
Möchten Sie die Geheimnisse von Excel, PowerPoint, Word und anderer alltäglicher Software kennenlernen, die bei der Arbeit nützlich sind? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Online-Bibliothek, wo Sie viele Bücher sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene finden können.  Dank ihnen haben Office-Programme keine Geheimnisse vor Ihnen.

Excel. Wykresy, analiza danych, tabele przestawne. Niebieski podręcznik

Paul McFedries

Expert Microsoft Teams Solutions. A guide to Teams architecture and integration for advanced end users and administrators

Aaron Guilmette, Yura Lee, Grant Oliasani, Angel Aviles

Exploring Microsoft Excel's Hidden Treasures. Turbocharge your Excel proficiency with expert tips, automation techniques, and overlooked features

David Ringstrom

Extending Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Apps with Low Code. Create tailor-made Dynamics 365 CE apps using the powerful low-code capabilities of Power Platform

Nicolás Andrés Fernández

Extending Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Apps with Power Platform. Integrate Power Platform solutions to maximize the efficiency of your Finance & Operations projects

Adria Ariste Santacreu

Extending Microsoft Business Central with Power Platform. Leverage Power Platform to create scalable Business Central solutions with high business value

Kim Congleton, Shawn Sissenwein

Extending Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management Cookbook. Create and extend secure and scalable ERP solutions to improve business processes - Second Edition

Simon Buxton

Extending Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations Cookbook. Create and extend real-world solutions using Dynamics 365 Operations

Simon Buxton