Bazy danych

The Art of Modern PHP 8. Learn how to write modern, performant, and enterprise-ready code with the latest PHP features and practices

Joseph Edmonds, Lorna Jane Mitchell

The Definitive Guide to Data Integration. Unlock the power of data integration to efficiently manage, transform, and analyze data

Pierre-Yves BONNEFOY, Emeric CHAIZE, Raphaël MANSUY, Mehdi TAZI, ...

The Machine Learning Solutions Architect Handbook. Create machine learning platforms to run solutions in an enterprise setting

David Ping

The MySQL Workshop. A practical guide to working with data and managing databases with MySQL

Thomas Pettit, Scott Cosentino

The SQL Workshop. Learn to create, manipulate and secure data and manage relational databases with SQL

Frank Solomon, Prashanth Jayaram, Awni Al Saqqa

The Ultimate Guide to Snowpark. Design and deploy Snowflake Snowpark with Python for efficient data workloads

Shankar Narayanan SGS, Vivekanandan SS, Jeff Hollan

Tokenomics. The Crypto Shift of Blockchains, ICOs, and Tokens

Sean Au, Thomas Power(GBP)

Troubleshooting PostgreSQL. Intercept problems and challenges typically faced by PostgreSQL database administrators with the best troubleshooting techniques

Vasilis Ventirozos, Hans-Jürgen Schönig, kevin vicrey

Truffle Quick Start Guide. Learn the fundamentals of Ethereum development

Nikhil Bhaskar

T-SQL dla każdego

Alison Balter

T-SQL dla zaawansowanych. Przewodnik programisty. Wydanie IV

Michael Coles, Jay Natarajan, Miguel Cebollero

Ubuntu Server Cookbook. Arm yourself to make the most of the versatile, powerful Ubuntu Server with over 100 hands-on recipes

Uday Sawant

Uczenie głębokie od zera. Podstawy implementacji w Pythonie

Seth Weidman

Umiejętności analityczne w pracy z danymi i sztuczną inteligencją. Wykorzystywanie najnowszych technologii w rozwijaniu przedsiębiorstwa

Daniel Vaughan

Unleashing Your Data with Power BI Machine Learning and OpenAI. Embark on a data adventure and turn your raw data into meaningful insights

Greg Beaumont

Unlocking Data with Generative AI and RAG. Enhance generative AI systems by integrating internal data with large language models using RAG

Keith Bourne, Shahul Es