

Architecting the Industrial Internet. The architect's guide to designing Industrial Internet solutions

Robert Stackowiak, Shyam Varan Nath, Carla Romano

The Industrial Internet or the IIoT has gained a lot of traction. Many leading companies are driving this revolution by connecting smart edge devices to cloud-based analysis platforms and solving their business challenges in new ways. To ensure a smooth integration of such machines and devices, sound architecture strategies based on accepted principles, best practices, and lessons learned must be applied.This book begins by providing a bird's eye view of what the IIoT is and how the industrial revolution has evolved into embracing this technology. It then describes architectural approaches for success, gathering business requirements, and mapping requirements into functional solutions. In a later chapter, many other potential use cases are introduced including those in manufacturing and specific examples in predictive maintenance, asset tracking and handling, and environmental impact and abatement. The book concludes by exploring evolving technologies that will impact IIoT architecture in the future and discusses possible societal implications of the Industrial Internet and perceptions regarding these projects.By the end of this book, you will be better equipped to embrace the benefits of the burgeoning IIoT.


ArcPy and ArcGIS. Automating ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Online with Python - Second Edition

Silas Toms, Dara OBeirne

ArcGIS allows for complex analyses of geographic information. The ArcPy module is used to script these ArcGIS analyses, providing a productive way to perform geo-analyses and automate map production.The second edition of the book focuses on new Python tools, such as the ArcGIS API for Python. Using Python, this book will guide you from basic Python scripting to advanced ArcPy script tools.This book starts off with setting up your Python environment for ArcGIS automation. Then you will learn how to output maps using ArcPy in MXD and update feature class in a geodatabase using arcpy and ArcGIS Online. Next, you will be introduced to ArcREST library followed by examples on querying, updating and manipulating ArcGIS Online feature services. Further, you will be enabling your scripts in the browser and directly interacting with ArcGIS Online using Jupyter notebook. Finally, you can learn ways to use of ArcPy to control ArcGIS Enterprise and explore topics on deployments, data quality assurances, data updates, version control, and editing safeguards.By the end of the book, you will be equipped with the knowledge required to create automated analysis with administration reducing the time-consuming nature of GIS.


Automate It with Zapier and Generative AI. Harness the power of no-code workflow automation and AI with Zapier to increase business productivity - Second Edition

Kelly Goss, Philip Lakin

Organizations experience significant issues with productivity when dealing with manual and repetitive tasks. Automate it with Zapier, Second edition has been extensively revised on how to analyze your processes and identify repetitive tasks that can be automated between 6000+ cloud-based business applications.It includes all of the newest features in Zapier such as AI functionality using the ChatGPT plugin, drafts, reordering and duplicating steps and paths, sub-folders and version history, as well as built-in apps such as Looping, Sub-Zap, Interfaces, Tables, Transfer, and provides more examples covering a variety of use cases sourced from the Zapier user community.You'll learn how to implement automation in your organization along with its important principles, terminology, and first steps of how to use Zapier. Progressively, you'll learn how to use Zapier’s native functionality and all 27 built-in apps such as Filter, Paths, Formatter, Digest, and Scheduler, to enable you to build multi-step Zaps. You will also discover how to manage your Zapier account effectively, as well as how to troubleshoot technical problems with your workflows, and use the OpenAI integration to automate AI tasks.By the end of this book, you'll be able to automate your manual and repetitive tasks using Zapier depicted through real-life examples.


Automate It with Zapier. Boost your business productivity using effective workflow automation techniques

Kelly Goss, Cody Jones

Zapier is an emerging no-code workflow automation technology that enables organizations to connect their cloud-based and web applications and automate data transfer between them. Zapier's built-in features and flexibility allow users to integrate thousands of business applications and create simple to complex automation to reduce time spent on repetitive tasks, thereby increasing productivity. This book is a must-have for business owners, their employees, and independent freelancers and contractors looking to use Zapier for business process automation.The book takes a hands-on approach to implementation and associated problem-solving methodologies that will have you up-and-running and productive in no time while leveling up your automation skills. You'll discover how to plan your automation building for optimal results, what are the native features available in Zapier, and the applications that connect with it, as well as how to optimally configure your workflows to automate your processes in as few steps as possible. Finally, you'll find out how to create advanced workflow automation from scratch and learn how to troubleshoot issues.By the end of this Zapier book, you'll be able to build your own advanced workflow automation using Zapier, addressing the key pain points encountered in businesses with manual and repetitive tasks.


Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Reap all the benefits of the SFMC platform and increase your productivity with the help of real-world examples

Greg Gifford, Jason Hanshaw, Guilda Hilaire

Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) allows you to use multiple channels and tools to create a 1:1 marketing experience for your customers and subscribers. Through automation and helper tasks, you can greatly increase your productivity while also reducing the level of effort required in terms of volume and frequency.Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud starts by discussing what automation is generally and then progresses to what automation is in SFMC. After that, you’ll focus on how to perform automation inside of SFMC all the way to fully running processes and capabilities from an external service. Later chapters explore the benefits and capabilities of automation and having an automation mindset both within and outside of SFMC. Equipped with this knowledge and example code, you'll be prepared to maximize your SFMC efficiency.By the end of this Salesforce book, you’ll have the skills you need to build automation both inside and outside of SFMC, along with the knowledge for using the platform optimally.


Automatyzacja przepływów pracy z Microsoft Power Automate. Transformacja cyfrowa procesów biznesowych. Wydanie II

Aaron Guilmette

Płynne przepływy pracy są warunkiem efektywności w biznesie. Niekiedy jednak uzyskanie tego stanu bywa utrudnione przez konieczność korzystania z wielu oddzielonych od siebie narzędzi, aplikacji czy systemów. Rozwiązaniem tych problemów jest Microsoft Power Automate - narzędzie biznesowe, które nie wymaga użycia dużej ilości kodu, a poprawia wydajność pracy, zaprojektowane w celu ułatwienia automatyzacji w wypadku aplikacji zarówno lokalnych, jak i umieszczonych w chmurze. Oto obszerne i praktyczne wprowadzenie do pracy z usługą Power Automate. Pokazano tu, jak skonfigurować zautomatyzowane przepływy pracy, nawet jeśli procesy biznesowe wymagają korzystania z setek aplikacji. Wyjaśniono, w jaki sposób korzystać z łączników, wyzwalaczy i akcji, przedstawiono też metody zarządzania danymi użytkowników, dokumentami i zatwierdzeniami. W tym wydaniu książki zaprezentowano również nowe możliwości usługi Power Automate, takie jak zastosowanie narzędzia RPA do automatyzacji starszych aplikacji, interakcja z interfejsem API aplikacji Microsoft Graph i korzystanie z modeli sztucznej inteligencji w celu przeprowadzenia analizy sentymentu. Treść została uzupełniona rzeczywistymi przykładami i praktycznymi projektami, które pokazują, jak zastępować powtarzające się zadania nowoczesną technologią. Dzięki książce: płynnie rozpoczniesz pracę z usługą Power Automate zautomatyzujesz przepływy pracy i połączysz ze sobą aplikacje biznesowe dostosujesz przepływy aplikacji Power Automate Desktop do swoich wymagań nauczysz się tworzyć złożone bazy danych i przepływy zatwierdzania poznasz podstawowe możliwości narzędzia RPA skorzystasz z analizy sentymentu opartej na modelu AI Przekonaj się, co Power Automate może zrobić za Ciebie!


Avid Media Composer 6.x Cookbook. What better way to learn the professional editing possibilities of Avid Media Composer than by trying out practical, real-world examples? This book has over 160 hands-on recipes and guidance covering both basic and advanced techniques

Benjamin Hershleder

Avid Media Composer has become the tool of choice by editing professionals worldwide. Whether your project involves editing television programming, independent films, corporate industrials or commercials, this cookbook shows you exactly how to do so in a step-by-step and practical manner, and get the most out of Avid Media Composer editing.Avid Media Composer 6.x Cookbook is an expert, clear and logically-sequenced resource with highly effective recipes for learning Avid Media Composer essentials and beyond. It's task-based approach will help users at all experience levels gain a deeper, more thorough understanding of the software.It will help you master the essential, core editing features as well as reveal numerous tips and tricks that editors can benefit from immediately. Just some of the topics include understanding Import settings, mixing frame rates and understanding AMA (Avid Media Access), along with thorough explanations of Trim Mode, Segment Mode, and the Smart Tool. You will learn to customize your work environment with Workspaces, Bin Layouts, Timeline Views, Bin Views, Keyboard Mapping, and much more. The recipes inside are packed with practical examples, time-saving tools and methods to get you working faster and more confidently so that you can spend less time dealing with technical and operational issues and instead focusing on being creative.


AWS Administration - The Definitive Guide. Learn to design, build, and manage your infrastructure on the most popular of all the Cloud platforms - Amazon Web Services

Yohan Wadia, Naveen Kumar Vijayakumar

AWS is at the forefront of Cloud Computing today. Many businesses are moving away from traditional datacenters and toward AWS because of its reliability, vast service offerings, lower costs, and high rate of innovation. Because of its versatility and flexible design, AWS can be used to accomplish a variety of simple and complicated tasks such as hosting multitier websites, running large scale parallel processing, content delivery, petabyte storage and archival, and lots more.Whether you are a seasoned sysadmin or a rookie, this book will provide you with all the necessary skills to design, deploy, and manage your applications on the AWS cloud platform. The book guides you through the core AWS services such as IAM, EC2, VPC, RDS, and S3 using a simple real world application hosting example that you can relate to. Each chapter is designed to provide you with the most information possible about a particular AWS service coupled with easy to follow hands-on steps, best practices, tips, and recommendations. By the end of the book, you will be able to create a highly secure, fault tolerant, and scalable environment for your applications to run on.