Bazy danych


Apache Spark Quick Start Guide. Quickly learn the art of writing efficient big data applications with Apache Spark

Shrey Mehrotra, Akash Grade

Apache Spark is a ?exible framework that allows processing of batch and real-time data. Its unified engine has made it quite popular for big data use cases. This book will help you to get started with Apache Spark 2.0 and write big data applications for a variety of use cases.It will also introduce you to Apache Spark – one of the most popular Big Data processing frameworks. Although this book is intended to help you get started with Apache Spark, but it also focuses on explaining the core concepts. This practical guide provides a quick start to the Spark 2.0 architecture and its components. It teaches you how to set up Spark on your local machine. As we move ahead, you will be introduced to resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) and DataFrame APIs, and their corresponding transformations and actions. Then, we move on to the life cycle of a Spark application and learn about the techniques used to debug slow-running applications. You will also go through Spark’s built-in modules for SQL, streaming, machine learning, and graph analysis.Finally, the book will lay out the best practices and optimization techniques that are key for writing efficient Spark applications. By the end of this book, you will have a sound fundamental understanding of the Apache Spark framework and you will be able to write and optimize Spark applications.


Applying and Extending Oracle Spatial. This guide takes you straight into the attributes of Oracle Spatial and teaches you to extend, apply, and combine them with other Oracle and open source technologies. A vital manual for solving everyday problems

Siva Ravada, Simon Greener

Spatial applications should be developed in the same way that users develop other database applications: by starting with an integrated data model in which the SDO_GEOMETRY objects are just another attribute describing entities and by using as many of the database features as possible for managing the data. If a task can be done using a database feature like replication, then it should be done using the standard replication technology instead of inventing a new procedure for replicating spatial data. Sometimes solving a business problem using a PL/SQL function can be more powerful, accessible, and easier to use than trying to use external software. Because Oracle Spatial's offerings are standards compliant, this book shows you how Oracle Spatial technology can be used to build cross-vendor database solutions. Applying and Extending Oracle Spatial shows you the clever things that can be done not just with Oracle Spatial on its own, but in combination with other database technologies. This is a great resource book that will convince you to purchase other Oracle technology books on non-spatial specialist technologies because you will finally see that spatial is not special: it is a small, fun, and clever part of a much larger whole.


Archiwizacja i odzyskiwanie danych

W. Curtis Preston

Optymalizacja procesu archiwizacji dla administratorów i nie tylko Jak archiwizować i odtwarzać system oraz dane? Jak wybrać optymalną metodę archiwizacji? Jak ograniczyć koszty związane z procesem archiwizacji? Wdrożenie systemu archiwizacji jest podstawową czynnością, jaką administrator powinien wykonać. Cel tej procedury jest oczywisty, tak jak cena, jaką przyjdzie zapłacić za brak takiego systemu. Utrata danych lub krach systemu wcale nie muszą oznaczać dla firmy długiego postoju i narażać jej na wielkie straty; wtedy to właśnie wysiłek, jaki włożył administrator w system archiwizacji, jest doceniany przez pracodawców i współpracowników. Jakie urządzenia i narzędzia należy zastosować, aby ten proces był sprawny i szybki, a jednocześnie zmieścił się w wyznaczonym do tego celu budżecie? Opisane oprogramowanie i rady udzielone przez autora tej książki pomogą Ci dokonać właściwego wyboru. "Archiwizacja i odzyskiwanie danych" to przewodnik po darmowych narzędziach do archiwizacji i odzyskiwania danych, przeznaczony głównie dla administratorów. W. Curtis Preston, specjalista w dziedzinie ochrony danych, zwrócił uwagę, że środki przeznaczone na system archiwizacji są często zbyt małe, by zapewnić mu wysoką skuteczność. Przyglądając się bliżej bezpłatnym narzędziom, odkrył ich duże możliwości; swoje spostrzeżenia i uwagi na ich temat zapisał w tej książce. Prędzej czy później każdy administrator staje przed koniecznością odbudowania systemu lub odzyskania danych i właśnie lektura tej książki sprawi, że będzie na to przygotowany! Narzędzia do archiwizacji i odtwarzania danych Przegląd programów komercyjnych i darmowych Urządzenia archiwizujące Przywracanie komputera od podstaw z wybranym systemem operacyjnym Archiwizacja i odtwarzanie baz danych Sposoby zabezpieczania archiwum i magazynów danych Wykorzystanie wirtualnych maszyn w procesie archiwizacji Poszerz swoją wiedzę i archiwizuj dane we właściwy, a także sprawdzony sposób!


Artificial Intelligence with Power BI. Take your data analytics skills to the next level by leveraging the AI capabilities in Power BI

Mary-Jo Diepeveen

The artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities in Power BI enable organizations to quickly and easily gain more intelligent insights from unstructured and structured data.This book will teach you how to make use of the many AI features available today in Power BI to quickly and easily enrich your data and gain better insights into patterns that can be found in your data.You’ll begin by understanding the benefits of AI and how it can be used in Power BI. Next, you’ll focus on exploring and preparing your data for building AI projects and then progress to using prominent AI features already available in Power BI, such as forecasting, anomaly detection, and Q&A. Later chapters will show you how to apply text analytics and computer vision within Power BI reports. This will help you create your own Q&A functionality in Power BI, which allows you to ask FAQs from another knowledge base and then integrate it with PowerApps. Toward the concluding chapters, you’ll be able to create and deploy AutoML models trained in Azure ML and consume them in Power Query Editor. After your models have been trained, you’ll work through principles such as privacy, fairness, and transparency to use AI responsibly.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned when and how to enrich your data with AI using the out-of-the-box AI capabilities in Power BI.


Atlassian Confluence 5 Essentials. Centralize all your organization's documentation in one place using Confluence. From installation to using add-ons, this is a complete, user-friendly tutorial that assumes virtually no prior knowledge

Stefan Kohler

Every idea, concept, and project needs documentation, which is traditionally kept in a variety of documents on different devices. Confluence 5 centralizes that documentation and provides it in one single location, available from almost any device and location.Atlassian Confluence 5 Essentials is a practical, hands-on guide explaining not only how to install and administrate Confluence, but also everything you need to create, share, and collaborate on your documentation. This book will give you everything you need to get started with Confluence.Before you can start creating content, Confluence needs to be available. That is exactly where we start with this book; installing Confluence. Through a number of clear, practical exercises you will go from installation and administration, to creating content and involving your teammates.This book will teach you how to quickly create compelling content. You will learn how to involve your teammates in the process, using the Confluence workbox and share features. You will learn how Confluence can be customized with regards to look and feel, extra functionality, and integration with other tools, so that there is nothing in your way when you want to introduce Confluence 5 within your organisation.If you need to develop better collaboration on mission critical projects, then this book is for you!


Autodesk Civil 3D 2024 from Start to Finish. A practical guide to civil infrastructure design, modeling, and analysis

Stephen Walz, Tony Sabat

Autodesk Civil 3D can radically increase your civil engineering design and efficiency if you learn to make the most of its features and partner software platforms. Autodesk Civil 3D from Start to Finish will teach you how to leverage its strengths and scale efficiency to large teams.With this book, you’ll uncover all the major features Civil 3D offers, from surface development to intelligent utility design as well as dynamic display work for smart document creation. You’ll learn to configure and manage your civil engineering designs and explore practical applications of tools and modeling techniques available within the software.By the end of this book, you’ll have a thorough understanding of Autodesk Civil 3D along with its partner programs to strategize and improve your future projects.


Azure Data Engineering Cookbook. Get well versed in various data engineering techniques in Azure using this recipe-based guide - Second Edition

Nagaraj Venkatesan, Ahmad Osama

The famous quote 'Data is the new oil' seems more true every day as the key to most organizations' long-term success lies in extracting insights from raw data. One of the major challenges organizations face in leveraging value out of data is building performant data engineering pipelines for data visualization, ingestion, storage, and processing. This second edition of the immensely successful book by Ahmad Osama brings to you several recent enhancements in Azure data engineering and shares approximately 80 useful recipes covering common scenarios in building data engineering pipelines in Microsoft Azure.You’ll explore recipes from Azure Synapse Analytics workspaces Gen 2 and get to grips with Synapse Spark pools, SQL Serverless pools, Synapse integration pipelines, and Synapse data flows. You’ll also understand Synapse SQL Pool optimization techniques in this second edition. Besides Synapse enhancements, you’ll discover helpful tips on managing Azure SQL Database and learn about security, high availability, and performance monitoring. Finally, the book takes you through overall data engineering pipeline management, focusing on monitoring using Log Analytics and tracking data lineage using Azure Purview.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build superior data engineering pipelines along with having an invaluable go-to guide.


Azure Data Factory Cookbook. Build ETL, Hybrid ETL, and ELT pipelines using ADF, Synapse Analytics, Fabric and Databricks - Second Edition

Dmitry Foshin, Tonya Chernyshova, Dmitry Anoshin, Xenia Ireton

This new edition of the Azure Data Factory book, fully updated to reflect ADS V2, will help you get up and running by showing you how to create and execute your first job in ADF. There are updated and new recipes throughout the book based on developments happening in Azure Synapse, Deployment with Azure DevOps, and Azure Purview. The current edition also runs you through Fabric Data Factory, Data Explorer, and some industry-grade best practices with specific chapters on each.You’ll learn how to branch and chain activities, create custom activities, and schedule pipelines, as well as discover the benefits of cloud data warehousing, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure Data Lake Gen2 Storage. With practical recipes, you’ll learn how to actively engage with analytical tools from Azure Data Services and leverage your on-premises infrastructure with cloud-native tools to get relevant business insights. You'll familiarize yourself with the common errors that you may encounter while working with ADF and find out the solutions to them. You’ll also understand error messages and resolve problems in connectors and data flows with the debugging capabilities of ADF.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use ADF with its latest advancements as the main ETL and orchestration tool for your data warehouse projects.