Bezpieczeństwo systemów

Modern Cryptography for Cybersecurity Professionals. Learn how you can leverage encryption to better secure your organization's data

Lisa Bock

Mroczne odmęty phishingu. Nie daj się złowić!

Christopher Hadnagy

MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Exam Guide. Configure and manage Microsoft Teams workloads and achieve Microsoft 365 certification with ease - Second Edition

Peter Rising, Nate Chamberlain

.NET Design Patterns. Learn to Apply Patterns in daily development tasks under .NET Platform to take your productivity to new heights

Arun Narayanan, Praseed Pai, Shine Xavier

.NET MAUI for C# Developers. Build cross-platform mobile and desktop applications

Jesse Liberty, Rodrigo Juarez, Maddy Montaquila (Leger)

Network Security Strategies. Protect your network and enterprise against advanced cybersecurity attacks and threats

Aditya Mukherjee

Network Security with pfSense. Architect, deploy, and operate enterprise-grade firewalls

Manuj Aggarwal

Network Vulnerability Assessment. Identify security loopholes in your network’s infrastructure

Sagar Rahalkar

NHibernate 4.x Cookbook. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Gunnar Liljas, Alexander Zaytsev, Jason Dentler

Nmap Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook. Network discovery and security scanning at your fingertips - Third Edition

Paulino Calderon

OAuth 2.0 Cookbook. Protect your web applications using Spring Security

Adolfo Eloy Nascimento

Odoo 10 Implementation Cookbook. Explore the capabilities of Odoo and discover all you need to implement it

Mantavya Gajjar

Offensive Security Using Python. A hands-on guide to offensive tactics and threat mitigation using practical strategies

Rejah Rehim, Manindar Mohan, Grant Ongers

Offensive Shellcode from Scratch. Get to grips with shellcode countermeasures and discover how to bypass them

Rishalin Pillay

OpenVPN Cookbook. Get the most out of OpenVPN by exploring it's advanced features. - Second Edition

Jan Just Keijser

Operationalizing Threat Intelligence. A guide to developing and operationalizing cyber threat intelligence programs

Kyle Wilhoit, Joseph Opacki