
Our online books in the category Games bring up various topics. Here you will find manuals to specific, popular games. Other publications will introduce you into such questions as e-sport and gamification. Also, look into the manuals which teach how to program games with C#, C++ and other programming languages.


Blender 3D By Example. A project-based guide to learning the latest Blender 3D, EEVEE rendering engine, and Grease Pencil - Second Edition

Oscar Baechler, Xury Greer

Blender is a powerful 3D creation package that supports every aspect of the 3D pipeline. With this book, you'll learn about modeling, rigging, animation, rendering, and much more with the help of some interesting projects.This practical guide, based on the Blender 2.83 LTS version, starts by helping you brush up on your basic Blender skills and getting you acquainted with the software toolset. You’ll use basic modeling tools to understand the simplest 3D workflow by customizing a Viking themed scene. You'll get a chance to see the 3D modeling process from start to finish by building a time machine based on provided concept art. You will design your first 2D character while exploring the capabilities of the new Grease Pencil tools. The book then guides you in creating a sleek modern kitchen scene using EEVEE, Blender’s new state-of-the-art rendering engine. As you advance, you'll explore a variety of 3D design techniques, such as sculpting, retopologizing, unwrapping, baking, painting, rigging, and animating to bring a baby dragon to life.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to work with Blender to create impressive computer graphics, art, design, and architecture, and you'll be able to use robust Blender tools for your design projects and video games.


Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5. Unleash the true power of Blueprints to create impressive games and applications in UE5 - Third Edition

Marcos Romero, Brenden Sewell, Luis Cataldi

Unreal Engine's Blueprint visual scripting system enables designers to script their games and programmers to create base elements that can be extended by designers. With this book, you'll explore all the features of the Blueprint Editor, along with expert tips, shortcuts, and best practices.The book guides you through using variables, macros, and functions, and helps you learn about object-oriented programming (OOP). You'll discover the Gameplay Framework and advance to learning how Blueprint Communication allows one Blueprint to access information from another Blueprint. Later chapters focus on building a fully functional game step by step. You'll start with a basic first-person shooter (FPS) template, and each chapter will build on the prototype to create an increasingly complex and robust game experience. You'll then progress from creating basic shooting mechanics to more complex systems such as user interface elements and intelligent enemy behavior. The book demonstrates how to use arrays, maps, enums, and vector operations and introduces the elements needed for VR game development. In the final chapters, you’ll learn how to implement procedural generation and create a product configurator.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to build a fully functional game and have the skills required to develop an entertaining experience for your audience.


Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine. The faster way to build games using UE4 Blueprints - Second Edition

Marcos Romero, Brenden Sewell

Blueprints is the visual scripting system in Unreal Engine that enables programmers to create baseline systems and can be extended by designers.This book helps you explore all the features of the Blueprint Editor and guides you through using Variables, Macros, and Functions. You’ll also learn about object-oriented programming (OOP) and discover the Gameplay Framework. In addition to this, you’ll learn how Blueprint Communication allows one Blueprint to access information from another Blueprint. Later chapters will focus on building a fully functional game using a step-by-step approach. You’ll start with a basic first-person shooter (FPS) template, and each chapter will build on the prototype to create an increasingly complex and robust game experience. You’ll then progress from creating basic shooting mechanics to more complex systems, such as user interface elements and intelligent enemy behavior. The skills you will develop using Blueprints can also be employed in other gaming genres. In the concluding chapters, the book demonstrates how to use arrays, maps, enums, and vector operations. Finally, you’ll learn how to build a basic VR game.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to build a fully functional game and will have the skills required to develop an entertaining experience for your audience.


Budowa serwerów Minecraft. Poradnik na dobry początek

Michał Ostrowski

Wejdź na wyższy poziom Minecrafta i postaw swój serwer! Dowiedz się, jak i gdzie zbudować serwer Zainstaluj odpowiednie oprogramowanie Skonfiguruj środowisko i pluginy Jeśli w Minecrafcie osiągnąłeś już dużo i nudzi Cię powtarzanie tych samych zadań, nadszedł czas, abyś wszedł na wyższy poziom. Odkryj w sobie żyłkę budowniczego i poszukaj nowych wyzwań! Zacznij samemu tworzyć świat gry i uruchom własny serwer Minecrafta. Zaproś do gry kolegów i poznaj nowych graczy! Z tej książki dowiesz się, jak to zrobić krok po kroku. Z tym przewodnikiem wybierzesz odpowiedni serwer, zainstalujesz system operacyjny i silnik serwerowy, skonfigurujesz środowisko oraz sieć, a także dodasz pluginy Bukkit. Zostaniesz specem od serwerów i poznasz Minecrafta z zupełnie innej strony. Wybór sprzętu i rodzaju serwera Instalacja i konfiguracja systemu operacyjnego Instalacja i konfiguracja silnika serwerowego i Javy Konfiguracja serwera i sieci Dodawanie i konfiguracja pluginów Dołącz do aktywnych! Zyskaj wpływ na kształt Twojego świata!