
Książki online z kategorii Hardware pomogą Ci nabyć praktycznych umiejętności z zakresu składania zestawów komputerowych oraz ich naprawy. Dowiesz się także, jak wykorzystywać popularne języki programowania typu JavaScript i C++ do tworzenia ciekawych projektów (np. systemów sygnalizacyjnych). Zainteresować mogą Cię też poradniki wprowadzające do Arduino.

Business Process Execution Language for Web Services

Poornachandra Sarang, Matjaz B. Juric, Benny Mathew, Poornachandra G Sarang, ...

Business Process Management with JBoss jBPM. Find out how to improve business processes with jBPM, and discover how you can begin making a transformative impact as a business analyst in your organization

Matt Cumberlidge, Tom Baeyens

C Programming for Arduino. Building your own electronic devices is fascinating fun and this book helps you enter the world of autonomous but connected devices. After an introduction to the Arduino board, you'll end up learning some skills to surprise yourself

Julien Bayle

Cacti 0.8 Beginner's Guide. Learn Cacti and design a robust Network Operations Center

Thomas Urban

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring. Monitor your network with ease!

S. M. Ibrahim Lavlu, Dinangkur Kundu, Cacti Project Paypal donate@cacti.net, S M Ibrahim Lavlu

CakePHP 1.3 Application Development Cookbook. Over 70 great recipes for developing, maintaining, and deploying web applications

Mariano Iglesias, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.

Cardboard VR Projects for Android. Develop mobile virtual reality apps using the native Google Cardboard SDK for Android

Jonathan Linowes, Matt Schoen

Ceph Cookbook. Over 100 effective recipes to help you design, implement, and manage the software-defined and massively scalable Ceph storage system

Karan Singh, Andreas Jaeger, Richard Siggs

Ceph Cookbook. Practical recipes to design, implement, operate, and manage Ceph storage systems - Second Edition

Vikhyat Umrao, Karan Singh, Michael Hackett

Ceph: Designing and Implementing Scalable Storage Systems. Design, implement, and manage software-defined storage solutions that provide excellent performance

Michael Hackett, Vikhyat Umrao, Karan Singh, Nick Fisk, ...

ChatGPT for Conversational AI and Chatbots. Learn how to automate conversations with the latest large language model technologies

Adrian Thompson

Chłodzenie procesorów PC

Janusz Wójcik

Choosing an Open Source CMS: Beginner's Guide. Find the best CMS and start working with it to create web sites, blogs, communities, e-commerce sites, and intranets

Nirav Mehta

ChronoForms 3.1 for Joomla! site Cookbook. 80 recipes for building attractive and interactive Joomla! forms

Bob Janes

CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide. Aligned with the CISA Review Manual 2024 with over 1000 practice questions to ace the exam - Third Edition

Hemang Doshi, Javen Khoo Ai Wee

Cisco UCS Cookbook. Over 40 practical recipes to get your hands dirty with the powerful Cisco UCS and overcome various challenges

Victor Wu

Citrix XenServer 6.0 Administration Essential Guide. Deploy and manage XenServer in your enterprise to create, integrate, manage and automate a virtual datacenter quickly and easily with this book and

Daniele Tosatto

Cloning Internet Applications with Ruby. Make clones of some of the best applications on the Web using the dynamic and object-oriented features of Ruby

Chang Sau Sheong

CMS Made Simple 1.6: Beginner's Guide. Create a fully functional and professional website using CMS Made Simple

Sofia Hauschildt, Ted Kulp (USD)

CMS Made Simple Development Cookbook. Over 70 simple but incredibly effective recipes for extending CMS Made Simple with detailed explanations – useful for beginners and experts alike!

Ted Kulp (USD), Samuel Goldstein

Cocos2d for iPhone 1 Game Development Cookbook. Over 100 recipes for iOS 2D game development using cocos2d

Nathan Burba

CodeIgniter 1.7. Improve your PHP coding productivity with the free compact open-source MVC CodeIgniter framework!

David Upton, Jose Argudo Blanco, Rick Ellis

ColdFusion 9 Developer Tutorial. Create robust professional web applications with ColdFusion

John Farrar

Community Server Quickly. A Concise and Practical Guide to Installation, Administration, and Customization

Anand Narayanaswamy