
React and React Native. Build cross-platform JavaScript apps with native power for mobile, web and desktop

Adam Boduch

React Native By Example. Native mobile development with React

Richard Kho, Tyler McGinnis

React Native Cookbook. Recipes for solving common React Native development problems - Second Edition

Daniel Ward

Reactive Programming with Swift 4. Build asynchronous reactive applications with easy-to-maintain and clean code using RxSwift and Xcode 9

Navdeep Singh

Stwórz grę w Unity, a nauczysz się programowania w C#! Pisanie kodu, które sprawia radość. Wydanie V

Harrison Ferrone

Stwórz grę w Unity, a nauczysz się programowania w C#! Pisanie kodu, które sprawia radość. Wydanie VII

Harrison Ferrone

Swift 3 Game Development. Build iOS 10 Games with Swift 3.0 - Second Edition

Stephen Haney

Swift 3 Object-Oriented Programming. Implement object-oriented programming paradigms with Swift 3.0 and mix them with modern functional programming techniques to build powerful real-world applications - Second Edition

Gaston C. Hillar