
Książki online z kategorii Hardware pomogą Ci nabyć praktycznych umiejętności z zakresu składania zestawów komputerowych oraz ich naprawy. Dowiesz się także, jak wykorzystywać popularne języki programowania typu JavaScript i C++ do tworzenia ciekawych projektów (np. systemów sygnalizacyjnych). Zainteresować mogą Cię też poradniki wprowadzające do Arduino.

Pro Tools HD: Advanced Techniques and Workflows. Using Pro Tools HD is not always easy, but with this book you'll be on the fast track to achieving optimum quality audio. Learn to use Pro Tools at the highest professional level

Edouard Camou

Processing XML documents with Oracle JDeveloper 11g

Deepak Vohra, Deepak Vohra

Professional Plone 4 Development. Build robust, content-centric web applications with Plone 4

Martin Aspeli, The Plone Foundation Alex Limi Toby Roberts (Project)

Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python Cookbook. This book provides the recipes you need to use Python with AcrGIS for more effective geoprocessing. Shortcuts, scripts, tools, and customizations put you in the driving seat and can dramatically speed up your workflow

Eric Pimpler

Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. Using this Microsoft Dynamics NAV book and eBook - develop and maintain high performance applications to meet changing business needs with improved agility and enhanced flexibility

David A. Studebaker, David A. Studebaker, David Studebaker

Programming the BeagleBone. Master BeagleBone programming by doing simple electronics and Internet of Things projects

Yogesh Chavan, Amit Pandurang Karpe

Programming Windows Workflow Foundation: Practical WF Techniques and Examples using XAML and C#

K. Scott Allen, Kenneth Scott Allen

Puppet 2.7 Cookbook. Build reliable, scalable, secure, high-performance systems to fully utilize the power of cloud computing

John Arundel, Puppet Labs

Python Multimedia. Learn how to develop Multimedia applications using Python with this practical step-by-step guide

Ninad Sathaye

Python Programming with Raspberry Pi. Build small yet powerful robots and automation systems with Raspberry Pi Zero

Sai Yamanoor, Srihari Yamanoor

Python Robotics Projects. Build smart and collaborative robots using Python

Prof. Diwakar Vaish

Qmail Quickstarter: Install, Set Up and Run your own Email Server. A fast-paced and easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide that gets you up and running quickly

Kyle Wheeler, Daniel Bernstein

Rancher Deep Dive. Manage enterprise Kubernetes seamlessly with Rancher

Matthew Mattox

Rapid BeagleBoard Prototyping with MATLAB and Simulink. Leverage the power of Beagleboard to develop and deploy practical embedded projects

Fei Qin, Xuewu Dai

Raspberry Pi 2 Server Essentials. Transform your Raspberry Pi into a multi-purpose web server that supports your entire multimedia world with this practical and accessible tutorial!

Piotr J Kula

Raspberry Pi 3 Cookbook for Python Programmers. Unleash the potential of Raspberry Pi 3 with over 100 recipes - Third Edition

Steven Lawrence Fernandes, Tim Cox

Raspberry Pi 3 Home Automation Projects. Bringing your home to life using Raspberry Pi 3, Arduino, and ESP8266

Shantanu Bhadoria, Ruben Oliva Ramos

Raspberry Pi 3 Projects for Java Programmers. Get the most out of your Raspberry Pi 3 with Java

John Sirach, Rajdeep Chandra, Pradeeka Seneviratne

Raspberry Pi and MQTT Essentials. A complete guide to helping you build innovative full-scale prototype projects using Raspberry Pi and MQTT protocol

Dhairya Parikh

Raspberry Pi Android Projects. Create exciting projects by connecting the Raspberry Pi to your Android phone

Gökhan Kurt

Raspberry Pi Blueprints. Design and build your own hardware projects that interact with the real world using the Raspberry Pi

Jack Creasy, Dan Nixon

Raspberry Pi Computer Architecture Essentials. Click here to enter text

Andrew K. Dennis

Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming. Design and implement computer vision applications with Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and Python 3 - Second Edition

Ashwin Pajankar