Andere - Programmierung

Ciągłe dostarczanie oprogramowania w języku Java. Najlepsze narzędzia i praktyki wdrażania kodu

Daniel Bryant, Abraham Marín-Pérez

CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide. Aligned with the CISA Review Manual 2019 to help you audit, monitor, and assess information systems

Hemang Doshi

Cloud Native programming with Golang. Develop microservice-based high performance web apps for the cloud with Go

Mina Andrawos, Martin Helmich

Cloud-Native Applications in Java. Build microservice-based cloud-native applications that dynamically scale

Ajay Mahajan, Munish Kumar Gupta, Shyam Sundar S

Cloud-Native Observability with OpenTelemetry. Learn to gain visibility into systems by combining tracing, metrics, and logging with OpenTelemetry

Alex Boten, Charity Majors

CMake Cookbook. Building, testing, and packaging modular software with modern CMake

Radovan Bast, Roberto Di Remigio

Code with me. Zostań game developerem

Krzysztof Pianta

Comprehensive Ruby Programming. From beginner to confident programmer

Jordan Hudgens

Computer Programming for Absolute Beginners. Learn essential computer science concepts and coding techniques to kick-start your programming career

Joakim Wassberg

Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins. Delivering software at scale

Rafał Leszko

Create React App 2 Quick Start Guide. Build React applications faster with Create React App

Brandon Richey

Creative Projects for Rust Programmers. Build exciting projects on domains such as web apps, WebAssembly, games, and parsing

Carlo Milanesi

Crystal Programming. A project-based introduction to building efficient, safe, and readable web and CLI applications

George Dietrich, Guilherme Bernal

Czysta architektura. Struktura i design oprogramowania. Przewodnik dla profesjonalistów

Robert C. Martin

Czysty kod. Podręcznik dobrego programisty

Robert C. Martin