

Swift 4 Programming Cookbook. 50 task-oriented recipes to maximise Swift 4 productivity

Keith Moon

Swift 4 is an exciting, multi-platform, general-purpose programming language. Being open source, modern and easy to use has made Swift one of the fastest growing programming languages. If you interested in exploring it, then this book is what you need.The book begins with an introduction to the basic building blocks of Swift 4, its syntax and the functionalities of Swift constructs. Then, introduces you to Apple's Xcode 9 IDE and Swift Playgrounds, which provide an ideal platform to write, execute, and debug the codes thus initiating your development process. Next, you'll learn to bundle variables into tuples, set order to your data with an array, store key-value pairs with dictionaries and you'll learn how to use the property observers. Later, explore the decision-making and control structures in Swift and learn how to handle errors in Swift 4.Then you'll, examine the advanced features of Swift, generics and operators, and then explore the functionalities outside of the standard library, provided by frameworks such as Foundation and UIKit. Also, you'll explore advanced features of Swift Playgrounds. At the end of the book, you'll learn server-side programming aspect of Swift 4 and see how to run Swift on Linux and then investigate Vapor, one of the most popular server-side frameworks for Swift.


Swift 4 Protocol-Oriented Programming. Bring predictability, performance, and productivity to your Swift applications - Third Edition

Jon Hoffman

Swift has become the number one language used in iOS and macOS development. The Swift standard library is developed using protocol-oriented programming techniques, generics, and first-class value semantics; therefore, every Swift developer should understand these powerful concepts and how to take advantage of them in their application design.This book will help you understand the differences between object-oriented programming and protocol-oriented programming. It will demonstrate how to work with protocol-oriented programming using real-world use cases. You will gain a solid knowledge of the various types that can be used in Swift and the differences between value and reference types. You will be taught how protocol-oriented programming techniques can be used to develop very flexible and easy-to-maintain code.By the end of the book, you will have a thorough understanding of protocol-oriented programming and how to utilize it to build powerful and practical applications.


Swift iOS Programming for Kids. Help your kids build simple and engaging applications with Swift 3.0

Steffen D. Sommer, Jim Campagno

This book starts at the beginning by introducing programming through easy to use examples with the Swift Playgrounds app. Kids are regularly encouraged to explore and play with new concepts to support knowledge acquisition and retention – these newly learned skills can then be used to express their own unique ideas. Children will be shown how to create their first iOS application and build their very own movie night application.


Tablice informatyczne. Unity

Agnieszka Borkowska

Projekt z Unity? Skorzystaj z tablic! Poznaj możliwości Unity Wyszukaj odpowiednie opcje Zastosuj właściwe narzędzia Unity to niezwykle popularne środowisko do tworzenia komputerowych gier 2D i 3D oraz innych materiałów interaktywnych, takich jak filmy, animacje, prezentacje i wizualizacje. Silnik ten działa pod kontrolą większości powszechnie używanych systemów operacyjnych, a powstałe dzięki niemu materiały mogą być uruchamiane na niemal wszystkich platformach komputerowych i mobilnych, co w połączeniu z dużymi możliwościami i praktycznym brakiem opłat licencyjnych zdecydowało o sukcesie rozwiązania. Nieocenioną pomocą w codziennej pracy z Unity są tablice informatyczne, które w telegraficznym skrócie i przystępnej formie prezentują najważniejsze narzędzia oraz funkcje środowiska. Dzięki tablicom bez konieczności wertowania grubych tomów i zaprzęgania do pracy wyszukiwarki internetowej dowiesz się, jak znaleźć odpowiednie opcje i szybko osiągnąć zamierzone cele! Interfejs środowiska Unity Przegląd najważniejszych narzędzi Sposoby tworzenia scen i obiektów Definiowanie akcji Korzystanie z zasobów Tworzenie skryptów Tablice informatyczne - zawsze pod ręką!


Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift 4. Write Swift code that is maintainable, flexible, and easily extensible - Third Edition

Dr. Dominik Hauser

Test-driven development (TDD) is a proven way to find software bugs early. Writing tests before you code improves the structure and maintainability of your apps. Using TDD, in combination with Swift 4's improved syntax, means there is no longer any excuse for writing bad code.This book will help you understand the process of TDD and how to apply it to your apps written in Swift. Through practical, real-world examples, you’ll learn how to implement TDD in context. You will begin with an overview of the TDD workflow and then delve into unit-testing concepts and code cycles.You will also plan and structure your test-driven iOS app, and write tests to drive the development of view controllers and helper classes. Next, you’ll learn how to write tests for network code and explore how the test-driven approach—in combination with stubs—helps you write network code even before the backend component is finished.Finally, the book will guide you through the next steps to becoming a testing expert by discussing integration tests, Behavior Driven Development (BDD), open source testing frameworks, and UI Tests (introduced in Xcode 9).


Tworzenie gier dla początkujących

Tomasz Błaszczyk

Książka „Tworzenie gier dla początkujących” dedykowana jest wszystkim osobom chcącym wgłębić się w świat programowania gier 3D oraz zaznajomić się i wykorzystać możliwości środowiska Unity. Celem książki jest przekazanie początkującym twórcom wiedzy z zakresu: obsługi podstawowych funkcjonalności, pisania i implementacji skryptów, tworzenia obiektów fizycznych, animacji, teksturowania i optymalizacji. Książka adresowana jest również dla każdego, już nieco bardziej doświadczonego programisty, który szuka nowych, rozbudowanych narzędzi, pozwalających poszerzyć swoją dotychczas zdobytą wiedzę o coś zupełnie odmiennego i niezwykle kreatywnego. Dzięki tej książce: Stworzysz swój własny trójwymiarowy świat wraz z postacią głównego bohatera. Zapoznasz się z wieloma istotnymi pojęciami dotyczącymi fizyki w grach. Nauczysz się tworzyć proste animacje, dodawać muzykę i dźwięki, a następnie wszystko to łączyć z rozbudowanymi skryptami. Dowiesz się, czym jest Asset Store, w którym czeka na Ciebie niezliczona ilość możliwych do wykorzystania zasobów. Stworzysz prosty system walki, wskaźnik punktów życia i podążających za graczem przeciwników. Zbudujesz system zbierania punktów oraz ich zliczania • temat tworzenia prostych interfejsów oraz menu nie będzie dla Ciebie niczym obcym. Dowiesz się, jak wbrew teorii heliocentrycznej poruszyć słońce, tworząc zjawiskowy cykl dnia i nocy w swoim świecie gry. Zbudujesz od podstaw mechanizm zapisu stanu gry oraz jego późniejszego wczytania. Wyrobisz sobie (mam nadzieję) nawyk porządkowania utworzonych obiektów oraz ich intuicyjnego nazywania.


Unity 2017 Game AI programming. Leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence to program smart entities for your games - Third Edition

Raymundo Barrera

Unity 2017 provides game and app developers with a variety of tools to implement Artificial Intelligence. Leveraging these tools via Unity's API or built-in features allows limitless possibilities when it comes to creating your game's worlds and characters. This third edition with Unity will help you break down Artificial Intelligence into simple concepts to give you a fundamental understanding of the topic to build upon. Using a variety of examples, the book then takes those concepts and walks you through actual implementations designed to highlight key concepts, and features related to game AI in Unity 5. Further on you will learn to distinguish the state machine pattern and implement one of your own. This is followed by learning how to implement a basic sensory system for your AI agent and coupling it with a Finite State Machine (FSM).Next you'll learn how to use Unity's built-in NavMesh feature and implement your own A* pathfinding system. You will then learn how to implement simple flocks and crowd's dynamics, key AI concepts. Moving on, you will learn how to implement a behavior tree through a game-focused example. Lastly, you'll combine fuzzy logic concepts with state machines and apply all the concepts in the book to build a simple tank game.


Unity 2017 Mobile Game Development. Build, deploy, and monetize games for Android and iOS with Unity

John P. Doran

Unity has established itself as an overpowering force for developing mobile games. If you love mobile games and want to learn how to make them but have no idea where to begin, then this book is just what you need. This book takes a clear, step-by-step approach to building an endless runner game using Unity with plenty of examples on how to create a game that is uniquely your own.Starting from scratch, you will build, set up, and deploy a simple game to a mobile device. You will learn to add touch gestures and design UI elements that can be used in both landscape and portrait mode at different resolutions. You will explore the best ways to monetize your game projects using Unity Ads and in-app purchases before you share your game information on social networks. Next, using Unity’s analytics tools you will be able to make your game better by gaining insights into how players like and use your game. Finally, you’ll learn how to publish your game on the iOS and Android App Stores for the world to see and play along.


Unity 2018 Artificial Intelligence Cookbook. Over 90 recipes to build and customize AI entities for your games with Unity - Second Edition

Jorge Palacios

Interactive and engaging games come with intelligent enemies, and this intellectual behavior is combined with a variety of techniques collectively referred to as Artificial Intelligence. Exploring Unity's API, or its built-in features, allows limitless possibilities when it comes to creating your game's worlds and characters. This cookbook covers both essential and niche techniques to help you take your AI programming to the next level.To start with, you’ll quickly run through the essential building blocks of working with an agent, programming movement, and navigation in a game environment, followed by improving your agent's decision-making and coordination mechanisms – all through hands-on examples using easily customizable techniques. You’ll then discover how to emulate the vision and hearing capabilities of your agent for natural and humanlike AI behavior, and later improve the agents with the help of graphs. This book also covers the new navigational mesh with improved AI and pathfinding tools introduced in the Unity 2018 update. You’ll empower your AI with decision-making functions by programming simple board games, such as tic-tac-toe and checkers, and orchestrate agent coordination to get your AIs working together as one.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained expertise in AI programming and developed creative and interactive games.


Unity 2018 By Example. Learn about game and virtual reality development by creating five engaging projects - Second Edition

Alan Thorn

Unity is the most exciting and popular engine used for developing games. With its 2018 release, Unity has become the primary source of both game development and virtual reality content.In Unity 2018 By Example, you’ll learn how to use Unity in order to make amazing games from popular genres - from action shooters to mind-bending puzzle games to adventure and Virtual Reality (VR) games. Even if you have no previous experience of using Unity, this book will help you understand the toolsets it provides in depth. In addition to this, you'll understand how to create time-critical collection games, twin-stick space shooters, platformers, and action-fest games with intelligent enemies. Finally, you'll get to grips with creating VR games with the new toolsets introduced by Unity to help you develop amazing VR experiences.To make things easier, you will be provided with step-by-step tutorials for making five great games in Unity 2018, along with a detailed explanation of all the fundamental concepts. By the end of this book, you’ll have established a strong foundation in making games with Unity 2018.


Unity 2018 Cookbook. Over 160 recipes to take your 2D and 3D game development to the next level - Third Edition

Matt Smith, Francisco Queiroz

With the help of the Unity 2018 Cookbook, you’ll discover how to make the most of the UI system and understand how to animate both 2D and 3D characters and game scene objects using Unity's Mecanim animation toolsets.Once you’ve got to grips with the basics, you will familiarize yourself with shaders and Shader Graphs, followed by understanding the animation features to enhance your skills in building fantastic games. In addition to this, you will discover AI and navigation techniques for nonplayer character control and later explore Unity 2018’s newly added features to improve your 2D and 3D game development skills. This book provides many Unity C# gameplay scripting techniques.By the end of this book, you'll have gained comprehensive knowledge in game development with Unity 2018.


Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook. Transform your game into a visually stunning masterpiece with over 70 recipes - Third Edition

John P. Doran, Alan Zucconi

Since their introduction to Unity, shaders have been seen as notoriously difficult to understand and implement in games. Complex mathematics has always stood in the way of creating your own shaders and attaining the level of realism you crave.Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook changes that by giving you a recipe-based guide to creating shaders using Unity. It will show you everything you need to know about vectors, how lighting is constructed with them, and how textures are used to create complex effects without the heavy math.This book starts by teaching you how to use shaders without writing code with the post-processing stack. Then, you’ll learn how to write shaders from scratch, build up essential lighting, and finish by creating stunning screen effects just like those in high-quality 3D and mobile games. You'll discover techniques, such as normal mapping, image-based lighting, and animating your models inside a shader. We'll explore how to use physically based rendering to treat light the way it behaves in the real world. At the end, we’ll even look at Unity 2018’s new Shader Graph system.With this book, what seems like a dark art today will be second nature by tomorrow.


Unity 2020 By Example. A project-based guide to building 2D, 3D, augmented reality, and virtual reality games from scratch - Third Edition

Robert Wells

The Unity game engine, used by millions of developers around the world, is popular thanks to its features that enable you to create games and 3D apps for desktop and mobile platforms in no time. With Unity 2020, this state-of-the-art game engine introduces enhancements in Unity tooling, editor, and workflow, among many other additions.The third edition of this Unity book is updated to the new features in Unity 2020 and modern game development practices. Once you’ve quickly got to grips with the fundamentals of Unity game development, you’ll create a collection, a twin-stick shooter, and a 2D adventure game. You’ll then explore advanced topics such as machine learning, virtual reality, and augmented reality by building complete projects using the latest game tool kit. As you implement concepts in practice, this book will ensure that you come away with a clear understanding of Unity game development.By the end of the book, you'll have a firm foundation in Unity development using C#, which can be applied to other engines and programming languages. You'll also be able to create several real-world projects to add to your professional game development portfolio.


Unity 2020 Mobile Game Development. Discover practical techniques and examples to create and deliver engaging games for Android and iOS - Second Edition

John P. Doran

Unity 2020 brings a lot of new features that can be harnessed for building powerful games for popular mobile platforms. This updated second edition delves into Unity development, covering the new features of Unity, modern development practices, and augmented reality (AR) for creating an immersive mobile experience. The book takes a step-by-step approach to building an endless runner game using Unity to help you learn the concepts of mobile game development.This new edition also covers AR features and explains how to implement them using ARCore and ARKit with Unity. The book explores the new mobile notification package and helps you add notifications for your games. You’ll learn how to add touch gestures and design UI elements that can be used in both landscape and portrait modes at different resolutions. The book then covers the best ways to monetize your games using Unity Ads and in-app purchases before you learn how to integrate your game with various social networks. Next, using Unity’s analytics tools, you’ll enhance your game by gaining insights into how players like and use your game. Finally, you’ll take your games into the real world by implementing AR capabilities and publishing them on both Android and iOS app stores.By the end of this book, you will have learned Unity tools and techniques and be able to use them to build robust cross-platform mobile games.


Unity 2020 Virtual Reality Projects. Learn VR development by building immersive applications and games with Unity 2019.4 and later versions - Third Edition

Jonathan Linowes

This third edition of the Unity Virtual Reality (VR) development guide is updated to cover the latest features of Unity 2019.4 or later versions - the leading platform for building VR games, applications, and immersive experiences for contemporary VR devices.Enhanced with more focus on growing components, such as Universal Render Pipeline (URP), extended reality (XR) plugins, the XR Interaction Toolkit package, and the latest VR devices, this edition will help you to get up to date with the current state of VR. With its practical and project-based approach, this book covers the specifics of virtual reality development in Unity. You'll learn how to build VR apps that can be experienced with modern devices from Oculus, VIVE, and others. This virtual reality book presents lighting and rendering strategies to help you build cutting-edge graphics, and explains URP and rendering concepts that will enable you to achieve realism for your apps. You'll build real-world VR experiences using world space user interface canvases, locomotion and teleportation, 360-degree media, and timeline animation, as well as learn about important VR development concepts, best practices, and performance optimization and user experience strategies.By the end of this Unity book, you'll be fully equipped to use Unity to develop rich, interactive virtual reality experiences.


Unity 2021 Cookbook. Over 140 recipes to take your Unity game development skills to the next level - Fourth Edition

Matthew Smith, Shaun Ferns, Chris Gregan

If you are a Unity developer looking to explore the newest features of Unity 2021 and recipes for advanced challenges, then this fourth edition of Unity Cookbook is here to help you.With this cookbook, you’ll work through a wide variety of recipes that will help you use the essential features of the Unity game engine to their fullest potential. You familiarize yourself with shaders and Shader Graph before exploring animation features to enhance your skills in building games.As you progress, you will gain insights into Unity's latest editor, which will help you in laying out scenes, tweaking existing apps, and building custom tools for augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) experiences. The book will also guide you through many Unity C# gameplay scripting techniques, teaching you how to communicate with database-driven websites and process XML and JSON data files.By the end of this Unity book, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of Unity game development and built your development skills. The easy-to-follow recipes will earn a permanent place on your bookshelf for reference and help you build better games that stay true to your vision.