Office applications

Would you like to know more about secrets of Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc. that are useful in everyday work? Look into our online library where you will find books designed both for beginners and advanced users. Due to them office programs won’t have any secrets from you.

Learning Ansible 2. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Fabio Alessandro Locati

Learning Apache Apex. Real-time streaming applications with Apex

Thomas Weise, Munagala V. Ramanath, David Yan, Kenneth Knowles

Learning Apache Thrift. Make applications cross-communicate using Apache Thrift!

Krzysztof Rakowski, Diwaker Gupta

Learning ArcGIS for Desktop. Create, analyze, and map your spatial data with ArcGIS for Desktop

Daniela C Docan

Learning AWS IoT. Effectively manage connected devices on the AWS cloud using services such as AWS Greengrass, AWS button, predictive analytics and machine learning

Agus Kurniawan

Learning Einstein Analytics. Unlock critical insights with Salesforce Einstein Analytics

Santosh Tukaram Chitalkar

Learning Elastic Stack 7.0. Distributed search, analytics, and visualization using Elasticsearch, Logstash, Beats, and Kibana - Second Edition

Pranav Shukla, Sharath Kumar M N

Learning IBM Bluemix. Click here to enter text

Sreelatha Sankaranarayanan