are a thing of the past. Database administrators are no longer the only experts; site reliability engineers (SREs) and DevOps engineers are database experts as well. This blurring of the lines has led to increased responsibilities, making members of high-performing DevOps teams responsible for end-to-end ownership. This book helps you master DevOps for databases, making it a must-have resource for achieving success in the ever-changing world of DevOps.You’ll begin by exploring real-world examples of DevOps implementation and its significance in modern data-persistent technologies, before progressing into the various types of database technologies and recognizing their strengths, weaknesses, and commonalities. As you advance, the chapters will teach you about design, implementation, testing, and operations using practical examples, as well as common design patterns, combining them with tooling, technology, and strategies for different types of data-persistent technologies. You’ll also learn how to create complex end-to-end implementation, deployment, and cloud infrastructure strategies defined as code.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to design, build, and operate complex systems efficiently.


Edge Computing Simplified. Explore all aspects of edge computing for business leaders and technologists

Perry Lea

The migration of computing to the edge is the logical progression of where computing is performed on a global scale. Edge computing is not a new paradigm but a necessary technology to address issues such as latency, service charges, reliability, connectivity, and privacy. This book walks you through the definition and architecture of edge computing systems and why they are critical in today’s ecosystem of IoT devices and an “everything connected” world.You will start your journey with an introduction to different edge computing hardware platforms, which vary by use case. From there, you’ll explore operating systems and middleware packages that manage edge devices such as Azure IoT. Then, you will explore communication systems such as near-range Bluetooth and RFID as well as long-range systems such as 5G. Networking protocols will be covered, which are the heart of edge systems. Technologies such as MQTT, which make up the backbone of edge to cloud communication, are examined. Then, you will move on to edge applications such as edge predictive AI and federated computing. We wrap up by investigating the security and vulnerability envelope of edge systems.This book is intended to quickly familiarize you with edge systems technologies and use cases, without burdening you with complicated jargon and low-level details.


ESB. Magistrala usług korporacyjnych

David Chappell

Integracja systemów dla praktyków! Integracja systemów oraz zapewnienie komunikacji między różnymi ich komponentami to ogromne wyzwanie. Podczas tworzenia własnych rozwiązań prawdopodobnie natkniesz się na dziesiątki problemów. Dlatego warto rozważyć możliwość wykorzystania sprawdzonych narzędzi. Należy do nich magistrala ESB (skrót od ang. Enterprise Service Bus). Magistrala taka zapewnia inteligentne zarządzanie ruchem, transformację danych, przesyłanie komunikatów i nie tylko. Brzmi obiecująco? Przekonaj się sam! Sięgnij po tę książkę i poznaj interesujące strategie wykorzystania ESB. Na początku znajdziesz podstawy — właściwości magistrali, jej historię oraz formaty wymiany komunikatów. Z kolejnych rozdziałów dowiesz się, jak skutecznie integrować usługi, wywoływać komunikaty oraz korzystać z niestandardowych adapterów. Ponadto skupisz się na aspektach związanych z bezpieczeństwem magistrali oraz jej konfiguracją. Nauczysz się również radzić sobie w przypadku wystąpienia problemów z przepustowością magistrali oraz opóźnieniami transferu. Książka ta jest unikalną pozycją, poświęconą interesującym zagadnieniom związanym z magistralą ESB. Jest to Twoja lektura obowiązkowa! Dzięki tej książce: poznasz możliwości magistrali ESB skonfigurujesz ją i wykorzystasz jej potencjał rozwiążesz typowe problemy zintegrujesz różne systemy — niezależnie od tego, czy to .NET czy Java! Poznaj zaawansowane techniki integracji systemów!