
Our online books in the category Games bring up various topics. Here you will find manuals to specific, popular games. Other publications will introduce you into such questions as e-sport and gamification. Also, look into the manuals which teach how to program games with C#, C++ and other programming languages.

Stwórz Grę Aplikacje Mobilne ES6+ JavaScript React Native - Hooks

Stwórz Grę Mobilną wydanie 2 sp. z o.o.

Stwórz grę w Unity, a nauczysz się programowania w C#! Pisanie kodu, które sprawia radość. Wydanie V

Harrison Ferrone

Stwórz grę w Unity, a nauczysz się programowania w C#! Pisanie kodu, które sprawia radość. Wydanie VII

Harrison Ferrone

Swift 3 Game Development. Build iOS 10 Games with Swift 3.0 - Second Edition

Stephen Haney

Swift 3 Object-Oriented Programming. Implement object-oriented programming paradigms with Swift 3.0 and mix them with modern functional programming techniques to build powerful real-world applications - Second Edition

Gaston C. Hillar

Swift 4 Programming Cookbook. 50 task-oriented recipes to maximise Swift 4 productivity

Keith Moon

Swift 4 Protocol-Oriented Programming. Bring predictability, performance, and productivity to your Swift applications - Third Edition

Jon Hoffman