Biznes IT

Książki online z kategorii Biznes IT pomogą Ci opanować takie zagadnienia techniczne, jak analiza danych, blockchain, czy programowanie. Znajdziesz tutaj także świetne pozycje dotyczące reklamy internetowej i ogólnie tego, jak z powodzeniem prowadzić biznes online. Omawiają one choćby to, jak analizować dane marketingowe oraz budować dobrą relację z klientem.

The Machine Learning Workshop. Get ready to develop your own high-performance machine learning algorithms with scikit-learn - Second Edition

Hyatt Saleh

The Natural Language Processing Workshop. Confidently design and build your own NLP projects with this easy-to-understand practical guide

Rohan Chopra, Aniruddha M. Godbole, Nipun Sadvilkar, Muzaffar Bashir Shah, ...

The Pandas Workshop. A comprehensive guide to using Python for data analysis with real-world case studies

Blaine Bateman, Saikat Basak, Thomas V. Joseph, William So

The Statistics and Machine Learning with R Workshop. Unlock the power of efficient data science modeling with this hands-on guide

Liu Peng

The Successful Software Manager. The definitive guide to growing from developer to manager

Herman Fung

The Supervised Learning Workshop. Predict outcomes from data by building your own powerful predictive models with machine learning in Python - Second Edition

Blaine Bateman, Ashish Ranjan Jha, Benjamin Johnston, Ishita Mathur

The Tableau Workshop. A practical guide to the art of data visualization with Tableau

Sumit Gupta, Sylvester Pinto, Shweta Sankhe-Savale, JC Gillet, ...

The TensorFlow Workshop. A hands-on guide to building deep learning models from scratch using real-world datasets

Matthew Moocarme, Anthony So, Anthony Maddalone

The Ultimate Guide to Snowpark. Design and deploy Snowflake Snowpark with Python for efficient data workloads

Shankar Narayanan SGS, Vivekanandan SS, Jeff Hollan

The Ultimate Zoom Cookbook. Over 100 recipes to enhance and engage communication with Zoom

Patrick Kelley

The Unsupervised Learning Workshop. Get started with unsupervised learning algorithms and simplify your unorganized data to help make future predictions

Aaron Jones, Christopher Kruger, Benjamin Johnston

"Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition" 2016. Vol. 2 (2)

red. Danuta Gabryś-Barker, red. Adam Wojtaszek

Three.js Cookbook. Over 80 shortcuts, solutions, and recipes that allow you to create the most stunning visualizations and 3D scenes using the Three.js library

Jos Dirksen

Time Series Analysis on AWS. Learn how to build forecasting models and detect anomalies in your time series data

Michaël Hoarau

TinyML Cookbook. Combine artificial intelligence and ultra-low-power embedded devices to make the world smarter

Gian Marco Iodice, Ronan Naughton

TinyML Cookbook. Combine machine learning with microcontrollers to solve real-world problems - Second Edition

Gian Marco Iodice

TinyML. Wykorzystanie TensorFlow Lite do uczenia maszynowego na Arduino i innych mikrokontrolerach

Pete Warden, Daniel Situnayake

Tomographic imaging in environmental, industrial and medical applications

Tomasz Rymarczyk

Tools and Skills for .NET 8. Get the career you want with good practices and patterns to design, debug, and test your solutions 

Mark J. Price

Transformative Magic of M Code in Power Query Excel & Power BI. A Beginner's Guide to Get the Data Structures Needed to Create Insightful Data Analysis Solutions

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Mike Girvin

Transformers for Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. Explore Generative AI and Large Language Models with Hugging Face, ChatGPT, GPT-4V, and DALL-E 3 - Third Edition

Denis Rothman

Transformers for Natural Language Processing. Build, train, and fine-tune deep neural network architectures for NLP with Python, Hugging Face, and OpenAI's GPT-3, ChatGPT, and GPT-4 - Second Edition

Denis Rothman, Antonio Gulli

Transforming Healthcare with DevOps. A practical DevOps4Care guide to embracing the complexity of digital transformation

Jeroen Mulder, Henry Mulder

Twitter - sukces komunikacji w 140 znakach. Tajemnice narracji dla firm, instytucji i liderów opinii

Eryk Mistewicz