
Nasze książki online z kategorii Gry poruszają zróżnicowaną tematykę. Znajdziesz tutaj przewodniki dotyczące konkretnych, popularnych gier. Inne publikacje wprowadzają w takie zagadnienia, jak e-sport oraz grywalizacja. Zajrzyj także do poradników, które uczą, jak za pomocą C#, C++ oraz innych języków programować gry.

Sculpting in ZBrush Made Simple. Explore powerful modeling and character creation techniques used for VFX, games, and 3D printing

Lukas Kutschera

Sculpting the Blender Way. Explore Blender's 3D sculpting workflows and latest features, including Face Sets, Mesh Filters, and the Cloth brush

Xury Greer

SFML Blueprints. Sharpen your game development skills and improve your C++ and SFML knowledge with five exciting projects

SFML, Maxime Barbier

Shading, Lighting, and Rendering with Blender EEVEE. Create amazing concept art 12 times faster using a real-time rendering engine

Sammie Crowder

SketchUp 2014 for Architectural Visualization. Create stunning photorealistic and artistic visuals of your SketchUp models

Robin de Jongh, Thomas Bleicher

Snowflake Cookbook. Techniques for building modern cloud data warehousing solutions

Hamid Mahmood Qureshi, Hammad Sharif

Source SDK Game Development Essentials. Develop engaging and immersive mods with Source SDK

Brett Joseph Bernier, Brett Bernier

Sparrow iOS Game Framework Beginner's Guide. Create mobile games for iOS devices with the Sparrow iOS Game Framework

Johannes Stein