
In front of you is a rich collection of books which will help you in various aspects of running e-business. Here you will find guides for beginners and advanced users which dwell on such subjects as e-commerce, copywriting, email marketing, Google Analytics, social media and a lot more.

Blockchain across Oracle. Understand the details and implications of the Blockchain for Oracle developers and customers

Robert van Molken

Bloggerzy. Kreowanie wizerunku

Barbara Celińska

Blogi w procesie komunikacji marketingowej

Bogdan Gregor, Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska

Brain - the factory of success. The most efficient strategies of businessmens

Anna Urbańska

Brzdęk! Jak odkręcić internetowy kurek z pieniędzmi

Joel Comm

Building Blockchain Projects. Building decentralized Blockchain applications with Ethereum and Solidity

Narayan Prusty

Cryptocurrencies in the Global Economic and Financial System. Initial Coin Offerings as an Innovative Tool of Crowdfunding and Promotion

Wawrzyniec Michalczyk

Design Thinking. Jak wykorzystać myślenie projektowe do zwiększenia zysków Twojej firmy

Danuta Piasecka