
Eлектронна книга

Practical Mobile Forensics. A hands-on guide to mastering mobile forensics for the iOS, Android, and the Windows Phone platforms - Second Edition

Heather Mahalik, Rohit Tamma, Satish Bommisetty

Mobile phone forensics is the science of retrieving data from a mobile phone under forensically sound conditions. This book is an update to Practical Mobile Forensics and it delves into the concepts of mobile forensics and its importance in today's world. We will deep dive into mobile forensics techniques in iOS 8 - 9.2, Android 4.4 - 6, and Windows Phone devices. We will demonstrate the latest open source and commercial mobile forensics tools, enabling you to analyze and retrieve data effectively. You will learn how to introspect and retrieve data from cloud, and document and prepare reports for your investigations.By the end of this book, you will have mastered the current operating systems and techniques so you can recover data from mobile devices by leveraging open source solutions.

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Practical Threat Detection Engineering. A hands-on guide to planning, developing, and validating detection capabilities

Megan Roddie, Jason Deyalsingh, Gary J. Katz

Threat validation is an indispensable component of every security detection program, ensuring a healthy detection pipeline. This comprehensive detection engineering guide will serve as an introduction for those who are new to detection validation, providing valuable guidelines to swiftly bring you up to speed.The book will show you how to apply the supplied frameworks to assess, test, and validate your detection program. It covers the entire life cycle of a detection, from creation to validation, with the help of real-world examples. Featuring hands-on tutorials and projects, this guide will enable you to confidently validate the detections in your security program. This book serves as your guide to building a career in detection engineering, highlighting the essential skills and knowledge vital for detection engineers in today's landscape.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills necessary to test your security detection program and strengthen your organization’s security measures.

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Practical Windows Forensics. Leverage the power of digital forensics for Windows systems

Ayman Shaaban, Konstantin Sapronov

Over the last few years, the wave of the cybercrime has risen rapidly. We have witnessed many major attacks on the governmental, military, financial, and media sectors. Tracking all these attacks and crimes requires a deep understanding of operating system operations, how to extract evident data from digital evidence, and the best usage of the digital forensic tools and techniques. Regardless of your level of experience in the field of information security in general, this book will fully introduce you to digital forensics. It will provide you with the knowledge needed to assemble different types of evidence effectively, and walk you through the various stages of the analysis process.We start by discussing the principles of the digital forensics process and move on to show you the approaches that are used to conduct analysis. We will then study various tools to perform live analysis, and go through different techniques to analyze volatile and non-volatile data.

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Raspberry Pi: Amazing Projects from Scratch. Click here to enter text

Ashwin Pajankar, Richard Grimmett, Matthew Poole, Arush Kakkar

Looking for inspiration for your next Raspberry Pi project? Not sure where to begin? This Learning Path is the perfect place to begin, providing you with an accessible yet comprehensive journey through Raspberry Pi. Following three modules, you’ll soon be confident and prepared to get creative with your microcomputer. Raspberry Pi by Example is the first module in this Learning Path – and it does exactly what it says. It doesn’t just teach, it shows you how to go and build some awesome Raspberry Pi projects immediately. Build and play your own games with the Pi, build a complete Internet of Things home automation system that controls your house through Twitter… let your imagination run wild!In the next module we’ll look in more depth at building a home security system. You’ll be using some of the skills you devoped through the first module, but apply them to something more intricate and impressive. Using a Linux based operating system as the foundations, you’ll gradually build up an entire security infrastructure adding cameras, remote controls, and even intrusion alerts!In the final module, we’ll take you into the world of Raspberry Pi robotics. By the end of it, you’ll have built a biped robot that can interact with its environment!This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Raspberry Pi By Example by Ashwin Pajankar and Arush Kakkar? Building a Home Security System with Raspberry Pi by Matthew Pole? Raspberry Pi Robotics Essentials by Richard Grimmett

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Administration. A comprehensive Linux system administration guide for RHCSA certification exam candidates - Second Edition

Pablo Iranzo Gómez, Pedro Ibánez Requena, Miguel Pérez Colino, Scott McCarty

With Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 becoming the standard for enterprise Linux used from data centers to the cloud, Linux administration skills are in high demand. With this book, you’ll learn how to deploy, access, tweak, and improve enterprise services on any system on any cloud running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.Throughout the book, you’ll get to grips with essential tasks such as configuring and maintaining systems, including software installation, updates, and core services. You’ll also understand how to configure the local storage using partitions and logical volumes, as well as assign and deduplicate storage. You’ll learn how to deploy systems while also making them secure and reliable.This book provides a base for users who plan to become full-time Linux system administrators by presenting key command-line concepts and enterprise-level tools, along with essential tools for handling files, directories, command-line environments, and documentation for creating simple shell scripts or running commands. With the help of command line examples and practical tips, you’ll learn by doing and save yourself a lot of time.By the end of the book, you’ll have gained the confidence to manage the filesystem, users, storage, network connectivity, security, and software in RHEL 9 systems on any footprint.

Eлектронна книга

Security+(R) Practice Tests. Prepare for, practice, and pass the CompTIA Security+ exam

Mike Chapple

Security+ certification is the most popular entry-level certification for cybersecurity professionals. It has no work experience requirement, making it accessible to everyone willing to put in the time to prepare for the exam. Security+? Practice Tests are the perfect tools to prepare for the CompTIA Security+ exam.The first six chapters each cover one of the six Security+ domains. Each of those chapters contains around 100 practice test questions covering the material from that domain. The last two chapters each contain a full-length Security+ practice test that’s designed to assess your readiness to take the actual test. At the end of each chapter, you’ll find the answers to all of the questions along with detailed explanations to help reinforce your learning of the material.By the end of the book, you’ll have enough practice to easily ace the CompTIA Security+ exam.

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SELinux System Administration. With a command of SELinux you can enjoy watertight security on your Linux servers. This guide shows you how through examples taken from real-life situations, giving you a good grounding in all the available features

Sven Vermeulen

NSA Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a set of patches and added utilities to the Linux kernel to incorporate a strong, flexible, mandatory access control architecture into the major subsystems of the kernel. With its fine-grained yet flexible approach, it is no wonder Linux distributions are firing up SELinux as a default security measure.SELinux System Administration covers the majority of SELinux features through a mix of real-life scenarios, descriptions, and examples. Everything an administrator needs to further tune SELinux to suit their needs are present in this book.This book touches on various SELinux topics, guiding you through the configuration of SELinux contexts, definitions, and the assignment of SELinux roles, and finishes up with policy enhancements. All of SELinux's configuration handles, be they conditional policies, constraints, policy types, or audit capabilities, are covered in this book with genuine examples that administrators might come across.By the end, SELinux System Administration will have taught you how to configure your Linux system to be more secure, powered by a formidable mandatory access control.

Eлектронна книга

Socjotechnika. Sztuka zdobywania władzy nad umysłami. Wydanie II

Christopher Hadnagy

Nowa książka Chrisa Hadnagy'ego, Socjotechnika. Sztuka zdobywania władzy nad umysłami jest doskonałą lekturą dla każdego, kto jest choć trochę zainteresowany kwestią inżynierii społecznej. Opisane w niej działania, od zdobywania informacji po wykonanie planu, umożliwiają infiltrację dowolnego celu. Kevin Mitnick, autor, prelegent i konsultant Wykorzystaj najlepsze techniki hackerskie, aby lepiej bronić się przed atakami. W sieci zabezpieczeń, które stworzyliśmy dla ochrony naszych danych, najsłabszym elementem jest zawsze czynnik ludzki. Hackerzy, zarówno etyczni, jak i nie, korzystają z wachlarza sztuczek opierających na "hackowaniu osobistym" i pozwalających przekonać innych do ujawnienia haseł, przekazania wrażliwych plików, przelania znacznych sum pieniędzy i świadomego podjęcia działań, które zdecydowanie nie są w najlepszym interesie osób, które wykonują te czynności. Książka Socjotechnika. Sztuka zdobywania władzy nad umysłami opisuje te sztuczki, aby umożliwić specjalistom zajmującym się bezpieczeństwem danych wykorzystanie tych umiejętności w celu odkrycia i wyeliminowania słabości zabezpieczeń. Niniejsza pozycja zarówno przedstawia techniki takie, jak modelowanie komunikacji, mentalność plemienna, obserwacja bądź manipulacja, jak i prezentuje wskazówki umożliwiające rozpoznanie, zwalczanie i zapobieganie atakom wykorzystującym inżynierię społeczną. Drugie, rozszerzone wydanie prezentuje różne techniki inżynierii społecznej, od klasycznych po najnowocześniejsze, przedstawiając je w kontekście zdarzeń znanych z pierwszych stron gazet, jak z własnych doświadczeń autora. Szczegółowe omówienie technik, takich jak wzbudzanie emocji, tworzenie pretekstu, biały wywiad, tailgating bądź phishing pozwala zrozumieć, jak łatwo jest skłonić ludzi do podjęcia szkodliwych decyzji. "W późnych latach 70. zacząłem korzystać z inżynierii społecznej, aby jeździć autobusem za darmo jako nastolatek, przechwytywać połączenia NSA w liceum i łamać dowolne zabezpieczenia w wieku studenckim. Wszystko to robiłem wyłącznie z ciekawości, chęci sprawdzenia się i żądzy przygód. Dziś, po kilku dekadach, wciąż twierdze, że inżynieria społeczna jest najważniejszą metodą każdego testu penetracji. Nie tylko ja zresztą. Agenci rządowi, hackerzy kryminalni i hacktywiści korzystają z takiej taktyki, aby kraść pieniędze, zdobywać dane a czasami nawet wpływać na wyniki wyborów w państwie." Kevin Mitnick, autor, prelegent i konsultant Posłuchaj audiobooka: