Bezpieczeństwo systemów

Practical Threat Intelligence and Data-Driven Threat Hunting. A hands-on guide to threat hunting with the ATT&CK™ Framework and open source tools

Valentina Costa-Gazcón

Practical Web Penetration Testing. Secure web applications using Burp Suite, Nmap, Metasploit, and more

Gus Khawaja

Prawdziwa głębia OSINT. Odkryj wartość danych Open Source Intelligence

Rae L. Baker

Prywatność danych w praktyce. Skuteczna ochrona prywatności i bezpieczeństwa danych

Katharine Jarmul

Przetwarzanie danych w dużej skali. Niezawodność, skalowalność i łatwość konserwacji systemów

Martin Kleppmann

Purple Team Strategies. Enhancing global security posture through uniting red and blue teams with adversary emulation

David Routin, Simon Thoores, Samuel Rossier

Python Digital Forensics Cookbook. Effective Python recipes for digital investigations

Chapin Bryce, Preston Miller

Python For Offensive PenTest. A practical guide to ethical hacking and penetration testing using Python

Hussam Khrais

Python Penetration Testing Cookbook. Practical recipes on implementing information gathering, network security, intrusion detection, and post-exploitation

Rejah Rehim

Python Programming Blueprints. Build nine projects by leveraging powerful frameworks such as Flask, Nameko, and Django

Daniel Furtado, Marcus Pennington

QGIS Python Programming Cookbook. Automating geospatial development - Second Edition

Joel Lawhead

Resilient Cybersecurity. Reconstruct your defense strategy in an evolving cyber world

Mark Dunkerley

Ryzyko w cyberbezpieczeństwie. Metody modelowania, pomiaru i szacowania ryzyka. Wydanie II

Douglas W. Hubbard, Richard Seiersen

Securing Cloud PCs and Azure Virtual Desktop. Start implementing and optimizing security for Windows 365 and AVD infrastructure

Dominiek Verham, Johan Vanneuville, Christiaan Brinkhoff, Scott Manchester

Securing Industrial Control Systems and Safety Instrumented Systems. A practical guide for safeguarding mission and safety critical systems

Jalal Bouhdada, Marco Ayala

Securing Network Infrastructure. Discover practical network security with Nmap and Nessus 7

Sairam Jetty, Sagar Rahalkar