
Our online books in the category Games bring up various topics. Here you will find manuals to specific, popular games. Other publications will introduce you into such questions as e-sport and gamification. Also, look into the manuals which teach how to program games with C#, C++ and other programming languages.

Source SDK Game Development Essentials. Develop engaging and immersive mods with Source SDK

Brett Joseph Bernier, Brett Bernier

Sparrow iOS Game Framework Beginner's Guide. Create mobile games for iOS devices with the Sparrow iOS Game Framework

Johannes Stein

Stencyl Essentials. Build beautiful, unique, cross-platform games rapidly with the free Stencyl 2D game engine and toolset

Richard Sneyd

Stwórz Grę Aplikacje Mobilne ES6+ JavaScript React Native - Hooks

Stwórz Grę Mobilną wydanie 2 sp. z o.o.

Stwórz grę w Unity, a nauczysz się programowania w C#! Pisanie kodu, które sprawia radość. Wydanie V

Harrison Ferrone

Stwórz grę w Unity, a nauczysz się programowania w C#! Pisanie kodu, które sprawia radość. Wydanie VII

Harrison Ferrone

Swift 3 Game Development. Build iOS 10 Games with Swift 3.0 - Second Edition

Stephen Haney