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ActionScript Graphing Cookbook. Learn how to create appealing and interactive visual presentations of your data in ActionScript with this book and

Peter Backx, Dominic Gelineau

A picture is worth a thousand words has never been more true than when representing large sets of data. Bar charts, heat maps, cartograms, and many more have become important tools in applications and presentations to quickly give insight into complicated issues.The ActionScript Graphing Cookbook shows you how to add your own charts to any ActionScript program. The recipes give step-by-step instructions on how to process the input data, how to create various types of charts and how to make them interactive for even more user engagement.Starting with basic ActionScript knowledge, you will learn how to develop many different types of charts.First learn how to import your data, from Excel, web services and more. Next process the data and make it ready for graphical display. Pick one of the many graph options available as the book guides you through ActionScript's drawing functions. And when you're ready for it, branch out into 3D display.The recipes in the ActionScript Graphing Cookbook will gradually introduce you into the world of visualization.


Administrowanie Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c. Poradnik praktyczny

Praca zbiorowa

Oracle Enterprise Manager to wszechstronne i kompleksowe narzędzie dla każdego administratora, z którego konsoli możemy zarządzać i monitorować wszystkie warstwy infrastruktury przedsiębiorstwa, takie jak pamięci masowe, serwery, systemy operacyjne, oprogramowanie pośrednie i inne. Prezentowana książka, Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Poradnik administratora, daje administratorom dobry start przy implementacji OEM w ich organizacjach, dzięki wprowadzeniu czytelników przez wszystkie aspekty instalacji, aktualizacji, konfiguracji i monitorowania serwerów, baz danych oraz komponentów oprogramowania Oracle Fusion Middleware. Są tu przepisy dotyczące tworzenia i klonowania baz danych, tworzenia szablonów oraz konfigurowania Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle Golden Gate, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher i Oracle Weblogic. W książce omówiono również monitorowanie baz danych za pomocą Active Session History Analytics, Compare Automatic Database Diagnostics Monitor (ADDM), Real Time ADDM i Compare Period Reports. Dla kogo przeznaczona jest ta książka? Książka przeznaczona jest dla administratorów baz danych Oracle, oprogramowania pośredniego, systemu i infrastruktury. Wymaga podstawowej znajomości Oracle Enterprise Manager, a także swobodnego posługiwania się poleceniami systemu operacyjnego Unix. Czego nauczymy się z tej książki? - Instalacji OEM 12c z wykorzystaniem różnych opcji - Aktualizacji naszej instalacji przy użyciu różnych podejść - Konfiguracji automatycznego wyszukiwania, dodawania elementów docelowych hostów i nie hostów, bibliotek oprogramowania, grup administracyjnych oraz zestawów szablonów - Zarządzania bazami danych i ich wydajnością za pomocą ASH Analytics, Real time ADDM, Compare Period ADDM - Konfiguracji Oracle Business Intelligence - Integracji i tworzenia przykładowych raportów w BI Publisher - Zarządzania i monitorowania Oracle Golden Gate - Poznawania i zarządzania Oracle Weblogic - Ustawienia zależności i wydajności aplikacji (ADP Application Dependancy & Performance ), menedżera diagno-styki (JVM Diagnostics, JVMD) oraz agentów - Zarządzanie incydentami i problemami za pomocą iPhone


Advanced Machine Learning with Python. Solve challenging data science problems by mastering cutting-edge machine learning techniques in Python

Victor Marak, Nishant Shukla, John Hearty, Jeffery Yee, ...

Designed to take you on a guided tour of the most relevant and powerful machine learning techniques in use today by top data scientists, this book is just what you need to push your Python algorithms to maximum potential. Clear examples and detailed code samples demonstrate deep learning techniques, semi-supervised learning, and more - all whilst working with real-world applications that include image, music, text, and financial data. The machine learning techniques covered in this book are at the forefront of commercial practice. They are applicable now for the first time in contexts such as image recognition, NLP and web search, computational creativity, and commercial/financial data modeling. Deep Learning algorithms and ensembles of models are in use by data scientists at top tech and digital companies, but the skills needed to apply them successfully, while in high demand, are still scarce. This book is designed to take the reader on a guided tour of the most relevant and powerful machine learning techniques. Clear descriptions of how techniques work and detailed code examples demonstrate deep learning techniques, semi-supervised learning and more, in real world applications. We will also learn about NumPy and Theano.By this end of this book, you will learn a set of advanced Machine Learning techniques and acquire a broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection & feature engineering.


Advanced MySQL 8. Discover the full potential of MySQL and ensure high performance of your database

Eric Vanier, Birju Shah, Tejaswi Malepati

Advanced MySQL 8 teaches you to enhance your existing database infrastructure and build various tools to improve your enterprise applications and overall website performance. The book starts with the new and exciting MySQL 8.0 features and how to utilize them for maximum efficiency. As you make your way through the chapters, you will learn to optimize MySQL performance using indexes and advanced data query techniques for large queries. You will also discover MySQL Server 8.0 settings and work with the MySQL data dictionary to boost the performance of your database. In the concluding chapters, you will cover MySQL 8.0 Group Replication, which will enable you to create elastic, highly available, and fault-tolerant replication topologies. You will also explore backup and recovery techniques for your databases and understand important tips and tricks to help your critical data reach its full potential.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned about new MySQL 8.0 security features that allow a database administrator (DBA) to simplify user management and increase the security of their multi-user environments.


Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Developer's Guide. Master the advanced concepts of PL/SQL for professional-level certification and learn the new capabilities of Oracle Database 12c - Second Edition

Saurabh K. Gupta

Oracle Database is one of the most popular databases and allows users to make efficient use of their resources and to enhance service levels while reducing the IT costs incurred. Oracle Database is sometimes compared with Microsoft SQL Server, however, Oracle Database clearly supersedes SQL server in terms of high availability and addressing planned and unplanned downtime. Oracle PL/SQL provides a rich platform for application developers to code and build scalable database applications and introduces multiple new features and enhancements to improve development experience. Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Developer's Guide, Second Edition is a handy technical reference for seasoned professionals in the database development space. This book starts with a refresher of fundamental concepts of PL/SQL, such as anonymous block, subprograms, and exceptions, and prepares you for the upcoming advanced concepts. The next chapter introduces you to the new features of Oracle Database 12c, not limited to PL/SQL. In this chapter, you will understand some of the most talked about features such as Multitenant and Database In-Memory. Moving forward, each chapter introduces advanced concepts with the help of demonstrations, and provides you with the latest update from Oracle Database 12c context. This helps you to visualize the pre- and post-applications of a feature over the database releases. By the end of this book, you will have become an expert in PL/SQL programming and will be able to implement advanced concepts of PL/SQL for efficient management of Oracle Database.


Advanced Splunk. Click here to enter text

Ashish Kumar Tulsiram Yadav

Master the power of Splunk and learn the advanced strategies to get the most out of your machine data with this practical advanced guide. Make sense of the hidden data of your organization – the insight of your servers, devices, logs, traffic and clouds. Advanced Splunk shows you how.Dive deep into Splunk to find the most efficient solution to your data problems. Create the robust Splunk solutions you need to make informed decisions in big data machine analytics. From visualizations to enterprise integration, this well-organized high level guide has everything you need for Splunk mastery.Start with a complete overview of all the new features and advantages of the latest version of Splunk and the Splunk Environment. Go hands on with uploading data, search commands for basic and advanced analytics, advanced visualization techniques, and dashboard customizing. Discover how to tweak Splunk to your needs, and get a complete on Enterprise Integration of Splunk with various analytics and visualization tools. Finally, discover how to set up and use all the new features of the latest version of Splunk.


AI-Powered Commerce. Building the products and services of the future with Commerce.AI

Andy Pandharikar, Frederik Bussler

Commerce.AI is a suite of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, trained on over a trillion data points, to help businesses build next-gen products and services. If you want to be the best business on the block, using AI is a must.Developers and analysts working with AI will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide. You'll begin by learning the core themes of new product and service innovation, including how to identify market opportunities, come up with ideas, and predict trends. With plenty of use cases as reference, you'll learn how to apply AI for innovation, both programmatically and with Commerce.AI. You'll also find out how to analyze product and service data with tools such as GPT-J, Python pandas, Prophet, and TextBlob. As you progress, you'll explore the evolution of commerce in AI, including how top businesses today are using AI. You'll learn how Commerce.AI merges machine learning, product expertise, and big data to help businesses make more accurate decisions. Finally, you'll use the Commerce.AI suite for product ideation and analyzing market trends.By the end of this artificial intelligence book, you'll be able to strategize new product opportunities by using AI, and also have an understanding of how to use Commerce.AI for product ideation, trend analysis, and predictions.


Algorytmy Data Science. Siedmiodniowy przewodnik. Wydanie II

David Natingga

Data science jest interdyscyplinarną dziedziną naukową łączącą osiągnięcia uczenia maszynowego, statystyki i eksploracji danych. Umożliwia wydobywanie nowej wiedzy z istniejących danych poprzez stosowanie odpowiednich algorytmów i analizy statystycznej. Stworzono dotąd wiele algorytmów tej kategorii i wciąż powstają nowe. Stanowią one podstawę konstruowania modeli umożliwiających wyodrębnianie określonych informacji z danych odzwierciedlających zjawiska zachodzące w świecie rzeczywistym, pozwalają też na formułowanie prognoz ich przebiegu w przyszłości. Algorytmy data science są postrzegane jako ogromna szansa na zdobycie przewagi konkurencyjnej, a ich znaczenie stale rośnie. Ta książka jest zwięzłym przewodnikiem po algorytmach uczenia maszynowego. Jej cel jest prosty: w ciągu siedmiu dni masz opanować solidne podstawy siedmiu najważniejszych dla uczenia maszynowego algorytmów. Opisom poszczególnych algorytmów towarzyszą przykłady ich implementacji w języku Python, a praktyczne ćwiczenia, które znajdziesz na końcu każdego rozdziału, ułatwią Ci lepsze zrozumienie omawianych zagadnień. Co więcej, dzięki książce nauczysz się właściwie identyfikować problemy z zakresu data science. W konsekwencji dobieranie odpowiednich metod i narzędzi do ich rozwiązywania okaże się dużo łatwiejsze. W tej książce: efektywne implementacje algorytmów uczenia maszynowego w języku Python klasyfikacja danych przy użyciu twierdzenia Bayesa, drzew decyzyjnych i lasów losowych podział danych na klastery za pomocą algorytmu k-średnich stosowanie analizy regresji w parametryzacji modeli przewidywań analiza szeregów czasowych pod kątem trendów i sezonowości danych Algorytmy data science: poznaj, zrozum, zastosuj!