
Die Online-Bücher in der Kategorie Hardware helfen Ihnen dabei, praktische Kenntnisse in der Montage und Reparatur von Computer-Kits zu erwerben. Sie lernen auch, wie Sie gängige Programmiersprachen wie JavaScript und C ++ verwenden, um interessante Projekte (z. B. Signalisierungssysteme) zu erstellen. Vielleicht interessieren Sie sich auch für einführende Anleitungen zu Arduino.

OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook. With over 60 recipes, this Cookbook will teach you both the elementary and finer points of the OpenGL Shading Language, and get you familiar with the specific features of GLSL 4.0. A totally practical, hands-on guide

David Wolff, OpenGL

OpenLayers Cookbook. The best method to learn the many ways OpenLayers can be used to render data on maps is to dive straight into these recipes. With a mix of basic and advanced techniques, it’s ideal for JavaScript novices and experts alike

Antonio Santiago Perez, Antonio Santiago

OpenNI Cookbook. Learn how to write NIUI-based applications and motion-controlled games

Soroush Falahati

OpenStack: Building a Cloud Environment. Building a Cloud Environment

Kevin Jackson, Egle Sigler, Alok Shrivastwa, Cody Bunch, ...

OpenStreetMap. Once you’ve learnt OpenStreetMap using this book you’ll be your own cartographer, creating whatever maps you wish easily and accurately, for business or leisure. Best of all there are none of the usual restrictions on use

Jonathan Bennett, Steve Coast

OpenVPN: Building and Integrating Virtual Private Networks. Learn how to build secure VPNs using this powerful Open Source application

Markus Feilner, Open VPN Solutions

Oracle 10g/11g Data and Database Management Utilities. Master 12 must-use Oracle Database Utilities with this Oracle book and

Hector R. Madrid, Hector Rivera Madrid