Business and economy
- Bitcoin
- Businesswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-business
- Economy
- Finances
- Stocks and investments
- Personal competence
- Computer in the office
- Communication and negotiation
- Small company
- Marketing
- Motivation
- Multimedia trainings
- Real estate
- Persuasion and NLP
- Taxes
- Social policy
- Guides
- Presentations
- Leadership
- Public Relation
- Reports, analyses
- Secret
- Social Media
- Sales
- Start-up
- Your career
- Management
- Project management
- Human Resources
For children
For youth
Encyclopedias, dictionaries
- Architektura i wnętrza
- Health and Safety
- Biznes i Ekonomia
- Home and garden
- E-business
- Finances
- Personal finance
- Business
- Photography
- Computer science
- HR & Payroll
- Computers, Excel
- Accounts
- Culture and literature
- Scientific and academic
- Environmental protection
- Opinion-forming
- Education
- Taxes
- Travelling
- Psychology
- Religion
- Agriculture
- Book and press market
- Transport and Spedition
- Healthand beauty
Computer science
- Office applications
- Data bases
- Bioinformatics
- IT business
- Digital Lifestyle
- Electronics
- Digital photography
- Computer graphics
- Games
- Hacking
- Hardware
- IT w ekonomii
- Scientific software package
- School textbooks
- Computer basics
- Programming
- Mobile programming
- Internet servers
- Computer networks
- Start-up
- Operational systems
- Artificial intelligence
- Technology for children
- Webmastering
Foreign languages
Culture and art
School reading books
- Antology
- Ballade
- Biographies and autobiographies
- For adults
- Dramas
- Diaries, memoirs, letters
- Epic, epopee
- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Narrative poetry
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
School textbooks
Popular science and academic
- Archeology
- Bibliotekoznawstwo
- Cinema studies
- Philology
- Polish philology
- Philosophy
- Finanse i bankowość
- Geography
- Economy
- Trade. World economy
- History and archeology
- History of art and architecture
- Cultural studies
- Linguistics
- Literary studies
- Logistics
- Maths
- Medicine
- Humanities
- Pedagogy
- Educational aids
- Popular science
- Other
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Theatre studies
- Theology
- Economic theories and teachings
- Transport i spedycja
- Physical education
- Zarządzanie i marketing
Game guides
Professional and specialist guides
- Health and Safety
- History
- Road Code. Driving license
- Law studies
- Healthcare
- General. Compendium of knowledge
- Academic textbooks
- Other
- Construction and local law
- Civil law
- Financial law
- Economic law
- Economic and trade law
- Criminal law
- Criminal law. Criminal offenses. Criminology
- International law
- International law
- Health care law
- Educational law
- Tax law
- Labor and social security law
- Public, constitutional and administrative law
- Family and Guardianship Code
- agricultural law
- Social law, labour law
- European Union law
- Industry
- Agricultural and environmental
- Dictionaries and encyclopedia
- Public procurement
- Management
Tourist guides and travel
- Africa
- Albums
- Southern America
- North and Central America
- Australia, New Zealand, Oceania
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- Mapy, Plany miast, Atlasy
- Mini travel guides
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- Norway
- Active travelling
- Poland
- Portugal
- Other
- Przewodniki po hotelach i restauracjach
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- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- World
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Hungary
- Great Britain
- Italy
- Philosophy of life
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Business and economy
- Bitcoin
- Businesswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-business
- Economy
- Finances
- Stocks and investments
- Personal competence
- Communication and negotiation
- Small company
- Marketing
- Motivation
- Real estate
- Persuasion and NLP
- Taxes
- Guides
- Presentations
- Leadership
- Public Relation
- Secret
- Social Media
- Sales
- Start-up
- Your career
- Management
- Project management
- Human Resources
For children
For youth
Encyclopedias, dictionaries
Computer science
Foreign languages
Culture and art
School reading books
- Antology
- Ballade
- Biographies and autobiographies
- For adults
- Dramas
- Diaries, memoirs, letters
- Epic, epopee
- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
Popular science and academic
Professional and specialist guides
Tourist guides and travel
- Philosophy of life
- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Data bases
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
For children
Microsoft Office
Development tools
Personal growth
Computer networks
Operational systems
Software testing
Mobile devices
Web development
Podstawy kryptografii. Wydanie III
Przekonaj się, jak fascynująca jest kryptografia! Poznaj historię rozwoju kryptografii Opanuj jej matematyczne podstawy Rozpracuj najważniejsze algorytmy kryptograficzne Dowiedz się, jak zastosować je w praktyce Kryptografia to dziedzina nauki, której sedno stanowią sposoby bezpiecznego przekazywania informacji. Jest ona niemal tak stara, jak nasza cywilizacja, a dziś rozwija się w sposób niezwykle dynamiczny. Gdy tylko narodziły się pierwsze metody zapisu i komunikowania się, pojawiła się też konieczność zabezpieczenia informacji przed tymi, którzy mogliby wykorzystać je na niekorzyść osób dysponujących tymi informacjami. Od bezpieczeństwa ważnych informacji zależały często losy całych państw i narodów. O rozstrzygnięciach wielkich bitew nierzadko decydowały inteligencja i determinacja pojedynczych osób, które potrafiły odpowiednio skutecznie szyfrować (bądź też deszyfrować) nadawane (lub przechwytywane) komunikaty. O tej fascynującej dziedzinie wiedzy opowiada książka Podstawy kryptografii. Wydanie III. Wprowadza ona czytelnika w podstawowe zagadnienia kryptografii bez przygniatania nadmiarem teorii i skomplikowaną matematyką. Kusi za to barwnymi opisami i pasjonującymi przykładami "kryptograficznych wojen". Można dzięki niej poznać historię rozwoju technik szyfrowania informacji, matematyczne podstawy kryptografii, stojącą za nią teorię oraz praktyczne zastosowania tej nauki. Niezależnie od tego, czy chcesz poznać kryptografię na własny użytek, czy jest Ci to potrzebne w celach zawodowych, książka ta okaże się doskonałym przewodnikiem po świecie szyfrów, kluczy i algorytmów zabezpieczających dane. Znajdziesz w niej informacje na temat protokołów SSL i SSH, a także szczegółowy opis algorytmu SHA3. Przegląd klasycznych sposobów szyfrowania Matematyczne podstawy kryptografii Praktyczne zastosowanie mechanizmów matematycznych Teoria kryptoanalizy i informacji oraz jej praktyczne wykorzystanie Przegląd protokołów kryptograficznych Klucze publiczne i prywatne Zasady zabezpieczania danych, połączeń i systemów komputerowych Potwierdzanie tożsamości za pomocą podpisów elektronicznych Zabezpieczanie stron internetowych i szyfrowanie baz danych Naucz się chronić cenne dane!
PowerShell Automation and Scripting for Cybersecurity. Hacking and defense for red and blue teamers
Miriam C. Wiesner, Tanya Janca
Take your cybersecurity skills to the next level with this comprehensive guide to PowerShell security! Whether you’re a red or blue teamer, you’ll gain a deep understanding of PowerShell’s security capabilities and how to use them. After revisiting PowerShell basics and scripting fundamentals, you’ll dive into PowerShell Remoting and remote management technologies. You’ll learn how to configure and analyze Windows event logs and understand the most important event logs and IDs to monitor your environment. You’ll dig deeper into PowerShell’s capabilities to interact with the underlying system, Active Directory and Azure AD. Additionally, you’ll explore Windows internals including APIs and WMI, and how to run PowerShell without powershell.exe. You’ll uncover authentication protocols, enumeration, credential theft, and exploitation, to help mitigate risks in your environment, along with a red and blue team cookbook for day-to-day security tasks. Finally, you’ll delve into mitigations, including Just Enough Administration, AMSI, application control, and code signing, with a focus on configuration, risks, exploitation, bypasses, and best practices. By the end of this book, you’ll have a deep understanding of how to employ PowerShell from both a red and blue team perspective.
Digital Forensics is a methodology which includes using various tools, techniques, and programming language. This book will get you started with digital forensics and then follow on to preparing investigation plan and preparing toolkit for investigation.In this book you will explore new and promising forensic processes and tools based on ‘disruptive technology’ that offer experienced and budding practitioners the means to regain control of their caseloads. During the course of the book, you will get to know about the technical side of digital forensics and various tools that are needed to perform digital forensics. This book will begin with giving a quick insight into the nature of digital evidence, where it is located and how it can be recovered and forensically examined to assist investigators. This book will take you through a series of chapters that look at the nature and circumstances of digital forensic examinations and explains the processes of evidence recovery and preservation from a range of digital devices, including mobile phones, and other media. This book has a range of case studies and simulations will allow you to apply the knowledge of the theory gained to real-life situations. By the end of this book you will have gained a sound insight into digital forensics and its key components.
With the advent of Internet of Things (IoT), businesses will be faced with defending against new types of threats. The business ecosystem now includes cloud computing infrastructure, mobile and fixed endpoints that open up new attack surfaces, a desire to share information with many stakeholders and a need to take action quickly based on large quantities of collected data. . It therefore becomes critical to ensure that cyber security threats are contained to a minimum when implementing new IoT services and solutions. . The interconnectivity of people, devices, and companies raises stakes to a new level as computing and action become even more mobile, everything becomes connected to the cloud, and infrastructure is strained to securely manage the billions of devices that will connect us all to the IoT. This book shows you how to implement cyber-security solutions, IoT design best practices and risk mitigation methodologies to address device and infrastructure threats to IoT solutions.This book will take readers on a journey that begins with understanding the IoT and how it can be applied in various industries, goes on to describe the security challenges associated with the IoT, and then provides a set of guidelines to architect and deploy a secure IoT in your Enterprise. The book will showcase how the IoT is implemented in early-adopting industries and describe how lessons can be learned and shared across diverse industries to support a secure IoT.
Practical Linux Security Cookbook. Click here to enter text
With the growing popularity of Linux, more and more administrators have started moving to the system to create networks or servers for any task. This also makes Linux the first choice for any attacker now. Due to the lack of information about security-related attacks, administrators now face issues in dealing with these attackers as quickly as possible. Learning about the different types of Linux security will help create a more secure Linux system.Whether you are new to Linux administration or experienced, this book will provide you with the skills to make systems more secure.With lots of step-by-step recipes, the book starts by introducing you to various threats to Linux systems. You then get to walk through customizing the Linux kernel and securing local files. Next you will move on to manage user authentication locally and remotely and also mitigate network attacks. Finally, you will learn to patch bash vulnerability and monitor system logs for security.With several screenshots in each example, the book will supply a great learning experience and help you create more secure Linux systems.
Heather Mahalik, Rohit Tamma, Satish Bommisetty
Mobile phone forensics is the science of retrieving data from a mobile phone under forensically sound conditions. This book is an update to Practical Mobile Forensics and it delves into the concepts of mobile forensics and its importance in today's world. We will deep dive into mobile forensics techniques in iOS 8 - 9.2, Android 4.4 - 6, and Windows Phone devices. We will demonstrate the latest open source and commercial mobile forensics tools, enabling you to analyze and retrieve data effectively. You will learn how to introspect and retrieve data from cloud, and document and prepare reports for your investigations.By the end of this book, you will have mastered the current operating systems and techniques so you can recover data from mobile devices by leveraging open source solutions.
Megan Roddie, Jason Deyalsingh, Gary J. Katz
Threat validation is an indispensable component of every security detection program, ensuring a healthy detection pipeline. This comprehensive detection engineering guide will serve as an introduction for those who are new to detection validation, providing valuable guidelines to swiftly bring you up to speed.The book will show you how to apply the supplied frameworks to assess, test, and validate your detection program. It covers the entire life cycle of a detection, from creation to validation, with the help of real-world examples. Featuring hands-on tutorials and projects, this guide will enable you to confidently validate the detections in your security program. This book serves as your guide to building a career in detection engineering, highlighting the essential skills and knowledge vital for detection engineers in today's landscape.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills necessary to test your security detection program and strengthen your organization’s security measures.
Practical Windows Forensics. Leverage the power of digital forensics for Windows systems
Ayman Shaaban, Konstantin Sapronov
Over the last few years, the wave of the cybercrime has risen rapidly. We have witnessed many major attacks on the governmental, military, financial, and media sectors. Tracking all these attacks and crimes requires a deep understanding of operating system operations, how to extract evident data from digital evidence, and the best usage of the digital forensic tools and techniques. Regardless of your level of experience in the field of information security in general, this book will fully introduce you to digital forensics. It will provide you with the knowledge needed to assemble different types of evidence effectively, and walk you through the various stages of the analysis process.We start by discussing the principles of the digital forensics process and move on to show you the approaches that are used to conduct analysis. We will then study various tools to perform live analysis, and go through different techniques to analyze volatile and non-volatile data.