

A Pippa tańczy!

Gerhart Hauptmann

“A Pippa tańczy!” to sztuka Gerharta Hauptmanna, niemieckiego dramaturga i powieściopisarza, laureata literackiej Nagrody Nobla.   Sztuka ta, a właściwie bajka, podzielona jest na cztery akty i rozgrywa się w śląskich górach. Głównymi postaciami sztuki są, włoski technik hutniczy Tagliazoni oraz Pippa, jego córka.  


An Unsocial Socialist

George Bernard Shaw

“An Unsocial Socialist” is a novel by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   An Unsocial Socialist is George Bernard Shaw's novel. Shaw wrote five novels early in his career and then abandoned them to pursue politics, drama criticism, and eventually playwriting.  


Androcles and the Lion

George Bernard Shaw

“Androcles and the Lion” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   Androcles and the Lion is a play written by George Bernard Shaw. The play is Shaw's retelling of the tale of Androcles, a slave who is saved by the requiting mercy of a lion. In the play, Shaw portrays Androcles to be one of the many Christians being led to the Colosseum for torture. Characters in the play exemplify several themes and takes on both modern and supposed early Christianity, including the cultural clash between Jesus' teachings and traditional Roman values.  


Anna In w grobowcach świata

Olga Tokarczuk

Jeden z najstarszych mitów w historii ludzkości we współczesnej odsłonie. Ponadczasowa, metafizyczna i zarazem głęboko ludzka powieść, którą Olga Tokarczuk uważa za bodaj najważniejszą w swojej twórczości. Tokarczuk, ożywiając mit, projektuje wizję współczesnego umierającego świata, zagubionego w mirażach autofikcji, który może ocalić jedynie moc autentycznej opowieści. LE SOIR Olga Tokarczuk wraca do czasów, kiedy opowieści snuli wizjonerzy i szamani, kiedy nie generowali ich scenarzyści z Hollywood czy twórcy gier komputerowych, a prawdziwi mistrzowie sztuki gawędy. Dlatego tak fascynuje i dlatego tak wgryza się w pamięć ostatnich czytelników w posttekstowym świecie. SME Gdyby w naszych czasach książki mogły wywoływać rewolucje, nazwałbym powieść Olgi Tokarczuk książką rewolucyjną. Olga Tokarczuk na tę jedną książkę wymyśliła gatunek, język i zupełnie nowy sposób mówienia. I osiągnęła niebywały rezultat. W języku polskim zadźwięczała nuta tak czysta, że dech w piersiach zapiera. Tak brzmi wielka literatura. PRZEMYSŁAW CZAPLIŃSKI


Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress

George Bernard Shaw

“Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   “Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress” is a one-act play by George Bernard Shaw, written in 1917. The play is obviously influenced by the Russian Revolution that year. It takes place in an imaginary country which has recently experienced a similar revolution. The two main characters are the daughter of the ruler, who once ran away to join the circus as a girl, and now supports the revolution, and an army officer who opposes it.  


Arms and the Man

George Bernard Shaw

“Arms and the Man” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   Arms and the Man is a humorous play that shows the futility of war and deals comedically with the hypocrisies of human nature. It was published as a part of Plays Pleasant, which also included The Man of Destiny, Candida and You Never Can Tell. Shaw titled the volume Plays Pleasant in order to contrast it with his first book of plays, Plays Unpleasant.  


Augustus Does His Bit

George Bernard Shaw

“Augustus Does His Bit” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   “Augustus Does His Bit” is a comic one-act play by George Bernard Shaw about a dim-witted aristocrat who is outwitted by a female spy during World War I.  


Ave Patria

Władysław Reymont

„Ave Patria„ to opowiadanie Władysława Reymonta, pisarza, prozaika i nowelisty, laureata Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie literatury.   Władysław Reymont poświęcił to opowiadanie wydarzeniom rewolucyjnym, przestrzegając przed ich skutkami, choć prywatnie opowiadał się za walką o niepodległość.