Бізнес ІТ

Książki online z kategorii Biznes IT pomogą Ci opanować takie zagadnienia techniczne, jak analiza danych, blockchain, czy programowanie. Znajdziesz tutaj także świetne pozycje dotyczące reklamy internetowej i ogólnie tego, jak z powodzeniem prowadzić biznes online. Omawiają one choćby to, jak analizować dane marketingowe oraz budować dobrą relację z klientem.

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Salesforce B2C Solution Architect's Handbook. Leverage Salesforce to create scalable and cohesive business-to-consumer experiences - Second Edition

Mike King, Melissa Murphy

In today’s competitive landscape, the ability to create a unified view of the customer and turn data into actionable insights is a game-changer for businesses. With Salesforce B2C Solution Architect's Handbook, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the integration options and products that help you deliver value for organizations. The book will guide you through the tools, techniques, and scenarios needed to confidently tackle the B2C Solution Architect exam. You’ll start by building a robust understanding of each component within the Customer 360 ecosystem, diving into their capabilities, data models, and governance structures. As you progress, you'll explore the role of a B2C solution architect in planning critical requirements and implementation sequences to avoid costly reworks and unnecessary delays. You’ll learn about the available options for integrating products with the Salesforce ecosystem and demonstrate best practices for data modeling across Salesforce products and beyond. By the end of this journey, you’ll not only be prepared to ace the exam but also to excel as a Salesforce B2C Solution Architect, ready to shape the future of customer engagement.

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Salesforce CPQ Implementation Handbook. Configure Salesforce CPQ products to close more deals and generate higher revenue for your business

Madhu Ramanujan

Salesforce CPQ is innovative software that enables you create better quotes, improve quoting accuracy, and maximize sales and deals. It also provides a quick analysis of profits and losses, helping you improve the overall execution of sales processes, and allows a great deal of flexibility for your prospects, customers, and business partners.The book starts with the Quote-2-Cash business process in Salesforce and shows you how to assess when a business needs to implement CPQ. You’ll then progress to configuring opportunities, quotes, and CPQ products. As you advance, you’ll understand how to define and configure price books, price rules for CPQ quote automation, multidimensional quoting, and more. Next, you'll look at how to configure CPQ guided selling and create package configurations, contracts, and amendments. Later chapters will demonstrate how to perform data migration from a legacy system and the order in which the objects are to be migrated. You’ll also explore CPQ billing and its advantages with the help of different use cases before learning about Industries CPQ and how it is different from standard Salesforce CPQ. Finally, you’ll discover best practices for achieving optimal CPQ performance and avoiding performance bottlenecks.By the end of this Salesforce book, you’ll be able to implement Salesforce CPQ for any business.

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Salesforce CRM - The Definitive Admin Handbook. Build, configure, and customize Salesforce CRM and mobile solutions - Fifth Edition

Paul Goodey

Salesforce’s winter ’19 release offers a host of new features for CRM designed to meet your sales and marketing requirements. With this comprehensive guide to implementing Salesforce CRM, administrators of all levels can easily get a thorough understanding of the platform.This Salesforce handbook begins by guiding you in setting up users and security and then progresses to configuration, data management, and data analytics. You’ll discover process automation and approval mechanisms, while also exploring the functional areas of Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Salesforce Chatter. This book covers Salesforce CRM system administration in a practical way, and it’ll serve as an invaluable reference for both new administrators and experienced professionals. Furthermore, you’ll also delve into Salesforce mobile apps and mobile administration, along with Salesforce Adoption Manager. You’ll gain insights into Lightning Experience, Salesforce's new app, and learn how its modern design and sleek interface helps you to build customizable components. Finally, we'll see how the two versions compare and help manage the transition from Salesforce Classic to Lightning Experience.By the end of the book, you will have mastered the techniques to configure and control various user interface features in Salesforce CRM.

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Salesforce Data Architecture and Management. A pragmatic guide for aspiring Salesforce architects and developers to manage, govern, and secure their data effectively

Ahsan Zafar

As Salesforce orgs mature over time, data management and integrations are becoming more challenging than ever. Salesforce Data Architecture and Management follows a hands-on approach to managing data and tracking the performance of your Salesforce org.You’ll start by understanding the role and skills required to become a successful data architect. The book focuses on data modeling concepts, how to apply them in Salesforce, and how they relate to objects and fields in Salesforce. You’ll learn the intricacies of managing data in Salesforce, starting from understanding why Salesforce has chosen to optimize for read rather than write operations. After developing a solid foundation, you’ll explore examples and best practices for managing your data. You’ll understand how to manage your master data and discover what the Golden Record is and why it is important for organizations. Next, you'll learn how to align your MDM and CRM strategy with a discussion on Salesforce’s Customer 360 and its key components. You’ll also cover data governance, its multiple facets, and how GDPR compliance can be achieved with Salesforce. Finally, you'll discover Large Data Volumes (LDVs) and best practices for migrating data using APIs.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with data management, data backup, storage, and archiving in Salesforce.

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Salesforce for Beginners. A step-by-step guide to creating, managing, and automating sales and marketing processes

Sharif Shaalan

Salesforce is the world's leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, helping businesses connect with their constituents and partners. This book will give you a comprehensive introduction to managing sales, marketing, customer relationships, and overall administration for your organization. You'll learn how to configure and use Salesforce for maximum efficiency and return on investment.You'll start by learning how to create activities, manage leads, and develop your prospects and sales pipeline using opportunities and accounts, and then understand how you can enhance marketing activities using campaigns. Packed with real-world business use cases, this Salesforce book will show you how to analyze your business information accurately to make productive decisions. As you advance, you'll get to grips with building various reports and dashboards in Salesforce to derive valuable business insights. Finally, you'll explore tools such as process builder, approval processes, and assignment rules to achieve business process automation and set out on the path to becoming a successful Salesforce Administrator.By the end of the book, you'll have learned how to use Salesforce effectively to achieve your business goals.

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Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification Guide. Expert tips, techniques, and mock tests for the Platform Developer I (DEV501) certification exam

Jan Vandevelde, Gunther Roskams

Salesforce Lightning Platform, used to build enterprise apps, is being increasingly adopted by admins, business analysts, consultants, architects, and especially developers. With this Salesforce certification, you'll be able to enhance your development skills and become a valuable member of your organization.This certification guide is designed to be completely aligned with the official exam study guide for the latest Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I release and includes updates from Spring '19. Starting with Salesforce fundamentals and performing data modeling and management, you’ll progress to automating logic and processes and working on user interfaces with Salesforce components. Finally, you'll learn how to work with testing frameworks, perform debugging, and deploy metadata, and get to grips with useful tips and tricks. Each chapter concludes with sample questions that are commonly found in the exam, and the book wraps up with mock tests to help you prepare for the DEV501 certification exam.By the end of the book, you’ll be ready to take the exam and earn your Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I certification.

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Samorząd terytorialny w budowie społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce

Paweł A. Nowak

Budowa społeczeństwa informacyjnego została wskazana jako jeden z priorytetów rozwojowych Unii Europejskiej na najbliższą dekadę. W prezentowanej monografii Czytelnicy znajdą nie tylko definicję społeczeństwa informacyjnego oraz wyjaśnienie jego roli w rozwoju społecznym i gospodarczym XXI wieku, lecz także opis sieci powiązań, zadań i interesów różnych podmiotów administracji publicznej zaangażowanych w proces jego budowy w Polsce. Autor, wykorzystując swoje przygotowanie teoretyczne oraz wiedzę praktyczną, szczególną uwagę poświęcił bieżącym i planowanym działaniom samorządu terytorialnego na rzecz tworzenia społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Książka została napisana przede wszystkim z myślą o pracownikach samorządu terytorialnego i administracji publicznej. Może być również interesującym uzupełnieniem wiedzy dla osób zainteresowanych praktycznymi aspektami wykorzystania technologii informatycznych.

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SAP Business Intelligence Quick Start Guide. Actionable business insights from the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform

Vinay Singh

The SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform is a powerful reporting and analysis tool. This book is the ideal introduction to the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, introducing you to its data visualization, visual analytics, reporting, and dashboarding capabilities.The book starts with an overview of the BI platform and various data sources for reporting. Then, we move on to looking at data visualization, analysis, reporting, and analytics using BusinessObjects Business Intelligence tools. You will learn about the features associated with reporting, scheduling, and distribution and learn how to deploy the platform. Toward the end, you will learn about the strategies and factors that should be considered during deployment.By the end, you will be confident working with the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform to deliver better insights for more effective decision making.

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SAP w 24 godziny. Wydanie V

Michael Missbach, George Anderson

System SAP jest uznanym zintegrowanym systemem informatycznym do zarządzania firmą. Charakteryzuje się ogromnym bogactwem funkcjonalności i elastycznością, ułatwiającą zmianę skali lub profilu działalności przedsiębiorstwa. Użytkownikami SAP są firmy o różnej wielkości i o różnych modelach biznesu. Szczególnie cenną możliwością SAP jest optymalizacja komunikacji i współpracy z otoczeniem: SAP CRM ułatwia zarządzanie relacjami z klientami, SAP SCM — zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw, a SAP SRM pomaga w zarządzaniu relacjami z dostawcami. Niniejsza książka pozwala w bardzo krótkim czasie zapoznać się z systemami SAP. Składa się z 24 rozdziałów-lekcji. Przyswojenie materiału każdej z tych lekcji nie powinno trwać dłużej niż godzinę. Ten niezwykle praktyczny przewodnik umożliwia solidne opanowanie podstaw, a następnie zapoznanie się z bardziej zaawansowanymi zagadnieniami. Dzięki temu szybko można zrozumieć, na czym polega planowanie, wdrażanie systemu SAP i korzystanie z niego. Aby umożliwić utrwalenie materiału, każdy rozdział zakończono praktycznym studium przypadku. W książce omówiono: podstawy SAP oraz opis aplikacji i komponentów systemu, instalację systemu SAP w wersji stacjonarnej i w wersji systemu w chmurze, SAP z punktu widzenia biznesu i z punktu widzenia informatyki, najnowsze rozwiązania: bazy HANA, nowy interfejs użytkownika, Software as a Service i inne, operacje biznesowe w SAP, praktyczne podejście do implementacji, migracji i aktualizacji systemu SAP, SAP a internet rzeczy, media społecznościowe, wielkie zbiory danych i inne zagadnienia najbliższej przyszłości. SAP — zostań ekspertem w 24 godziny! Dr Michael Missbach jest dyrektorem Cisco SAP Competence Center. Opracowuje zbiór dobrych praktyk związanych z korzystaniem z aplikacji SAP HANA i innych ważnych usług biznesowych implementowanych w chmurach publicznych i prywatnych. Dr George Anderson jest starszym architektem i dyrektorem programowym w Microsoft Services, specjalizuje się w projektowaniu i implementowaniu ważnych rozwiązań biznesowych SAP i Microsoft Dynamics.

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SAS for Finance. Forecasting and data analysis techniques with real-world examples to build powerful financial models

Harish Gulati

SAS is a groundbreaking tool for advanced predictive and statistical analytics used by top banks and financial corporations to establish insights from their financial data.SAS for Finance offers you the opportunity to leverage the power of SAS analytics in redefining your data. Packed with real-world examples from leading financial institutions, the author discusses statistical models using time series data to resolve business issues.This book shows you how to exploit the capabilities of this high-powered package to create clean, accurate financial models. You can easily assess the pros and cons of models to suit your unique business needs.By the end of this book, you will be able to leverage the true power of SAS to design and develop accurate analytical models to gain deeper insights into your financial data.

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Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics. Explore the concepts of functional programming, data streaming, and machine learning

Md. Rezaul Karim, Sridhar Alla

Scala has been observing wide adoption over the past few years, especially in the field of data science and analytics. Spark, built on Scala, has gained a lot of recognition and is being used widely in productions. Thus, if you want to leverage the power of Scala and Spark to make sense of big data, this book is for you.The first part introduces you to Scala, helping you understand the object-oriented and functional programming concepts needed for Spark application development. It then moves on to Spark to cover the basic abstractions using RDD and DataFrame. This will help you develop scalable and fault-tolerant streaming applications by analyzing structured and unstructured data using SparkSQL, GraphX, and Spark structured streaming. Finally, the book moves on to some advanced topics, such as monitoring, configuration, debugging, testing, and deployment.You will also learn how to develop Spark applications using SparkR and PySpark APIs, interactive data analytics using Zeppelin, and in-memory data processing with Alluxio.By the end of this book, you will have a thorough understanding of Spark, and you will be able to perform full-stack data analytics with a feel that no amount of data is too big.

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Scala for Machine Learning. Build systems for data processing, machine learning, and deep learning - Second Edition

Patrick R. Nicolas

The discovery of information through data clustering and classification is becoming a key differentiator for competitive organizations. Machine learning applications are everywhere, from self-driving cars, engineering design, logistics, manufacturing, and trading strategies, to detection of genetic anomalies. The book is your one stop guide that introduces you to the functional capabilities of the Scala programming language that are critical to the creation of machine learning algorithms such as dependency injection and implicits. You start by learning data preprocessing and filtering techniques. Following this, you'll move on to unsupervised learning techniques such as clustering and dimension reduction, followed by probabilistic graphical models such as Naïve Bayes, hidden Markov models and Monte Carlo inference. Further, it covers the discriminative algorithms such as linear, logistic regression with regularization, kernelization, support vector machines, neural networks, and deep learning. You’ll move on to evolutionary computing, multibandit algorithms, and reinforcement learning.Finally, the book includes a comprehensive overview of parallel computing in Scala and Akka followed by a description of Apache Spark and its ML library. With updated codes based on the latest version of Scala and comprehensive examples, this book will ensure that you have more than just a solid fundamental knowledge in machine learning with Scala.

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Scala: Guide for Data Science Professionals. Build robust data pipelines with Scala

Arun Manivannan, Pascal Bugnion, Patrick R. Nicolas

Scala is especially good for analyzing large sets of data as the scale of the task doesn’t have any significant impact on performance. Scala’s powerful functional libraries can interact with databases and build scalable frameworks — resulting in the creation of robust data pipelines. The first module introduces you to Scala libraries to ingest, store, manipulate, process, and visualize data. Using real world examples, you will learn how to design scalable architecture to process and model data — starting from simple concurrency constructs and progressing to actor systems and Apache Spark. After this, you will also learn how to build interactive visualizations with web frameworks.Once you have become familiar with all the tasks involved in data science, you will explore data analytics with Scala in the second module. You’ll see how Scala can be used to make sense of data through easy to follow recipes. You will learn about Bokeh bindings for exploratory data analysis and quintessential machine learning with algorithms with Spark ML library. You’ll get a sufficient understanding of Spark streaming, machine learning for streaming data, and Spark graphX. Armed with a firm understanding of data analysis, you will be ready to explore the most cutting-edge aspect of data science — machine learning. The final module teaches you the A to Z of machine learning with Scala. You’ll explore Scala for dependency injections and implicits, which are used to write machine learning algorithms. You’ll also explore machine learning topics such as clustering, dimentionality reduction, Naïve Bayes, Regression models, SVMs, neural networks, and more. This learning path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer into one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:• Scala for Data Science, Pascal Bugnion• Scala Data Analysis Cookbook, Arun Manivannan • Scala for Machine Learning, Patrick R. Nicolas

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Scala Machine Learning Projects. Build real-world machine learning and deep learning projects with Scala

Md. Rezaul Karim

Machine learning has had a huge impact on academia and industry by turning data into actionable information. Scala has seen a steady rise in adoption over the past few years, especially in the fields of data science and analytics. This book is for data scientists, data engineers, and deep learning enthusiasts who have a background in complex numerical computing and want to know more hands-on machine learning application development.If you're well versed in machine learning concepts and want to expand your knowledge by delving into the practical implementation of these concepts using the power of Scala, then this book is what you need! Through 11 end-to-end projects, you will be acquainted with popular machine learning libraries such as Spark ML, H2O, DeepLearning4j, and MXNet.At the end, you will be able to use numerical computing and functional programming to carry out complex numerical tasks to develop, build, and deploy research or commercial projects in a production-ready environment.

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Scalable Data Analytics with Azure Data Explorer. Modern ways to query, analyze, and perform real-time data analysis on large volumes of data

Jason Myerscough, Arunee Singhchawla

Azure Data Explorer (ADX) enables developers and data scientists to make data-driven business decisions. This book will help you rapidly explore and query your data at scale and secure your ADX clusters.The book begins by introducing you to ADX, its architecture, core features, and benefits. You'll learn how to securely deploy ADX instances and navigate through the ADX Web UI, cover data ingestion, and discover how to query and visualize your data using the powerful Kusto Query Language (KQL). Next, you'll get to grips with KQL operators and functions to efficiently query and explore your data, as well as perform time series analysis and search for anomalies and trends in your data. As you progress through the chapters, you'll explore advanced ADX topics, including deploying your ADX instances using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). The book also shows you how to manage your cluster performance and monthly ADX costs by handling cluster scaling and data retention periods. Finally, you'll understand how to secure your ADX environment by restricting access with best practices for improving your KQL query performance.By the end of this Azure book, you'll be able to securely deploy your own ADX instance, ingest data from multiple sources, rapidly query your data, and produce reports with KQL and Power BI.

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Scalable Data Architecture with Java. Build efficient enterprise-grade data architecting solutions using Java

Sinchan Banerjee

Java architectural patterns and tools help architects to build reliable, scalable, and secure data engineering solutions that collect, manipulate, and publish data.This book will help you make the most of the architecting data solutions available with clear and actionable advice from an expert.You’ll start with an overview of data architecture, exploring responsibilities of a Java data architect, and learning about various data formats, data storage, databases, and data application platforms as well as how to choose them. Next, you’ll understand how to architect a batch and real-time data processing pipeline. You’ll also get to grips with the various Java data processing patterns, before progressing to data security and governance. The later chapters will show you how to publish Data as a Service and how you can architect it. Finally, you’ll focus on how to evaluate and recommend an architecture by developing performance benchmarks, estimations, and various decision metrics.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to successfully orchestrate data architecture solutions using Java and related technologies as well as to evaluate and present the most suitable solution to your clients.

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Scalable Data Streaming with Amazon Kinesis. Design and secure highly available, cost-effective data streaming applications with Amazon Kinesis

Tarik Makota, Brian Maguire, Danny Gagne, Rajeev Chakrabarti

Amazon Kinesis is a collection of secure, serverless, durable, and highly available purpose-built data streaming services. This data streaming service provides APIs and client SDKs that enable you to produce and consume data at scale.Scalable Data Streaming with Amazon Kinesis begins with a quick overview of the core concepts of data streams, along with the essentials of the AWS Kinesis landscape. You'll then explore the requirements of the use case shown through the book to help you get started and cover the key pain points encountered in the data stream life cycle. As you advance, you'll get to grips with the architectural components of Kinesis, understand how they are configured to build data pipelines, and delve into the applications that connect to them for consumption and processing. You'll also build a Kinesis data pipeline from scratch and learn how to implement and apply practical solutions. Moving on, you'll learn how to configure Kinesis on a cloud platform. Finally, you’ll learn how other AWS services can be integrated into Kinesis. These services include Redshift, Dynamo Database, AWS S3, Elastic Search, and third-party applications such as Splunk.By the end of this AWS book, you’ll be able to build and deploy your own Kinesis data pipelines with Kinesis Data Streams (KDS), Kinesis Data Firehose (KFH), Kinesis Video Streams (KVS), and Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA).

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Scaling Agile with Jira Align. A practical guide to strategically scaling agile across teams, programs, and portfolios in enterprises

Dean MacNeil, Aslam Cader

Jira Align is a platform purpose-built for enterprises to connect strategy with execution and drive transparency, consistency, and predictability at all levels of scale. The platform supports business value delivery in agile frameworks such as LeSS, DAD, and SAFe. It also caters to organizations that mix agile with waterfall to support scaled bimodal delivery.Starting with an introduction to the platform and its features, this book takes you through the foundational building blocks of Jira Align. You’ll learn how an organization can benefit from implementing Jira Align and understand how to connect dimensions such as people, work, time, and outcomes. The book takes you through the typical steps for implementing Jira Align for maximizing outcomes and helps you solve common team, program, and portfolio-level challenges by enhancing visibility, tracking dependencies and risks, and using reports for real-time, distributed decision making. Throughout the book, you’ll explore features such as remote agile ceremonies, live roadmaps, and objectives and key results (OKRs). You’ll also get to grips with lean portfolio management, financial reporting, and using the program board for planning and execution.By the end of this book, you’ll be well versed in the key features of Jira Align and be able to leverage them to support all levels of agile at scale.

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